Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?

Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 01:45 pm
Re: Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
Bella Dea wrote:
PoetSeductress wrote:

If I'm wrong on anything, I always admit it. But it's very seldom that this is necessary.

Rolling Eyes

Sorry but I hope that you were making that statement in fun.

Actually Bella, twice since I've been here with A2K, and several times at another website forum I used to frequent.
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 02:27 pm
What you believe and what the truth is, are two different things.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 02:30 pm
I'm still waiting to hear how she weeds out the bad "haters" from the media that she believes.

Sounds like she's guessing just like everyone else to me.
0 Replies
Bella Dea
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 02:30 pm
That's all any of us can do is guess. Seriously, the truth is so buried we wouldn't know it if it was on every damn news station in the country.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 02:34 pm
Actually, that's not true...

Or is it?
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 02:39 pm
wat eez ze Trus?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 04:49 pm
Le truuz, c'est le truuz!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 05:36 pm
Now i'm hearin' Maurice Chevalier . . .

Avery leettle breeze
Seems to wheespair Louise
Birds in zhe trees tweetter Louise
Each leettle rose
Tells me eet knows
I love you . . .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 05:42 pm
stevewonder wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
stevewonder wrote:

Given is size and influence, the US as it stands, has contributed least to the world than any other civilization (if I can be so bold as to use that term.)

Please provide some evidence to back this up.

Also, what do you mean by, "if I can be so bold as to use that term?"

Its difficult to prove a negative, but let me re-word the above. The US given its size and control over the globe, relative to previous civilizations, has contributed diddley squat to the world., other than sacks of horse **** i.e Mcdees and Levis jean, mTv and cocca cola. It is succeeding in making its own people into 'dysfunctional morons/zombies' (suited to working only in Walmart) and exporting that tripe to the rest of the world. The world is not and has not progressed because of the US in civility or humanity but has regressed.

And proof, as if proof where needed, is right here on this forum, that clowns can come on here and try to 'explain how the US has 'liberated' iraq when every mule knows it is and has always been about the gas just says it all for me.

Nimh suggested to me that there were other places to see... I have read this thread and this particular peice of garbage leapt out at me. How ignorant does one need to be to spew forth, and seemingly believe, crap like this?


Are mental hospitals on the net now? Are we allowing pschiatric patients free run on the internet?

It never ceases to amaze me. I see one post and I think to myself. "wow. That's the dumbest thing I have ever seen." Then, I read something like the above post and I am amazed.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 05:57 pm
Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
Bella Dea wrote:
What you believe and what the truth is, are two different things.

Not necessarily. A more accurate way to say that would be, "There is always the element of possibility that what you believe to be the truth might not be."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 06:01 pm
Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
kickycan wrote:
I'm still waiting to hear how she weeds out the bad "haters" from the media that she believes.

Sounds like she's guessing just like everyone else to me.

Not quite, kickycan. I'll get back to you soon. I apologize, I'm not ignoring you, my answer for you will require a little more thought than these recent, short responses I've been posting.

Give me about 45 minutes.. I have a few other things I have to take care of, first. Just got back from taking someone to a doctor.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 07:50 pm
Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
Here are just a few sources:

Security Consulting Intelligence Agency

U. S. Politics Today (News Media Monitoring)

America Responds to Terrorism

Fox News Videos


Combating Terrorism in the Philippines

Central Intelligence Agency

The War on Terrorism

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Most Wanted Terrorists

The White House

Special Report: Renewal in Iraq

Progress Report: The War on Terror

U.S. Department of State


Countering Terrorism

Diplomacy and the Global Coalition Against Terrorism

Foreign Terrorist Organizations


Response to Terrorism

Winning the War on Terrorism (PDF)

Department of Defense

Defend America (News About the War on Terrorism)

DoD Homepage

DoD Websites
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 08:00 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Nimh suggested to me that there were other places to see...

LOL!! Things not related to US politics, hello! Like, I dunno.. "Sweden an oil free country by 2020?" or something (ehm no wait - I just read it, forget about that one). The Following the EU thread, there, thats usually good. But yeah ... eh ... not this one <giggles>

McGentrix wrote:

Are mental hospitals on the net now?

We've definitely acquired a bunch of new posters lately (from the left this time) that make you wonder ... Shocked

McGentrix wrote:
It never ceases to amaze me. I see one post and I think to myself. "wow. That's the dumbest thing I have ever seen." Then, I read something like the above post and I am amazed.

And the exasperating thing is that somehow, you've got to look.

I do really put in an effort to spread my time, if I'm on A2K anyway, between the to-and-fro playground nonsense and more solid, resp more fun stuff - but its true, you actually have to force yourself to not click that title that itself is already so stupid that you know its not gonna bring anything good ... "Did the U.S. goverment really set up 9/11", "Uh oh: Cheney Drunk as Skunk?", "How fear is controlling US thinking", "Experts Claim Official 9-11 Story is a Hoax ! FINALLY!", "A Message of Peace from the Freedom Fighters in Iraq", "Free Guantanamo Heroes!", you pretty much know what you're gonna get, it aint likely to be gonna be anything good, your hand is on the mouse, you tell yourself: go to Travel & Culture! Go to Latin America! -- and, too late, you clicked, and its another wacko rant or some same-old same-old playground exchanges between usual suspects.

What is that? Has there ever been research on that? Can you take pills against it? <sighs>
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 08:04 pm
Re: Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
PoetSeductress wrote:
Here are just a few sources:

OK, so you have a dozen sites of the government, and apart from that Fox, Newsmax ... which kinda still begs Kicky's question again: how do you weed out the bad "haters" from the 'believable' media? How do you establish/define that Fox or Newsmax is good/reliable/not a hater and [fill in] is bad/unreliable/a hater? Or is your selection basically the same as anyone's - informed by your political preference in a fairly direct/straightforward way?

0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 08:20 pm
Re: Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
nimh wrote:
PoetSeductress wrote:
Here are just a few sources:

OK, so you have a dozen sites of the government, and apart from that Fox, Newsmax ... which kinda still begs Kicky's question again: how do you weed out the bad "haters" from the 'believable' media? How do you establish/define that Fox or Newsmax is good/reliable/not a hater and [fill in] is bad/unreliable/a hater? Or is your selection basically the same as anyone's - informed by your political preference in a fairly direct/straightforward way?


You left out...

Security Consulting Intelligence Agency
U. S. Politics Today (News Media Monitoring)

These are not government sites.

I'll try to answer as best I can on the next post, addressing it to kickycan. There are errands I have to run before the stores close.

It has been very cold for the past week, but now tonight, it's 63 degrees... very nice! Smile

Nimh, may I ask what this means?

nimh promises not to use any s next time Question
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2006 10:06 pm
I believe he's talking about the penchant/habit/little behavioral tic/propensity that he had in that post for overusing/overdoing/wallowing in the "/" character.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Mar, 2006 03:13 am
Re: Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
kickycan wrote:
PoetSeductress wrote:
PoetSeductress wrote:
kickycan wrote:
PoetSeductress wrote:
I only seek the truth, and refuse to let someone whose premise is hatred (which the majority of the press and their followers) to tell me what and how to think.

Really? The press' premise is hatred? And their followers? You really believe that?

"Most" are, kickycan, but it didn't used to be like that. It's sad, but true. That's why I don't read them, anymore. Two things I have little use for: today's newspapers and television, with few exceptions.

Kickycan, I meant to mention that many followers of the press don't realize the situation with the press. Most of them are good people, but are being led very covertly, to think and believe certain things.

Generally speaking, the press only reports what they want to report, and they leave out what would go against their political agenda.

So how do you decide which ones come from hatred, which are biased, and which you can trust? What's your process of weeding out the "bad" media?

My eyes flash at the sound of lies. <Just kidding!!!> Cool No, really, kickycan, that is a great question. I've never had to answer it, before. It's hard to put into words, which is why I waited so long to reply. At this moment, I still don't know what to say, so I'll just begin by writing, anyway, and maybe the answer will come in the natural flow of it.

In my early twenties, I was introduced to politics in the women's movement, and joined the ranks as a radical liberal Democrat. I willingly absorbed everything handed to me without question. This was the coolest thing going, the hip way to be. But this didn't mean that all of the propaganda was accurate or constructive. Finally I came to a crossroad in life where I made two important decisions, which caused a major shift in my political views. This moved me to the moderately right of the political spectrum, but I no longer cared much for the subject of politics.

About twenty years later was my second merge with politics. A neighbor introduced me to Rush Limbaugh's radio program (which was still in my pre-Internet days). Rush was the only kid on the block, so to speak, and the only high-profile source which could provide an alternative viewpoint. His personality didn't appeal to me, and some of the comments he would sometimes make were irritating and even offensive. Often I would flip off the radio in disgust, but later would turn it back on. Figuring I could gain something from his program, I would listen, anyway. Most of what he said fit in with the beliefs I held at the time, so I managed to somehow tolerate the remainder. As I listened, and began comparing the content of mainstream news to what I learned from him, I noticed a stark contrast. This is when I realized that the media as we knew it, was not always neutral and forthright. Even though I didn't agree with everything Rush said, I liked this new way of thinking. It was like visiting a foreign country with a culture different from your own, and learning their perspective on things.

Over time, I grew to understand what Rush was talking about, and he didn't bother me so much, anymore. In my personal life, new decisions made caused yet another shift in my political views, and I chose to become a staunch Conservative Republican.

Then in 2001 (or thereabouts), a friend told me about Fox News, so I became thoroughly engrossed with Bill O'Reilly, and later, Hannity & Colmes. Sean Hannity fit the Republican profile for me, but after listening to Bill who is an Independent, I decided to stay with him. Even though there was more that I disagreed about with him, I still learned things that no Republican or Democrat viewpoint had ever taught me. Over the years with Bill O'Reilly, I learned about a more objective, independent way of seeing things - to think more for myself, than I had been. Yet another way to think! I liked the idea of having moved and exercised myself in multiple directions.

With Bill, sometimes I'd still get irritated and move the dial to another station and listen to a Republican talk show host, but soon would become bored and switch it back, even though I knew he would probably tick me off, sooner or later. His show was never boring, and I was always learning something new. Now it doesn't upset me when I hear him say something I disagree with. I just shake my head and say out loud, "No Bill, you're wrong on this one."

Bill O'Reilly is very good about keeping up with the major newspapers around the country. He analyzes their journalistic approach, points out the good and the bad, then relays it to his listening audience. Now that I've written this out, I can now see the direction of things, and how they've led to this point in time. This is the meat of my answer, I think. Since he used to be a teacher, he's good about explaining things in a way that anyone can understand, if they have any common sense about themselves.

But there is one more thing that shouldn't be overlooked, and that's a person's inner hunches. I use my feelings to test what I'm reading. I'm not saying that it's foolproof, because everyone can make mistakes. It's been reliable for me up to now, though.

If you notice that a newspaper never prints anything positive about a president, and everything is always bash, bash, bash, attempting at every turn to undermine his efforts, or you notice underlying messages about how capitalism is supposedly bad, then red flags should be popping up in your mind on the hatred and anti-Americanism. It is so far removed from reality to believe that a president whom over half the country voted for would be 100% useless. Our elected officials are representatives of the people. The people vote for someone they feel can match up, at least in some part, to what they believe as an American. So if the president were a complete loser, then that means that over half of this country is filled with complete losers. Well, that is very wrong. As for myself, I believe that most people, regardless of whether they're Democrat, Republican, or Independent, are basically good people... not perfect, mind you, but basically good. Since this is the case, it also stands to reason that an elected president would reflect those similar traits, as well.

A study was done, and it was found that about 90% of the press is Democrat, and a large number of them are radically left. If everyone were ethical in their reporting, and remained objective (except when editorializing), this would not be a problem. But they let their personal partisanship bleed over into their news articles. In fact, most newspapers refuse to print anything good about someone they don't like. In those companies, if one lone, naive reporter tries, he either gets ignored, reprimanded, or fired.

Journalism schools are run by the mostly far left, and are churning out clones of themselves with a mission to go out and change America's views according to how they think they ought to be. It's done by what they report in the news, and even more so by what they don't report, opting to leave out. Not only are the Independents and Republicans cheated and deceived in this way, the good Democrats (who the radical left does not represent) are cheated and deceived, too.

As time passes, I've now found myself no longer a Republican, but an Independent. Both the left and the right have negatives and positives. But the left has been unknowingly to most, hijacked by a communist-socialist grassroots effort to undermine America, to cause chaos and destruction, so that one of them can later "rise to the occasion" in the worst hour, and "save" the country from itself, by introducing a "new" way of running the country. This is their plan. The thing is, this is not being done just in the USA. They are reaching stealthily across the globe into other countries, trying to gradually destroy and overtake them from the inside - like a political Trojan Horse.

I didn't mean to get off on that topic, but the reason I brought it up, is to show you why the press is the way it is. I should mention, that not only have these groups of people taken hold of the colleges, they've also targeted positions in the courts and the public school system. This way they can get them while their young, and change the laws of the country not by legal legislation, but by unethical and constitutionally illegal judicial activism.

The Democrat Party is no longer what it was, and more and more are leaving it because of its expanding radical views and outlandish tactics.

In my opinion, the sensible Democrats need to leave their party and start up a new one, and let the others who have infiltrated it, have it.

On Bill O'Reilly's radio website is a list of the major newspapers who have proven themselves as blatantly unethical. Some who read it might feel offended, but I hope not.

I should point out that I don't go to blogs or fear-mongering websites for my information. What I've stated here, with regard to the left and right, and the direction of the Democrat Party is my personal view. I don't have proof, but I've learned that there are a few others who have also spotted it, researched it, and written about it. All I can do is tell you what I see, as I step back and look at the wider view of it. You may have a different view, which is entirely understandable.

Well, I hope this gives you an idea of how I go about picking my sources. Now I know myself, as well.

(By the way, I have not joined in Bill O'Reilly's boycotting of France. I love the culture too much, the language, and the people in it.)
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