neologist wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:neologist wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:neologist wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:. . . It is not necessary for them to be right to show your original asssertion to be nonsense, Neo....and I am not "assserting they are right." All they have to do is to POSSIBLY be right. All they have to do is assert a POSSIBLE worse case scenario. . .
. . . .
That's another point, Frank. It is NOT possible for them to be right.
Okay...I'll bite.
Why is it not possible for them to be right?????
Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm being disttracted by life.

And the fact that your comment makes absolutely no sense is not a player, right?

Well; hi there.
First of all, let me point out that the consequence God warned of for disobedience was death. Nothing more, nothing less. If hell was part of the deal, that would have been a good time to let folks know, IMHO.
Try to get your brain in gear, Neo.
Just because your silly Bible does not allow your idiot god to inflict more dire consequences than "just going away"...or at least, in the opinion of the sect you belong to your silly Bible does not allow your idiot god to inflict more dire consequences...
...does not mean there cannot be more dire consequences.
You said they (the people who posit more dire consequences) CANNOT BE RIGHT.
Some of them don't think your idiot GOD. They posit a GOD...or a god...who can and will inflict greater, more dire consequencs...than you suggest.
So now...back to my question: Why can't they be right???
Why MUST YOU be right...and they cannot be???
Why can only your silly, baseless guesses be right...and not their silly, baseless guesses?
Quote:I know you will wiggle out of this, but I enjoy watching you do it. Then I'll throw you a few more bones.
I am thoroughly enjoying your silliness, Neo...and I appreciate you taking the time to provide the laughs.