I think thiis chick I'm dating checks out other girls more than I do...
I really need to act on that.
I've long held that women look at women more than men do.
We do, we need to know who's out there as a competition. I check out men/women/cars, anyhthing aesthetically pleasing. My man does too. He does not stare though. When I see his looking at someone, I check out the respective lady too. And we both comment. After all, it's usually worth it - he DOES have a good taste, he picked me!!!
All women look, but not all women say they want to have SEX with the other women!
Probably. Mostly a matter of emphasis.
Him: Check out those boobs. They're probably fake. Cool.
Her: Check out those boobs. They're probably fake. Airhead.
I admire good looking women all the time, even if I'm with squinney...I also admire hot cars, cool guitars anything I think looks good I look at, that doesn't mean I want to have sex with it for God's sake. squinney realizes that, and when she sees a hottie she checks him out. So what?
Her: Check out that woman she dresses like such a tart
her: Check out that woman, her legs look like a road map
her: check out that woman, she is not as beautiful as everyone seems to think......
Wimmin are harsher judges. I won't say why I think they are this way. :-)
We have a construction site right outside of mu window at work. Plenty of young muscular men prancing around shirtless. Joy oh joy!
I will: jealousy+padding their own self-esteem.
To Craven:
Her: God, that guy is SOOOOOOOO hot.
Him: He's gay ya know.
Ohhhhhhh, look at the sunburst on that Gibson. I wonder if it would have sex with me?
Sounds like a possible three way there Slap. Your lucky day.
Man, look at the finish on that Zak Wylde Gibson. Wonder if I could hit the bulls eye from across the room?
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:I will: jealousy+padding their own self-esteem.
I was going to say jealousy + padding their own self-esteem + denial. :-)
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:To Craven:
Her: God, that guy is SOOOOOOOO hot.
Him: He's gay ya know.

Yeah, guys do it too. But we don't care as much as the women do.
We don't hate people just because they look good. I know many hated women that were hated just because they rearranged the beauty rankings in a group of
bpb -- read a plea from somebody recently who'd lost his vintage and highly customized strat, asking that whoever stole it after a gig return it, no questions asked. described it in intimate detail. one of the most moving things i've read in a long time.
anyway, who buys those zak wyldes? it's like those warlock axes -- wouldn't you just feel like a damn fool with such an overdone but unoriginal piece? man...
Craven, you're right about that.
My crunchy, women's studies side would say, well what do you expect after a lifetime of being inundated with marketing about how a woman's worth is determined by her beauty? That if you want to get anywhere in life, you have to get brand of shoes, this brand of handbag, and this brand of makeup.
What I'm interested in is how this will change as men are caught up in the marketing nexus. Already I know guys who are way way more concerned about that -- checking out other guys' clothes, body, etc. (Damn, look at those abs. I gotta hit the gym more.)
Women like to blame men for their beauty obsessions. I think it's a flawed rationale.
That's why I said my crunchy women's studies side, rather than just me. I don't completely buy it myself.
That's not blaming men, per se, though. It's blaming consumerism, the constant push to create a need for something to buy, which women have been a focus of for a long time. It seem's to be men's turn now, though.
I also think that blaming a microcosm is flawed. Media is by humans for humans. They have power but they don't make humans the way they are.
e.g. Many ads that target women use lines like:
"because you deserve it"
etc. I think that if I were a woman I would not buy anything that used that stupid line. But I don't fault the ad agencies, they do it because it works. If women weren't easily swayed by the appeal to self-esteem they wouldn't do it.