Hey cjhsa-
Are you a deluded dangerous racist nut, or just a nut?
Annex Mexico?
Why not? Think about it, we won't have to worry about border patrols. All the "Ag-workers" would be able to come and go freely. And we'd ALL be Americans! Heck why stop there... Annex the world! I know... a one world government... (can't take credit for that idea, I read it in a book).
Back to serious though, what is the problem in Mexico that thousands upon thousands leave there DAILY? Willing to die. Are people leaving Canada at the same rate? Is there something Mexico itself needs to be doing to FIX the problems they have in their country that make people want to leave?
Should we really be concerned by the reconquesta???
What was it Karl Marx said???
snood wrote:Hey cjhsa-
Are you a deluded dangerous racist nut, or just a nut?
Do you wear a rag on your REAL head and trust in Zaccarius?
cjhsa wrote:snood wrote:Hey cjhsa-
Are you a deluded dangerous racist nut, or just a nut?
Do you wear a rag on your REAL head and trust in Zaccarius?
So, you're saying the deluded racist variety, then?
I will not burden the thread, but the story of the scape-grace David Crockett, arguably the worst Congressman who ever twice foisted himself on the American public; the absconder from debts and his wife and children, William Barret Travis; and James Bowie, the erstwhile slave smuggler, forger and land swindler--all of whom constitute the triumvirate of "heroes" of the Alamo, is an especially sordid tale.
It is evidence of the reliability of Texans when it comes to the recitation of history that these three are their heroes. Of the three, Crockett had the least to do with Texas before he showed up to die, and is the only one with no criminal background--he was more a hapless victim of himself than anything else. Bowie and Travis had both long been in Texas, after it became politic for them to flee Louisiana and Alabama respectively. Travis fled his debts and prosecution for defaulting on debt, leaving a preganant wife and child behind. Bowie fled charges of forgery and fraudulent land sales in Louisiana and Arkansas when the Feds began to carefully examine the "land grants" he forged in that scam--he was never the subject of legal action for the brief career in smuggling slaves in which he indulged with Jean and Pierre Lafitte.
Yeah, them Texas boys, the got the low down skinny on it all--just ask 'em! ! !
You know what I think?
The US should annex Mexico. Invade their country and put them under the rule of the United States. Yup. That'll shut those Iraqis up. They won't be able to say America's being Imperialistic once the US invadesand annexed one of its neighbouring countries...
Oh... wait...
I always thought the tales about the Alamo were nationalistic fables...
So, cjhsa - you are claiming the "deluded racist" variety of nut as identity, then?
Got your "deluded racist" right here.
ebrown_p wrote:What is an Alamo?
It's a cottonwood. The town of Alamogordo (trinity site) was named after a Big, Fat cottonwood, since deceased, of course.
Them there cottonwoods will make a mess outta yer car, if you are so unwise as to park beneath them at the wrong time of year.
So will elm trees. Betcha can't guess the names of two of the three trees that will grow around here without lots of tlc. Hint - the other one is Russian olive.
I've been to Nuevo Mexico . . . way too many cottonwoods . . .
On the topic--there are millions of illegal immigrants in this country who don't speak a word of Spanish. They are Chinese, they are from the Islands, they are from Africa, they are from Europe. They are white, yellow, brown and black. The speak any number of languages, other than Spanish.
But this thread, as so many others, focusses on the Spanish speakers. And then we are expected to accept a contention that those who rant on about this have no racist motivation.
They are the majority of illegals Set. How many asians did you see participating in the recent protests?
Here are a bunch of asians at the L.A. protests:
Some islanders:
Then these guys from the Ukraine: