shewolfnm wrote:not kicky..
well.. kicky is cute
but im talking about Chris...
he makes me slip off of smooth surfaces..

I wasn't even going there but since you mentioned it...
Kicky does sort of make my bun toast.
kickycan wrote: I'm sort of pulling for Kellie the dumbass and Katharine "jiggling boobs" McPhee, although right now I think Paris is the frontrunner.
We watch with the same addicted, self-loathing it seems.
And I agree with you about Ryan Seacrest or however you spell his stupid name. He is such a prick.
It would have been comedy to watch Kevin, right after being dismissed, turn and punch Seacrest in the balls, and then say, "Seacrest out, bitch."
I like the way you think.
Is it me or is something off here already? Lisa and Kellie have both performed and I am not impressed at all.
I didn't even watch the whole thing. I wanted to see Mandissa but after the first 4 performances, I didn't have the staying power. I did think Taylor did pretty well, though. Lisa has to be going home tonight unless someone did worse than her later in the evening.
Yes, Bucky was pretty awful. His only saving grace was so was everyone else ('ceptin Taylor!). But, I think Lisa is going home this time. Bucky's next.
That was f*cked up. Ace AND Katharine McPhee in the bottom three? And that cowpoker is not? Insane.
I'm glad Lisa went though. Bucky's next.
By the way, I believe Paris is a demon sent from hell to take over America through their TV sets. She is evil incarnate.
I have to agree with Simon. They were all so bad last night that any of them could have been in the bottom three. I'm no Bucky fan either, but - hey! - being a cowpoker ain't all that bad!
kickycan wrote:
By the way, I believe Paris is a demon sent from hell to take over America through their TV sets. She is evil incarnate.
Why do you say that? I think she is Gary Coleman in drag.
I slept through the show tonight. I hear Lisa, Ace and Kathrine were the bottom three? Can't understand that. I figured Bucky would be there for sure.
Glad Lisa is gone though. Paris is evil incarnate? Oh my! Will definitely have to watch out for her.
Yup, missed it cuz I was watching the Pistons kick the crap outta the 76ers.
Not really glad Lisa is gone...would have preferred Bucky but she was definitely not in the running for Idol either.
Did you see the look on the judges faces? The camera flashed to them for just a second. They were shocked!
Bucky has to go next week. There can't be that many .... Nevermind. There probably are.
People like Bucky have lots of cousins, they must all be voting for him down at the general store.