Nice Frank.
Since I was a kid I questioned: So what's the big deal about eating the apple, already?!
A kid reaches out and touches a hot stove, after some big adult says "No! You can do anything but touch that hot stove!". Uhh; what's the first thing the kid is gonna do?! Does it really make sense to give the kid a spanking on the burns for TRYING and LEARNING on their own?
The whole story sets human beings up as children, looking up to an 'all knowing' father. Obedient, stupid slaves. I've never known human beings to be like that - and I sure don't want to.
I prefer other stories, where people are funny and curious and talk to animals, and I think there is nothing wrong with believing them, ifn' you have experienced them, and you don't lose sight that it's a story, and stories are part-magic and part-truth and part-adventure ....
Big Question:
Who here believes that the story of Adam and Eve is the ONLY creation story, literal truth, it occured?
Just a wondering.....I read this whole thread and only really got an answer from Heph!