Montana wrote:Chai Tea wrote:Watch This!
Does Russian Split.
whoops, forgot my underwear!

What are you laughing at?
You're not wearing any either....and you're the one that always volunteering to be at the top of the pryramind.
It's always a crowd pleasure when you take that big leap off the top and do a triple flip on the way down.
Chai Tea wrote:Montana wrote:Chai Tea wrote:Watch This!
Does Russian Split.
whoops, forgot my underwear!

What are you laughing at?
You're not wearing any either....and you're the one that always volunteering to be at the top of the pryramind.
It's always a crowd pleasure when you take that big leap off the top and do a triple flip on the way down.
Yeah, but the guys and lesbians love it :-D
Yeah, but you're frightening the children.
Here, put these on. You'll be prepared for anything.
Hey those are cool. Lots of places to keep tools :-D
I know! They just screamed "Montana" to me.
I can see why. You know how much I love my tools ;-)
Thanks, Eva :-) Now I'll be ready for Bear when he arrives :-D
And, sorry re the bad pics above (not the cheerleader overall pic, but the spelling one, it worked yesterday, ah well).
today went pretty well!
I talked to a girl before my eaaaaarly morning geography lab. She's a freshman, a double major in Spanish and journalism... She was looking at a map of Spain and said she really wants to go.... then class started and I never saw where she went.... I think her name was.... aye..... this was like 7 AM..... I don't remember. Anyways class started and she dissappeared.
Later, I saw a girl a hat with cat-ears.. a full grown woman pursuing higher education wearing a beanie-type cap with cat ears on the top! I recognized it as the type anime fans wear. I saw her through a window into the hallway of a class that was just about to get out. I kinda purposefully waited around strategically located so she could pass by and I could ask her (indicating her hat) "Azumanga Daioh?", she looked a little suprised that I had said something to her and I got scared for a moment, but then she smiled and said "no, it's Fruits Basket.... you like anime?" "Some" "Well there's an anime club meeting..... blah blah blah.... the meeting is here.... my name's Treasure" (I thought to myself that the name went with the hat) ... here's my number.....blah blah blah, gotta go."
After Arabic I asked the only girl in the class if she could help me catch up (I've missed a lot of class lately and she's really good), so we agreed to meet before class on thursday in the student union (which is the next building over from the classroom).
Finally in Philosophy I talked to the girl that sat next to me about our mutual incomprehension of the day's lecture...... oh, and while we waited for the teachers too sloooooooooowly pass out our papers so we could leave, I let her listen to the other earbud on my MP3 player, I put on "Fight the Power" (The Isley Brothers funk version, not Public Enemy). She laughed for a second (it's a VERY funky song) but then she seemed to like it.
I think I did okay for my first day.... there were some awkward moments where I probably could have talked to other people, but I felt nervous and didn't.... 4 people in 8 hours though.... that's pretty good for me.
Holy sh!t!
Dude, that is awesome! And even if you don't "get anywhere" with these girls, see how easy it is to get a positive reaction back from them? Sounds like you nailed it with the anime chick. Keep it up, and don't get frustrated by any type of rejections.
Holy Sh!t is right!
Four girls, and you got the phone # of one of them, and a meeting set up with another!
Man, by the time I was halfway through your post, I was grinning from ear to ear.
What do you mean "nailed it"?
I am grinning like a Cheshire cat!!
Great going, Plex!!! Maybe you just needed a little confidence. You have a study date and a phone number!!! This is FABULOUS!!!
Perplexed wrote:What do you mean "nailed it"?
I take it to mean you met your goal with excessive success!!!
Lash, I'm so excited...let's go furniture shopping together to celebrate.
Yeah, the anime girl sounds promising.
I'll bring mace and you wear brass knuckles. We'll have a splendid time!!
I told my husband about your success...he said to tell you...
you're gonna score.
hehe *blush*
I don't know about this anime girl..... I'm not that into anime.... and she was wearing KITTY EARS.....
She has personality!!
And, boobies.
Look at these proud mommas sending off their progeny of dating into a world of unsuspecting females. Watch out girls, Perplexed is packin' Chai & Lash!