I was glad to hear that you have a charming and compassionate group of nurses.
Hold your dominion.
Hey, sturgis -- I saw you posting on another thread and rather than derail that one, I thought I'd bring this one back up. How are you doing?
Seem to be okay for now JPB. As you know I headed into Transfat Free Land (New York) to improve my contact with the medical community. Some interesting changes have occurred which give me cause for hope... I have the dialysis down here in my local area, a few short blocks; but managed to get a nephrologist up by Lincoln Center (it's good to have all the bases covered and afterwards I can hobnob with the hoity toity crowd going to see the events...I hobnob from a distance before reboarding the subway and heading home). The doctor seems fairly good at what he does and so far so good. The better news is my protein levels have dropped under the if I can just get the creatinines and other chemicals to straighten out.
How are you doing?
I'm glad your tender kidneys approve of city life.
Have you seen any of the information about overnight dialysis? You might save precious daylight hours that way.
Sturgis wrote:Seem to be okay for now Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. As you know I headed into Transfat Free Land (New York) to improve my contact with the medical community. Some interesting changes have occurred which give me cause for hope... I have the dialysis down here in my local area, a few short blocks; but managed to get a nephrologist up by Lincoln Center (it's good to have all the bases covered and afterwards I can hobnob with the hoity toity crowd going to see the events...I hobnob from a distance before reboarding the subway and heading home). The doctor seems fairly good at what he does and so far so good. The better news is my protein levels have dropped under the if I can just get the creatinines and other chemicals to straighten out.
How are you doing?
Elvira is doing just fine, thanks for asking. I'm glad to hear you are in good medical hands. It sounds like you're making progress and progress is good!