Is there anything that the U.S. doesn't get blamed for?
xingu wrote:What the invasion of Iraq has done is to gain more sympathy for the extremist. The extremist message is the West wants to invade and colonize the Middle East so as to control the oil.
The extremist will fabricate and pump out any propaganda imaginable, to try and further their cause.
xingu wrote:Bush's invasion of Iraq is gives credibility to this argument.
xingu wrote:This is especially true in light of the fact that every reason Bush gave for the invasion was false.
Please show me the proof that all of his reasons were false. Those are serious accusations.
xingu wrote:Now Bush is beating the war drums against Iran and doing so with the same arguments as Iraq.
Yes, that's unfortunate, but a fact of life, that when your neighbor exterminates their apartment for roaches, the rodents invariably make their way to the closest, dirtiest apartment.
xingu wrote:Bush claims to support democracy but supports governments that don't practice democracy.
Who said he wasn't supposed to? How is this any different than most other presidents in our history?
Sure, it would be tempting to excommunicate all those who are not democratic republics. But this would be bad strategy in a lot of things.
As a networker, if I were to not associate with or help anyone who didn't believe the way I did, this would cut down my social and business connections to the bone, and greatly decrease my success both personally and in business, not to mention my happiness and quality of life.
xingu wrote:Bush claims that the UN must be obeyed and used the UN as an excuse to invade Iraq.
Every major global intelligence operation, along with the UN, voiced extreme concerned about Iraq, and stressed that something had to be done. Years passed, and no one had enough balls to step up to the plate and do something. This continued, until 9/11, which was more catastrophic than the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
Bush bent over backward talking with the UN, global leaders, and Sadaam, but to no avail. In my opionion, Bush pussyfooted around too long. He should have done it sooner. But since he was trying to please everyone and his brother, a lot of time was wasted, which gave SH plenty of time to stash his load somewhere else.
xingu wrote:Yet this country has continuously ignored Israels behavior in ignoring the UN.
The USA can't and shouldn't have to police every country on the face of the earth. The only reason we stepped in at all, was because of the top-level severity of the situation. We cannot sit back and take a blow of that caliber and not do anything about it. That is the (in)action of a coward.
xingu wrote:And yes Iraq is the new training ground for terrorists. It's the new Afghanistan.
was one of the major training grounds for terrorism, which is exactly one of the reasons why we went there, to begin with. Bush made it clear that we (the US) would sytematically go after those who continued to harbor terrorists. A lot of it has now been knocked out, and the place is no longer the hotbed it was, for terrorist training.
On the other hand, the turmoil has obviously, recently increased. The terrorists are swarming into Iraq from other countries like flies. On the positive side, one could say that this is beneficial, because you can fight them there, since they're concentrated in a major area. (sort of like being able to swat a group of flies with one swat) On the negative side, this poses a new problem which calls for a new strategy, which we apparently don't have, as of yet. Since no one has ever fought this kind of grand-scale, unconventional war, we can only move forward, and learn as we go.