Is the story of Adam and Even real...or allegory?

Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 10:07 am
Re: Is the story of Adam and Even real...or allegory?
Frank Apisa wrote:
I am engaged in a discussion with Hephzibah in another thread.

We were discussing the story of Adam and Eve and the happenings in Eden, when I asked the following question:

In your opinion, are we dealing with allegory in this particular story...or are we dealing with "what is?" Do you consider this to be the way humanity was created...and that the first man and woman were actually placed in a garden with this tree we are discussing...or is this merely an allegory...a mythology of ancient peoples?

She replied:

I believe this story is the truth, not a myth. Not something made up by a bunch of ancient people trying to explain existance or how we were created.

To be certain I understood her correctly, I followed up with:

Just to be sure I understand you...

...you think the story as stated is the way humanity came into existence...and you think the god that created the world made humans the way described...and put them into a physical place (Eden) under the conditions stated...and that human existence proceeded from that point as described in the Bible?

I'm not sure how she is going to respond, (I'll ask her to post her response here) but I thought I'd take this opportunity to begin a thread dealing with the issue.

Who among the theists here (who accept the Bible as a special book of God) think the story of Adam and Eve in Eden...and the associated stories in Eden...represent the truth...the actuallity...the way that humans were created and the way the god of the Bible first interacted with them?

Who among you think it is merely allegory?

I'd enjoy discussing it.

It's both.
The story is the story of Man's Creation by G-d.
And everything represents a part of Man - his willfullness; his lusts; his ignorance; his knowledge; his devotion; his choices; everything...
Every part of "the Garden" represents a part of Man - Adom; Chava; the snake; the tree; G-d; everything....
It is definitely not a literal story. But it is a true story of Man's Creation.
For those that have a problem with Man (generic for man and woman) being created 5766 years ago, imho - G-d's time is not man's time.
Homo Sapien or its equivalent, was created along with all of the rest of the animals however many millions or billions of years ago that was...
And, G-d created Man, using the Homo Sapien template, (as it actually says in the Zohar, and is implied in the Torah) approximately 5766 years ago.
For those with severe problems with this idea, I've got some questions:
How long has Homo Sapien been around? One estimate is about 100,000 years. Hominids - about 5 million years.
What were these folk doing all this time?
Were they basically stupid?
If so, what makes them human? DNA?
If the DNA is the same, then why were they dumb animals for 100,000 years?
If they weren't dumb animals for 100,000 years, then what the heck were they doing with their supposed smarts?
Learning how to make fire and carve flint weapons?
Guess what? Monkeys and other hominids apparently can do that kind of stuff. And they are still stupid.
Where did the smarts come from?
How is it that after 100,000 years or even 5 million years, Homo Sapiens suddenly woke up and said "Hey! Let's build some cities; make some weapons; farm the land; domesticate the animals; invent languages; writing; religions; and all that other good stuff?"
What happened?
How did Man go from stupid to smart overnight?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 10:27 am
Re: Is the story of Adam and Even real...or allegory?
Moishe3rd wrote:
How did Man go from stupid to smart overnight?

They didn't...and some are not particularly "smart" yet.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 11:05 am
I believe it IS a real story.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 11:33 am

Here is a very good site on the origins of the Adam and Eve story. It is a scholar's site, not a joke or attack vehicle.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:00 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Here is a very good site on the origins of the Adam and Eve story. It is a scholar's site, not a joke or attack vehicle.

This is not a site dealing with the story of Adam and Eve...which definitely was of Hebrew origin...and predates Christianity by a considerable span...

...but rather of an ancient Christian text called "The Life of Adam and Eve."

It is an interesting work of fiction.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:01 pm
Momma Angel wrote:
I believe it IS a real story.

It definitely is a "real" story, MA. So is Gulliver's Travels.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:19 pm

So glad that you have all the answers. It's gotta be tough, though. Having all that information up there and yet, can't seem to get everyone to agree with you?

Just once, I'd like to have an honest to goodness real discussion with you. You know, where you don't pick out a single word and twist it's meaning or use it in a different context that it's meant, kind of thing.

Just honest to goodness sharing of thoughts. I'm beginning to think that won't happen with you. That's not a slam at all, Frank. That's my observation. I feel like when having a discussion with you one needs to be at the Harvard Law Library, The Vatican, and at a Fortune Teller's all at the same time. Laughing
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:29 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

Just once, I'd like to have an honest to goodness real discussion with you.

Pot, meet kettle. Wink
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:30 pm
Don't deny that others probably feel the same way about me one bit.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:37 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

So glad that you have all the answers.

Not sure where this is coming from.

I am the one person in this forum who acknowledges that I have almost none of the answers.


It's gotta be tough, though. Having all that information up there and yet, can't seem to get everyone to agree with you?

There are all sorts of people who agree with me.


Just once, I'd like to have an honest to goodness real discussion with you. You know, where you don't pick out a single word and twist it's meaning or use it in a different context that it's meant, kind of thing.

I am not twisting meanings. I am insisting that we look at the meanings. You are the one who has to twist...in order to make this (what I consider, obvious) mythology appear to be reality.

Just honest to goodness sharing of thoughts.

That is all I do. Share my thoughts honestly.

I'm beginning to think that won't happen with you.

I'm beginning to think you are more out of touch with reality than I originally thought...and originally, I thought you were very much out of touch with reality.

That's not a slam at all, Frank. That's my observation.

Okay...and so are my comments.

I feel like when having a discussion with you one needs to be at the Harvard Law Library, The Vatican, and at a Fortune Teller's all at the same time. Laughing [/color]

I have lots of information at my disposal...and I know how to use it.

Sorry that seems to bother you so much.
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:43 pm

I am not going to argue with you. I have no desire to do that at all. But please, read what you just posted. Can't you see that your choice of words makes it sound like you think me a fool because you consider what I believe to be mythology? Your choice of words is telling me that you are right because I am a fool?

Frank, you are saying you think I am out of touch with reality? I just disagree with you, Frank. I don't consider you out of touch with reality due to that.

That last line about Harvard, etc., was a joke, Frank. Hence, the smiley.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 12:45 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

I am not going to argue with you. I have no desire to do that at all. But please, read what you just posted. Can't you see that your choice of words makes it sound like you think me a fool because you consider what I believe to be mythology? Your choice of words is telling me that you are right because I am a fool?

Frank, you are saying you think I am out of touch with reality? I just disagree with you, Frank. I don't consider you out of touch with reality due to that.

That last line about Harvard, etc., was a joke, Frank. Hence, the smiley.

You are out of control, MA.

Calm down.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 01:00 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
spendius wrote:
So-if I understand this correctly,which I have a reputation for not doing,it seems,God designed an urge in us which was similar to that in monkeys when they are unable to stop themselves letting go of the nut in the jam-jar and their clenched fist can't escape the jam-jar to which is attached a rope which is attached,by a transport route,to a cage in a zoo or an animal experiment laboratory which has promised to save all our lives.

It seems a dirty trick to me.I'm not sure I could have resisted Eve's temptations.

How old was Adam supposed to be at the time?

You got it! We were actually descendants of monkeys. I can give several modern examples of throw-backs like George W. Bush.

That's ok because most democrats haven't even evolved above the level of slime...
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 01:02 pm
neologist wrote:
RexRed wrote:
neologist wrote:
If God knew Adam and Eve were going to fail, even set them up to fail, that would make him the cause of their sin; and their punishment, rather than being justly deserved as a consequence of willful rebellion, is instead the torture of innocents by a despicable tyrant.

This is, however, apparently what many believe the bible says.

Well, I don't believe in that god,either.

God is light and in him is no darkness at all...

God knew that the devil would fall and also that Adam and Eve would commit the original sin.

Yet, God also knew that Jesus Christ would come and be obedient to the calling of redemption, justification, sanctification, reconciliation...
No wonder folks disbelieve.

And it is no wonder that some find some common sense and... believe.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 01:04 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:

I am not going to argue with you. I have no desire to do that at all. But please, read what you just posted. Can't you see that your choice of words makes it sound like you think me a fool because you consider what I believe to be mythology? Your choice of words is telling me that you are right because I am a fool?

Frank, you are saying you think I am out of touch with reality? I just disagree with you, Frank. I don't consider you out of touch with reality due to that.

That last line about Harvard, etc., was a joke, Frank. Hence, the smiley.

You are out of control, MA.

Calm down.

And Frank, you are a model of control right? Not...
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Steve 41oo
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 01:05 pm
Adam was a violent drunk, and Eve a common or garden of Eden whore. Smile
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 01:42 pm
neologist wrote:
neologist wrote:
Chumly wrote:
We have a classic logical fallacy because as soon as this all powerful all knowing and omnipotent god applies his power so-called "selectively" he would no longer be an all powerful all knowing and omnipotent god.
You will have to explain that.
Actually, you can't explain that because God's omnipotence implies free will. Take away that freedom and you take away omnipotence.

God's name, Jehovah, means 'he who causes to become'. He is described as being 'dynamic energy' (Isaiah 40:26). He often states that his purpose will not be defeated. Jesus taught his disciples to pray for his will to be done. (Matthew 6:10)

You cannot describe God in self limiting terms.

Though God is a God of power he is also a God that sets up laws, like gravity and free will... and God only oversteps his own laws when a greater law is in question (like love)...

God is not a God of unbridled power and chaos but his power is decent, ordered, structured, refined, numbered and has a hierarchy.

Even the devil's kingdom has order within the ranks or the devil could never launch a successful attack.

Many of you need to go back to sunday school. It was the devil, pride and treason (their own image) that tempted Adam and Eve not God... Can't some of you just simply read what is written?

After the fall of Adam and Eve it was God's mercy that saved them from eternal damnation... Had Adam and Eve eaten from the tree of life after they knew sin they would have then remained forever in sin. Yet God took the tree of life out of their grasp so that they could not irreparably harm themselves and all generations to come.

Adam and Eve looked to what they could see and taste and not what they could know through revelation and God's wisdom. So they followed their senses rather than the spirit... Sounds like allot of you God rejectors right?

How about applying a little scope to your understanding?

The old testament was so messed up because of the fall of man. They saw God crudely (due to their lack of spirit that "died" on that day in Adam and Eve) and Jesus Christ bore the same "image" of the one true God and Christ reconciled us back to God...

You God rejectors are following in Adam and Eve's steps of treason against the most high... You fail to recognize the obedience of Christ and prefer to magnify the decadence of Adam and Eve...

Go ahead slam God and his holiness, If you love this world and find it rather awesome, God has another place for you too...

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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 01:57 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Adam was a violent drunk, and Eve a common or garden of Eden whore. Smile

That is not necessary...
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Arella Mae
Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 01:58 pm
It is also not true.
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Reply Sun 5 Mar, 2006 02:15 pm
There is much about "the fall" of Adam and Eve that the Bible does not mention and does leave up to the imagination of the reader...
0 Replies

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