Asherman wrote:Can any of you, liberal or conservative, cite any hard evidence that Israel has a nuclear arsenal? Show me.
I'm not going to show you but you can buy the rest of this article if you want
From the NewStatesman magazine
Britain's dirty secret
13th March 2006
Exculsive - Secret papers show how Britain helped Israel make the A-bomb in the 1960s, supplying tons of vital chemicals including plutonium and uranium. And it looks as though Harold Wilson and his ministers knew nothing about it. By Meirion Jones
no actually got the original hard copy here so out of the kindness of my heart
Quote:Britain had bought the heavy water from Norsk Hydro in Norway for its nuclear weapons programm, but found it was surplus to requirements and decided to sell. An arrangement was indeed made witha Norwegian company Noratom, but crucially the papers show that Noraton was not the true buyer; the firm agreed to broker a deal with Israel in return for a 2 percent commission. Israel paid the top price £1m to avoid having to give guarantees that the material would not be used to make nuclear weapons, but the papers leave no doubt that Britain knew all along that Israel wanted the heavy water "to produce plutonium". Kelly discovered tha a charade was played out with with British and Israeli delegations sitting in adjacent rooms while Noraton ferried contracts between them to maintain the fiction that Britain had not done the deal with Israel.
The transaction was signed off for the Foreign Office by Donald Cape, whose job it was to make sure we (i.e. Britain) didnt export materials that would help other countries get the atom bomb. He felt it would be "overzealous" to demand safeguards to prevent Israel using the chemical in weapons production..(March 1959 letter shows)...that the Foreign office knew Israel had pulled out of a deal to buy uranium from South Africa when Pretoria asked for safeguards to prevent it being used for making nuclear weapons. It also knew the CIA was warning that "the Israelis must be expected to try and establish a nuclear weapons progammee". Just three weeks later however, Britain started shipping heavy water directt to Israel; the first shipment left in June 1959 and the second in June 1960.
article goes on to show how Britain hoodwinked the USA about what it was doing..
Clear enough for you Ash?