Is the story of Adam and Even real...or allegory?

Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 11:16 pm
Pauligirl wrote:
neologist wrote:
Pauligirl wrote:
neologist wrote:
Whatever God sets out to do, he will acomplish.

Judges (1:19) And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but he could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.

Too bad, no chariots of marshmellows.

I think the word 'he', in red might make it more understandable. Who was it that failed?

who the Lord was with.
As in "With the Lord, all things are possible.

We can make it any color you want, but it won't change it.
Simple reading mistake on your part; but understandable.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 11:16 pm
Terry wrote:
Momma Angel wrote:

Sorry. I missed your question earlier. God told the truth. Satan lied to Eve when he told her she would not die. She's dead.

How do you know that Eve is dead, since the Bible does not say that she ever died? You would think that if death was the direct result of her choice of knowledge over ignorance, God might consider it worth mentioning. God said they would die on the same day they ate the fruit, which certainly did not happen. We know that Eve lived at least 130 years, since that's how old Adam was when Seth was born, and they had other sons and daughters as well.

The oldest person in the Bible is Methusala. He lived to be 969. Do you honestly think Eve has been alive these what? Some 6,000 years? We are supposed to have some common sense, Terry. I think it would be wise to apply it to this.

Somehow, "the fruit is tasty and you will gain wisdom, live an extraordinarily long and productive life, and die in a thousand years or so if you eat it" does not seem like a very effective deterrent.

Why do you suppose God failed to tell them the real consequences of eating the fruit: a society ruled by men, pain in childbirth, sweat and painful toil to produce food from cursed ground?

Is that what God actually said? Hmmmm. I don't think so. Maybe you should look up what He actually did say, Terry.

I also asked if you knew of anywhere in the Bible that Satan actually lied. He did not lie in the book of Job, but responded to God's boasts of Job's righteousness by giving his opinion that Job would curse God if he were subjected to misfortune. Even though Job was the most blameless man on earth (at that time), God allowed Satan to cause his 10 children to be killed, almost all of his servants to be slaughtered, his property destroyed, and his flesh infested with a horrible disease, just to prove the point. With gods like that, who needs enemies?

I'm confused, Terry. You think God lied when He said Adam and Eve would die. Well, they died. They died spiritually that day and eventually their bodies died. Satan told them they would NOT die. Now, did he mean they would not die spiritually or did he mean they would not die physically?http://www.smileys.ws/smls/yahoo/00000033.gif
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Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 11:19 pm
Chumly wrote:
neologist wrote:
They don't. They just die.
Romans 5:14 "Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned. After the similitude of Adams transgression."

Death extended to the animal kingdom because sin had effected the entire Creation. Including the animals man had dominion over. Clearly this refers to the animals that man had dominion over. Animals are without sin, yet are effected by the consequence of sin.
Death is the consequence of sin. Animals can't sin because they don't have, (You guessed it!) free will.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 11:31 pm
Chumly wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Are you telling me parallel lines don't exist?
That depends on your perspective and the tools you use to assess it.
RexRed wrote:
Then what are strings in the string theory?
Are you asking me to teach you about super string theory? That's rather beyond the pale. Learn about yourself and we'll discuss.
RexRed wrote:
Parallel lines maybe?
Are you arguing that strings are infinite in length and therefore it must mean that no two parallel lines can ever intersect under any conditions? I would love to hear your arguments to demonstrate this.

This is a great reply and I thought I would repost it so I would remember tomorrow to say something meaningful about it... Smile

Parallel lines are parallel lines... How parallel are they? How infinite are they? If they go in a circle they are infinite like Pi... Smile

Completely random... perfect.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 01:06 am
neologist wrote:
Death is the consequence of sin. Animals can't sin because they don't have, (You guessed it!) free will.
What you say does not add up:

The Bible doesn't say that dogs go to heaven, neither does it say they don't.

If as you say "death is the consequence of sin" and if as you say "animals can't sin" then again how can dogs die if they can't sin?

If you are going to say that "death is the consequence of sin" and "animals can't sin" then you are going to need to explain how "death reigned"……"over them that had not sinned" as per Romans 5:14.

You would also need to show where in the bible it says that animals died before Adam sinned.

You would also need to show where in the bible it says that animals are not affected by the consequence of sin as I have shown that animals are affected by the consequence of sin as per Romans 5:14.

Further I contest your claim that animals don't have free will vis-a-vis the chimpanzee

Free will:
1. The ability or discretion to choose; free choice: chose to remain behind of my own free will.
2. The power of making free choices that are unconstrained by external circumstances or by an agency such as fate or divine will.

How can we assess chimp intelligence?
- They make tools and use them to acquire foods, for social displays, etc.
- They have sophisticated hunting strategies that require cooperation, and allow animals to achieve influence and rank by sharing meat.
- They are highly status conscious and manipulative, capable of deception.
- They are analytical and problem-solvers, clearly capable of insight and complex "cognitive performance" in both the wild and in captivity, and particularly adept at analyzing relative relationships.
- Language experiments have shown that chimps are creative, can learn to use symbols (and teach them to others) and understand aspects of human language including some relational syntax, concepts of number and numerical sequence.

neologist wrote:
They don't. They just die.
Err Neo......what's goring on here? We 'know' there are horses in heaven (Rev 19.11, 2 Kings 2.11). That rather puts a kibosh on your ill conceived notion that animals "just die".
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 02:24 am
Setanta wrote:
talk72000 wrote:
The Hebrews were goat herders and part-time bandits.

A more and more commonly-held view among historians (who have no stake in promoting Judaism or Christianity) is that Jewish "Kings" such as Solomon ran a small-time "protection racket" with the caravans which plied the route from the head of the Red Sea and the Punic cites of Tyre and Sidon. That view sees the Phoenicians as tolerating some silly pretentions on the part of the Jews, so long as they protected the caravans on their rather brief trip overland. It would have been easier and made more sense from the Punic point of view to tolerate the Jews and pay them a modest fee rather than to be obliged to deal with tribal bandits, and to attempt to run them to ground in the Judean hills.

The measurements give for the Temple and Solomons palace are pathetically modest. The measurements for the original Temple in Jerusalem had a ground floor smaller than the main gun deck of an eighteenth century United States frigate such as Constitution. Only in the eyes of the Hebrews and the self-deluded minds of modern Christians does a silly expression such as "Solomon in all his glory" resonate. Basically, they were the Semitic hillbillies of their time and region.

Why you raving anti-Semite!
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Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 02:25 am
In curved space the rules of Euclidean geometry are changed. Parallel lines can meet, and the sum of the angles in a triangle can be more, or less than 180 degrees, depending on how space is curved.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 04:35 am
neologist wrote:
]Not all of us are capable of growing a brain, Frank.



Let's go over your ridiculous assertion one more time:
Frank Apisa wrote:
But others have made guesses that "if a god exists" the god could make things much, much worse for people after death than simply returning to nothingness.
Are you asserting they must be right? Are you guessing they must be right? Or are you flat out of your mind?

It is not necessary for them to be right to show your original asssertion to be nonsense, Neo....and I am not "assserting they are right." All they have to do is to POSSIBLY be right. All they have to do is assert a POSSIBLE worse case scenario.

You are asserting that you know the worst you can expect is blah, blah, blah. But if anyone can posit an experience of worse than that...then it is POSSIBLE that worse case scenario exists.

I understand you are having trouble understanding complicated thoughtm, Neo...but get help if you need it.

You cannot logically assert the worst that can happen is a return to nothingness...so long as the POSSIBILITY exists of something worse.


I disagree with them Frank because the bible does not support their belief.

Ahhhh...you are saying that because the Bible and the fairytales in it do not support a particular "belief"...it is absolutely and completely impossible that it exists.

Are you terminally stupid...or are you flat out of your mind?

You offer your blind guesses like they are certainties.

No...I never do that.

Wake up.

Grow a brain.

Then let's go on with this. It is fun.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 04:40 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Somehow, "the fruit is tasty and you will gain wisdom, live an extraordinarily long and productive life, and die in a thousand years or so if you eat it" does not seem like a very effective deterrent.

Why do you suppose God failed to tell them the real consequences of eating the fruit: a society ruled by men, pain in childbirth, sweat and painful toil to produce food from cursed ground?

Is that what God actually said? Hmmmm. I don't think so. Maybe you should look up what He actually did say, Terry.

This is another one of those things, MA. Why do you not pay enough attention so that you do not keep making this same silly, careless, uncalled-for mistake.

You really must take a course in reading with comprehension.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 06:57 am
Do you honestly think Eve has been alive these what? Some 6,000 years? We are supposed to have some common sense

common senese indeed would be refreshing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 07:44 am
Momma Angel wrote:
Do you honestly think Eve has been alive these what? Some 6,000 years? We are supposed to have some common sense, Terry. I think it would be wise to apply it to this.

There are a whole lot of people who think Jesus is still alive, and he would be over 2,000 years by now. If you can honestly believe that Methuselah lived almost a thousand years, why not several thousand? I personally doubt that Eve is still alive, but since the Bible never mentions her death, how do you KNOW? How do you know that Eve did not sneak a few pomegranites from the tree of life before being banished from Eden?

Common sense cannot be applied to the Bible because many of the things it says are simply not credible. Do you believe that the earth stopped rotating (do you have any idea what that would do to the oceans?) so that the sun would stand still in the sky and Joshua could slaughter more of the fleeing Amorites? Do you believe there was a world-wide flood in spite of all of the geological evidence that it never happened (there was indeed a local flood)? Do you believe that snakes were smarter than men and could talk, even though their brains are incapable of higher order thinking and they have no vocal cords? Do you believe that Jonah survived being swallowed by a fish, donkeys talked to men, Sarah had a child long after menopause, and dead bones came back to life? Then why on earth would you doubt that Eve could still be alive?

Terry wrote:
Somehow, "the fruit is tasty and you will gain wisdom, live an extraordinarily long and productive life, and die in a thousand years or so if you eat it" does not seem like a very effective deterrent.

Why do you suppose God failed to tell them the real consequences of eating the fruit: a society ruled by men, pain in childbirth, sweat and painful toil to produce food from cursed ground?

Is that what God actually said? Hmmmm. I don't think so. Maybe you should look up what He actually did say, Terry.

I have posted the exact wording of Genesis many times, and you still refuse to admit that it means what it says. In this case it was obvious that I was showing that God DID NOT tell Adam and Eve the truth. As Frank says, you need to work on reading comprehension.

Now please answer the real question, which I have highlighted in red for you.
I'm confused, Terry. You think God lied when He said Adam and Eve would die. Well, they died. They died spiritually that day and eventually their bodies died. Satan told them they would NOT die. Now, did he mean they would not die spiritually or did he mean they would not die physically?

God said that they would die on the same day that they ate the fruit. That was not true. The snake said they would not die, which was true: eating the fruit of knowledge did not kill them. What led to their eventual death was God banishing them from Eden so they could not eat from the tree of life, which is not what God told Adam and Eve he would do and the snake probably did not know it eiher. But we really don't know WHAT the snake knew, or how he got his knowledge.

Please post anything from the Bible which supports your assertion that Adam and Eve "died spiritually" on the day they ate the fruit. If they were spiritually-dead automatons, how could they have raised their children, founded human society, and lived 10 times as long as most of us can expect to?
0 Replies
Wolf ODonnell
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 07:46 am
Are we still debating what God meant when he said, "you will die"? Goodness... Well, let's get one thing straight.

What does it mean to die spiritually?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 08:40 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
. . . It is not necessary for them to be right to show your original asssertion to be nonsense, Neo....and I am not "assserting they are right." All they have to do is to POSSIBLY be right. All they have to do is assert a POSSIBLE worse case scenario. . .
. . . .
That's another point, Frank. It is NOT possible for them to be right.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 08:42 am
neologist wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
. . . It is not necessary for them to be right to show your original asssertion to be nonsense, Neo....and I am not "assserting they are right." All they have to do is to POSSIBLY be right. All they have to do is assert a POSSIBLE worse case scenario. . .
. . . .
That's another point, Frank. It is NOT possible for them to be right.

Okay...I'll bite.

Why is it not possible for them to be right?????
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 12:55 pm
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
If aliens came here from another planet, what would be the first question they'd ask humanity?
Can I get copies of I Love Lucy?
I would imagine they would monitor us from space for quite some time so may not have any burning first question. But if they did it would probably be related to how to understand our languages.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 01:09 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Setanta wrote:
talk72000 wrote:
The Hebrews were goat herders and part-time bandits.

A more and more commonly-held view among historians (who have no stake in promoting Judaism or Christianity) is that Jewish "Kings" such as Solomon ran a small-time "protection racket" with the caravans which plied the route from the head of the Red Sea and the Punic cites of Tyre and Sidon. That view sees the Phoenicians as tolerating some silly pretentions on the part of the Jews, so long as they protected the caravans on their rather brief trip overland. It would have been easier and made more sense from the Punic point of view to tolerate the Jews and pay them a modest fee rather than to be obliged to deal with tribal bandits, and to attempt to run them to ground in the Judean hills.

The measurements give for the Temple and Solomons palace are pathetically modest. The measurements for the original Temple in Jerusalem had a ground floor smaller than the main gun deck of an eighteenth century United States frigate such as Constitution. Only in the eyes of the Hebrews and the self-deluded minds of modern Christians does a silly expression such as "Solomon in all his glory" resonate. Basically, they were the Semitic hillbillies of their time and region.

Ohhhh...are you gonna be in trouble with their god, Set.

Twisted Evil

One can only hope . . .
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 01:18 pm
One of the biggest question is where did Cain's wife come from? Looks like a bit on incest went on, huh? Those wandering scribes (secretaries) who wrote down what they thought was God's word (God was talking to them like he talks to Bush) had a lot of trouble comparing notes. The editors of the Bible as well have always seemed to be on mind altering drugs. That helps if you are trying to write an effective fantasy.

BTW, J.R.R. Tolkien, author of "The Lord of the Rings" was one of those editors.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 01:21 pm
Lightwizard wrote:
One of the biggest question is where did Cain's wife come from?
You know I loose sleep over questions like that. Did anyone ask Cain?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 05:41 pm
Just as impotent (pun) a question; did Cain call his wife Sugar Cain?
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 05:44 pm

Mrs cane

or miss whiplash

or just madame

depending on his state of submission

Brown Sugar anyone?
0 Replies

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