Democrat lawmaker attacks police officer

Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 07:27 am
Baldimo wrote:
Remember I am over seas to protect your ability to attack people you disagree with glad to know I'm working so hard for something so important.

I'm less than impressed. What specifically are you doing which assures that my freedom of expression is not infringed?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 07:44 am
Set - Stop being a pompus ass. You should be thanking Baldimo for his service and the fact you disagree with him on everything is irrelavent.

Many of the comments here are just more examples of partisen blindness.

The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD.

Let the law do what it is supposed to do.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 07:46 am
Nobody's blocking the "law" from doing what it's supposed to do.

Nice straw man though.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 07:51 am
woiyo wrote:
Set - Stop being a pompus ass. You should be thanking Baldimo for his service and the fact you disagree with him on everything is irrelavent.

You misspelled pompous. Baldimo had a demonstrated penchant for telling lies in these threads. If you like, i can go through it point by point. I suspect Baldimo doesn't want it dredged up, though. Personally, i have little reason to believe that he is either serving on active duty, or that he is overseas--surely not simply because he says so, given his past history here.

You have no idea whether or not Baldimo and i have ever, or would ever agree--or disagree--on any given topic.

Many of the comments here are just more examples of partisen blindness.

You misspelled partisan. Yes, there is no doubt that MM and Baldimo both have shown partisan blindness, and have erected strawmen, assuming that they know what other people think before said other people have spoken. Now we have an example of your partisan blindness, in that you are, apparently, unable to recognize this.

[The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD.

I see ! ! ! Judge and jury, are you? She's convicted out of your mouth?

Let the law do what it is supposed to do.

Good idea. One of the things upon which the justice system decides, is the matter of guilt or innoncence, matters of fact and matters of law. I see, though, that you've alread decided she is guilty.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:16 am
Setanta wrote:
woiyo wrote:
Set - Stop being a pompus ass. You should be thanking Baldimo for his service and the fact you disagree with him on everything is irrelavent.

You misspelled pompous. Baldimo had a demonstrated penchant for telling lies in these threads. If you like, i can go through it point by point. I suspect Baldimo doesn't want it dredged up, though. Personally, i have little reason to believe that he is either serving on active duty, or that he is overseas--surely not simply because he says so, given his past history here.

You have no idea whether or not Baldimo and i have ever, or would ever agree--or disagree--on any given topic.

You didn't capitalize "i".

I am sure that Baldimo, like many others on A2K can give a squat what you think or believe anymore.

Many of the comments here are just more examples of partisen blindness.

You misspelled partisan. Yes, there is no doubt that MM and Baldimo both have shown partisan blindness, and have erected strawmen, assuming that they know what other people think before said other people have spoken. Now we have an example of your partisan blindness, in that you are, apparently, unable to recognize this.

[The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD.

I see ! ! ! Judge and jury, are you? She's convicted out of your mouth?

Let the law do what it is supposed to do.

Good idea. One of the things upon which the justice system decides, is the matter of guilt or innoncence, matters of fact and matters of law. I see, though, that you've alread decided she is guilty.

You misspelled already. If you are going to talk down to others, at least try not making errors while doing so. It makes you look like a bigger fool that most already believe you are.

Let the law do what it is supposed to do.

How does that equate out to

I see, though, that you've alread decided she is guilty.

I do believe that to be a strawman of your very own Set. Amazing how you decry the use of them by building your own.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:33 am
Sometimes McG, I don't think you read things through.

This is what woiyo said

The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD

Which is why Setanta said

I see ! ! ! Judge and jury, are you? She's convicted out of your mouth?

Woiyo's statement was a declarative statement which left no room for a judge and jury to decide if the woman assaulted a police officer.

Also he has a point, how is fighting in Iraq assuring my freedom to speak out? Saddam Hussien never put my freedom to speak in danger.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:41 am
revel wrote:
Sometimes McG, I don't think you read things through.

This is what woiyo said

The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD

Which is why Setanta said

I see ! ! ! Judge and jury, are you? She's convicted out of your mouth?

Woiyo's statement was a declarative statement which left no room for a judge and jury to decide if the woman assaulted a police officer.

Also he has a point, how is fighting in Iraq assuring my freedom to speak out? Saddam Hussien never put my freedom to speak in danger.

Take your blinders off for a minute.

The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD.

Is this in doubt? Do you believe she hit the cop?Do you have any reason to believe the story is a lie?

Let the law do what it is supposed to do.

Which is to investigate the case and determine guilt or innocence.

Set like to ride his haughtiness around like a thoroughbred leaving horse apples in his wake.

So, what's the problem?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:52 am
The bear is having computer problems and is unable to log on but asked me to find out where he can buy the Baldimo action figure with king fu grip....he's a naughty bear today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:53 am
squinney wrote:
The bear is having computer problems and is unable to log on but asked me to find out where he can buy the Baldimo action figure with king fu grip....he's a naughty bear today.
I bet it comes with a shiny plastic helicopter accessory set...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:53 am
Baldimo wrote:
Wow another perfect example of attacking the thread starter. No one wants to debate. Attack after attack on MM 6 pages worth of attack and very little debate. Good to see nothing has changed in the time I have been gone. Keep up the bad work people of the left. Remember I am over seas to protect your ability to attack people you disagree with glad to know I'm working so hard for something so important.

Ummm Hello!!!! If MM didn't name this thread "Democrat lawmaker attacks police officer", I think that would have made a difference on how people responded.
This thread was an instant attack on Democrats, so spare me your little lectures about us attacking him.
By the way, I don't attack people. I defend myself!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:56 am

The Georgia congresswoman, late for a meeting, tried to pull a Remy Ma and walk around the metal detectors last Wednesday at the entrance of a House office building, only to be stopped and allegedly grabbed and "touched inappropriately" by a Capitol Police officer.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting that the Capitol Hill police have notified the federal prosecutor's office in Washington that they plan to seek an arrest warrant for McKinney sometime this week.

Members of congress wear identifying lapel pins and are routinely allowed to bypass the security checkpoint, but McKinney was not wearing her pin and the officer didn't recognize her without her usual cornrows.

What happened next depends on who you ask. According to Capitol Police officials, the officer involved asked McKinney three times to stop. When she refused, he placed a hand on her and she hit him, they said.

At a press conference Friday attended by supporters Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, McKinney (D-GA) suggested that race played a part in the officer's actions.

"Let me be clear. This whole incident was instigated by the inappropriate touching and stopping of me, a female black congresswoman," McKinney said. "I deeply regret that this incident occurred."


Battery is probably the more accurate term.

The police officer was doing the job we hired them to do. She apparntly feels she deserves special treatment from the officer. Now they will bring the race card into it.

She was wrong and she should just admit it and shut up.

How can oneone defend her action, unless you believe it was the police officers fault. How is a police offier supposed to stop someone (after asking 3 times) if not by grabbing them by the arm?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 08:58 am
I don't see anyone defending her actions.
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 09:00 am
Gee, Sparky, shouldn't the matter be investigated first before you pull out the rope and lynch the allegedly guilty party?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 09:00 am
McKinney: Race sparked tiff with police
Lawmaker faces possible charges after allegedly striking officer

Friday, March 31, 2006; Posted: 9:34 p.m. EST (02:34 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- As U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Georgia, faces possible criminal charges for a Wednesday altercation with a Capitol Police officer, one of her lawyers said Friday that the real issues were "sex, race and Ms. McKinney's progressiveness."

In a news conference featuring actor Danny Glover and singer Harry Belafonte, McKinney said she would be exonerated and that "this whole incident was instigated by the inappropriate touching and stopping of me, a female, black congresswoman."

She had little else to say, citing the ongoing investigation into her allegedly striking a police officer after he failed to recognize her at a security checkpoint and tried to stop her from passing.

One Republican congressman dismissed the star-studded news conference. "Rep. McKinney appearing with the star of "Lethal Weapon"? Not exactly the message you want to be sending," said Ron Bonjean, spokesman for House Speaker Dennis Hastert.

Asked Friday if Capitol Police intended to bring charges against the congresswoman, Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said only, "I know we're still investigating."

The 51-year-old legislator was surrounded by more than two dozen supporters at the Friday news conference, some carrying handwritten placards that read "Recognize our congresswoman" and "Is Cynthia a target?"

During the conference, held at historically black Howard University in Washington, civil rights attorney James Myart said his client was "assaulted" by a Capitol Police officer, whose name the department refuses to release.

"Because she was assaulted and placed in impending fear of her safety, she responded," he said. "This case has just begun and we're going to fight, and we're going to use the U.S. Constitution."

Myart said McKinney would seek a criminal investigation against the officer, and a civil lawsuit against both the officer and the Capitol Police is being explored.

However, McKinney's other attorney, Michael Raffauf, downplayed the possibility of pressing charges against the officer, saying, "Not every assault deserves to be criminally prosecuted."

Myart further called the incident racial profiling and said there was "no excuse" for Capitol Police not recognizing his client, and Raffauf said she was stopped solely because of her race, gender and politics.

"It is the job of the Capitol Police to protect members of Congress. As a part of that job, they are to know who those members are," he said. "Whenever you put a police officer out on the street, he is supposed to know his job."

Members of Congress are allowed to bypass the metal detectors and security checkpoint. They are supposed to wear a lapel pin that identifies them as lawmakers. McKinney acknowledges she wasn't wearing one when she was stopped, but concurred with Myart that police should know who she is.

"The pin is not the issue," the six-time congresswoman said. "The issue is face recognition."

Glover and Belafonte refrained from addressing the facts of the case and said they were there to support McKinney. Belafonte said he did not know what happened during the Wednesday incident but wanted to make sure the matter was handled on "a very fair and very square basis."

"We've watched her be abused in the past, and she's overcome, stood strong," the outspoken Belafonte said. "We're not going to be absent or indifferent to the fact that she may be abused again."

Added Glover, "We're not here to judge the merits of the case, but here to support our sister."

Representatives of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and National Organization for Women also spoke on McKinney's behalf.

McKinney represents a majority black district on the east side of metro Atlanta. She was first elected in 1992, but lost the seat in 2002. She regained it in 2004.

The congresswoman, who said she has had problems with Capitol Police not recognizing her in the past, demanded and received an apology from Bill Clinton's administration in 1998 after White House guards stopped her.

CNN's Brian Todd and Deidre Walsh contributed to this report.

So McKinney hasn't even been charged yet some yahoo on a2k decides she should go to jail for five years. Amazing. Is it because she is a Dem, a woman, or is being black the reason MM wants to throw the book at her? Maybe the police officer should go to jail for five years for assaulting her.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 09:04 am
MM started this thread simply to get a rise out of the democrats and there is no doubt in my mind on that one!

I'm sure he doesn't like Blacks or women either, so it could be a combination.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 09:20 am
Montana wrote:
MM started this thread simply to get a rise out of the democrats and there is no doubt in my mind on that one!

I'm sure he doesn't like Blacks or women either, so it could be a combination.

Another stupid comment from a lefty on A2K... small wonder that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 09:27 am
McGentrix wrote:
Montana wrote:
MM started this thread simply to get a rise out of the democrats and there is no doubt in my mind on that one!

I'm sure he doesn't like Blacks or women either, so it could be a combination.

Another stupid comment from a lefty on A2K... small wonder that.
Stunning riposte. What's next in your repertoire? "I'm rubber, you're glue...?"

Grow up.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 10:29 am
McGentrix wrote:
Montana wrote:
MM started this thread simply to get a rise out of the democrats and there is no doubt in my mind on that one!

I'm sure he doesn't like Blacks or women either, so it could be a combination.

Another stupid comment from a lefty on A2K... small wonder that.

Funny how you guys bitch and moan about us, saying that we are constantly attacking you guys and you go and call me stupid Rolling Eyes

You're a funny guy McG ;-)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 10:39 am
McGentrix wrote:
revel wrote:
Sometimes McG, I don't think you read things through.

This is what woiyo said

The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD

Which is why Setanta said

I see ! ! ! Judge and jury, are you? She's convicted out of your mouth?

Woiyo's statement was a declarative statement which left no room for a judge and jury to decide if the woman assaulted a police officer.

Also he has a point, how is fighting in Iraq assuring my freedom to speak out? Saddam Hussien never put my freedom to speak in danger.

Take your blinders off for a minute.

The woman assaulted a police officer. PERIOD.

Is this in doubt? Do you believe she hit the cop?Do you have any reason to believe the story is a lie?

Why bother to have courts with jurries and judges, if a police officer said it is so, then why surely it must always be so. Defense attorney's might as well find other jobs. (sarcasm in case there is doubt)

Let the law do what it is supposed to do.

Which is to investigate the case and determine guilt or innocence.


Set like to ride his haughtiness around like a thoroughbred leaving horse apples in his wake.

Remember what you said about opinions?

So, what's the problem?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 10:44 am
Montana wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
Montana wrote:
MM started this thread simply to get a rise out of the democrats and there is no doubt in my mind on that one!

I'm sure he doesn't like Blacks or women either, so it could be a combination.

Another stupid comment from a lefty on A2K... small wonder that.

Funny how you guys bitch and moan about us, saying that we are constantly attacking you guys and you go and call me stupid Rolling Eyes

You're a funny guy McG ;-)

No, I called you a lefty and your remark stupid. Please learn to read.
0 Replies

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