Re: Is the story of Adam and Even real...or allegory?
Frank Apisa wrote:I am engaged in a discussion with Hephzibah in another thread.
We were discussing the story of Adam and Eve and the happenings in Eden, when I asked the following question:
Quote:In your opinion, are we dealing with allegory in this particular story...or are we dealing with "what is?" Do you consider this to be the way humanity was created...and that the first man and woman were actually placed in a garden with this tree we are discussing...or is this merely an allegory...a mythology of ancient peoples?
She replied:
Quote:I believe this story is the truth, not a myth. Not something made up by a bunch of ancient people trying to explain existance or how we were created.
To be certain I understood her correctly, I followed up with:
Quote:Just to be sure I understand you... think the story as stated is the way humanity came into existence...and you think the god that created the world made humans the way described...and put them into a physical place (Eden) under the conditions stated...and that human existence proceeded from that point as described in the Bible?
I'm not sure how she is going to respond, (I'll ask her to post her response here) but I thought I'd take this opportunity to begin a thread dealing with the issue.
Who among the theists here (who accept the Bible as a special book of God) think the story of Adam and Eve in Eden...and the associated stories in Eden...represent the truth...the actuallity...the way that humans were created and the way the god of the Bible first interacted with them?
Who among you think it is merely allegory?
I'd enjoy discussing it.
It's both.
The story is the story of Man's Creation by G-d.
And everything represents a part of Man - his willfullness; his lusts; his ignorance; his knowledge; his devotion; his choices; everything...
Every part of "the Garden" represents a part of Man - Adom; Chava; the snake; the tree; G-d; everything....
It is definitely
not a literal story. But it is a true story of Man's Creation.
For those that have a problem with Man (generic for man and woman) being created 5766 years ago, imho - G-d's time is not man's time.
Homo Sapien or its equivalent, was created along with all of the rest of the animals however many millions or billions of years ago that was...
And, G-d created Man, using the Homo Sapien template, (as it actually says in the Zohar, and is implied in the Torah) approximately 5766 years ago.
For those with severe problems with this idea, I've got some questions:
How long has Homo Sapien been around? One estimate is about 100,000 years. Hominids - about 5 million years.
What were these folk doing all this time?
Were they basically stupid?
If so, what makes them human? DNA?
If the DNA is the same, then why were they dumb animals for 100,000 years?
If they weren't dumb animals for 100,000 years, then what the heck were they doing with their supposed smarts?
Learning how to make fire and carve flint weapons?
Guess what? Monkeys and other hominids apparently can do that kind of stuff. And they are still stupid.
Where did the smarts come from?
How is it that after 100,000 years or even 5 million years, Homo Sapiens suddenly woke up and said "Hey! Let's build some cities; make some weapons; farm the land; domesticate the animals; invent languages; writing; religions; and all that other good stuff?"
What happened?
How did Man go from stupid to smart overnight?