Information control, or, How to get to Orwellian governance

Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 11:39 am
Also, I can't help but notice that you think that this is a very real and dangerous global threat that we should all be scared of, but not so much of a threat to your way of life that you are willing to actually do anything about it yourself.

I know, I know, it's an old argument. But pardon me if I don't believe that you actually feel threatened. You don't, not really. Just politically. You certainly don't act in the way that people who truly feel that their lives are at stake act, who feel that their country is at stake.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 11:42 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Also, I can't help but notice that you think that this is a very real and dangerous global threat that we should all be scared of, but not so much of a threat to your way of life that you are willing to actually do anything about it yourself.

I know, I know, it's an old argument. But pardon me if I don't believe that you actually feel threatened. You don't, not really. Just politically. You certainly don't act in the way that people who truly feel that their lives are at stake act, who feel that their country is at stake.


I feel "politically" threatened? Explain.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 12:52 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Also, I can't help but notice that you think that this is a very real and dangerous global threat that we should all be scared of, but not so much of a threat to your way of life that you are willing to actually do anything about it yourself.

I know, I know, it's an old argument. But pardon me if I don't believe that you actually feel threatened. You don't, not really. Just politically. You certainly don't act in the way that people who truly feel that their lives are at stake act, who feel that their country is at stake.


I feel "politically" threatened? Explain.

Well, I mean, when you mention the 'threat' from Islaamic terrorism, you only mean it in a political way; that said 'threat' is expedient to getting the policies you like to see advanced, advanced.

I say this because you don't act as if you feel personally threatened at all, or as if you feel America is in real danger of attack. You don't advocate policies which could do something about said attack here at home (fighting wars abroad doesn't stop terrorism elsewhere - you're a fool if you think any differently). You don't think it is enough of a threat to you or your family to do any actual work yourself to do anything about it.

So, sorry if I think that the supposed 'threat' that we face from Islaamic terrorism is nothing more than bullsh*t posturing, at least on the part of those such as yourself who don't act threatened in the slightest. It hurts your credibility when your actions - both personal and advocated political actions - do nothing to address the problems you claim are major problems.

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Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 12:54 pm
okie wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

...the bottom line is that I don't think George Bush is the greatest threat to the world since Adolph Hitler. I think he is more of a threat...and I would have to go on record as saying that George Bush is the greatest threat to the world since at least as far back as Caligula. Except, of course, that Caligula appears to have been smarter.

This is what I was talking about when I said something like some opinions here on A2K are not only surprising, but shocking to say the least.

I gotta be honest with you, Okie. I thought I was tempering my true feelings in that post.

The most awesome military establishment this tired planet has ever seen is currently in the hands of a moron. The people who pull the moron's strings are among the most frightening, hypocritical, dangerous people in history.

I fear and dread what America's nutcase right wing is doing to us much, much more than I fear the terrorists.

Don't get me wrong…I am not saying I do not fear the terrorists. Just that they do not hold the same threat to me as does this group of miscreants who have gained control of our country.

And further, don't get me wrong…I would not be surprised at all if the next terrorist attack on us were such as to make 9/11 look like a cake walk.

Sorry if that shocks you…but if conservative America…particularly the poor knee-jerk sycophants enabling the establishment got their collective heads out of its collective asses…they might also see the danger.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 01:01 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
okie wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

...the bottom line is that I don't think George Bush is the greatest threat to the world since Adolph Hitler. I think he is more of a threat...and I would have to go on record as saying that George Bush is the greatest threat to the world since at least as far back as Caligula. Except, of course, that Caligula appears to have been smarter.

This is what I was talking about when I said something like some opinions here on A2K are not only surprising, but shocking to say the least.

I gotta be honest with you, Okie. I thought I was tempering my true feelings in that post.

The most awesome military establishment this tired planet has ever seen is currently in the hands of a moron. The people who pull the moron's strings are among the most frightening, hypocritical, dangerous people in history.

I fear and dread what America's nutcase right wing is doing to us much, much more than I fear the terrorists.

Don't get me wrong…I am not saying I do not fear the terrorists. Just that they do not hold the same threat to me as does this group of miscreants who have gained control of our country.

And further, don't get me wrong…I would not be surprised at all if the next terrorist attack on us were such as to make 9/11 look like a cake walk.

Sorry if that shocks you…but if conservative America…particularly the poor knee-jerk sycophants enabling the establishment got their collective heads out of its collective asses…they might also see the danger.


You are of course correct. Conservatives and Republicans don't seem realize that terrorism cannot take over our country, can't steal our freedoms. Only we can do that to ourselves.

Why they can't understand that terror and knee-jerk reactions are the wrong response to terrorism, yargh

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 01:33 pm
Well I don't think that Blatham is perpetrator #1, or is even in the top ten for that matter. I generally judge these things based on my perception of what I call the sh*t to worth ratio, and on that scale he is usually OK. Same goes for Tico too. (Even Cyclo and Frank haver their redeeming moments - though I usually make it a point to be toughrer on Italians) There are others though who appear to contribute back-biting, personal criticism, and meaningless name-calling far out of proportion to anything else. I believe I was referring to a conjunction of the worst of these and a bit of the worst of otherwise solid, interesting posters.

I have not been above that myself, though I have found that my most enjoyable exchanges here have often occured with folks who don't particularly agree with my views -- and that has probably moderated my behavior.
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Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 01:44 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

The only way to fight terrorism is to fight terrorism. And the way you do that is by killing them before they kill us.

Ya see, here's the problem with guys like you and Boortz. No understanding of how the world works; you simplify problems into killing others before they can kill you. Idiotic approach to what is basically a civil and cultural and criminal problem, not a military problem; Al Qaeda is never going to be defeated by force of arms, ever. Anyone who thinks that it could has serious illusions about the nature of terrorism and asymmetrical warfare!

And look how great it's working out so far. Those who have been war cheerleaders have been consistently wrong about the whole thing, yet still act as if they have any credibility left. They don't, and there isn't any reason to believe a single prediction or prognostication they make.


Here's the problem with guys like you. You are an idealistic dreamer. Your idiotic approach to terrorism is to ignore it because it's not that big of a deal, or just treat it as a crime, and if the criminals happen to go to a country where we can't get to them, too bad for us. We ought to sit back and wait for the next attack.

What you clearly haven't learned is that the terrorists do not respect what they perceive as weakness. The America you advocate, an America that would treat terrorism the way it was treated by Bill Clinton, is not respected by the terrorists, but just as hated. What they know now is that America is not just a paper tiger.

I haven't been wrong about the whole thing. I didn't predict the war in Iraq would be a bowl of cherries. I didn't expect us to be out of there in a year's time. I knew full-well it was going to be a long-drawn out fight, and I also wondered whether America had the will to do it. I know leftists such as yourself have no will, and no stomach to do the job that needs to be done .... just as Boortz said.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 01:53 pm
You criticize me for 'not having the stomach' to see something that I don't want done, done. I was against the Iraq war from the beginning.

But, what have you done, I mean Done, to 'see the fight through?' Nothing. That's why Conservatives love the Iraq war; they get to cheerlead without actually being required to do a single thing themselves.

I do have the stomach to see the job done; my job is to end the Iraq war, and I won't quit because of silly fearmongering by those such as yourself, who are afraid in theory only and face threats by demanding, what, exactly?

This is probably one of the dumbest things you've ever written:


What you clearly haven't learned is that the terrorists do not respect what they perceive as weakness.

You don't have a clue what strength is, but let me give you a hint: it's not feeling terror when terrorists strike. It is denying them their primary weapon, which is fear. You and those like yourself argue the exact opposite: that we should be afraid. Well, I'm not.

Repeat after me, as many times as neccessary until you get it:

I am not afraid of terrorism! I will not make decisions out of fear![/color][/size]

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 01:54 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Also, I can't help but notice that you think that this is a very real and dangerous global threat that we should all be scared of, but not so much of a threat to your way of life that you are willing to actually do anything about it yourself.

I know, I know, it's an old argument. But pardon me if I don't believe that you actually feel threatened. You don't, not really. Just politically. You certainly don't act in the way that people who truly feel that their lives are at stake act, who feel that their country is at stake.


I feel "politically" threatened? Explain.

Well, I mean, when you mention the 'threat' from Islaamic terrorism, you only mean it in a political way; that said 'threat' is expedient to getting the policies you like to see advanced, advanced.

I still don't follow. The policies I would like to see "advanced" are those that would best serve our nation's interest in defeating Islamic terrorism. I hold these policies out as important because I view Islamic terrorism as a real and dangerous threat to the country and the rest of the Western world.

I say this because you don't act as if you feel personally threatened at all, or as if you feel America is in real danger of attack. You don't advocate policies which could do something about said attack here at home (fighting wars abroad doesn't stop terrorism elsewhere - you're a fool if you think any differently). You don't think it is enough of a threat to you or your family to do any actual work yourself to do anything about it.

Huh? You're the one who is constantly arguing against every policy of the Bush Administration to combat terrorism. The government has a secret program to monitor terrorist's telephone calls -- you want to see it abolished. The government has a secret program to monitor financial transactions of the terrorists -- you want to see it abolished. The government has a not-so-secret program to open mail if it is deemed a potential terrorist threat -- you want to see it abolished. I advocate policies that would strengthen border security. I advocate policies that would prohibit foreign governments from controlling our seaports. What do you mean I don't advocate policies that could do something about a terrorist attack here at home. You're clearly talking out of your ass.

So, sorry if I think that the supposed 'threat' that we face from Islaamic terrorism is nothing more than bullsh*t posturing, at least on the part of those such as yourself who don't act threatened in the slightest. It hurts your credibility when your actions - both personal and advocated political actions - do nothing to address the problems you claim are major problems.


If I needed to so something to address the problems, I would. As it is, the government is currently doing a decent job on its own, and doesn't need any help from me. No terrorist attacks since 9/11 ... remember?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 01:59 pm
Well I don't think that Blatham is perpetrator #1, or is even in the top ten for that matter.

Piss off, bub. I'm at least number two but I haven't seen Setanta for a while and I was hoping to get top spot.

Re the tico/cyclo thing above... I too am looking forward to seeing a photo of Tico in National Guard uniform flying off to Iraq to defend freedom so terribly threatened. Perhaps he'll be in the same transport plane as Boortz, similarly outfitted. Until then, I'll just tell the two of them to shove their warmongering where the sun don't shine.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 01:59 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
okie wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:

...the bottom line is that I don't think George Bush is the greatest threat to the world since Adolph Hitler. I think he is more of a threat...and I would have to go on record as saying that George Bush is the greatest threat to the world since at least as far back as Caligula. Except, of course, that Caligula appears to have been smarter.

This is what I was talking about when I said something like some opinions here on A2K are not only surprising, but shocking to say the least.

I gotta be honest with you, Okie. I thought I was tempering my true feelings in that post.

The most awesome military establishment this tired planet has ever seen is currently in the hands of a moron. The people who pull the moron's strings are among the most frightening, hypocritical, dangerous people in history.

I fear and dread what America's nutcase right wing is doing to us much, much more than I fear the terrorists.

Don't get me wrong…I am not saying I do not fear the terrorists. Just that they do not hold the same threat to me as does this group of miscreants who have gained control of our country.

And further, don't get me wrong…I would not be surprised at all if the next terrorist attack on us were such as to make 9/11 look like a cake walk.

Sorry if that shocks you…but if conservative America…particularly the poor knee-jerk sycophants enabling the establishment got their collective heads out of its collective asses…they might also see the danger.


Well, I am honest as well, when I say I trust George Bush infinitely more than Islamic terrorists, with whatever weapons, including nuclear. The fact is the United States has been a benevolent nation during my lifetime. People are beating the door down trying to get here from all over the world. If an Islamic terrorist had the military power that George Bush has command over, I venture to guess you would be far more scared than you are now, contrary to what you claim. Frankly, I think you've lost your marbles, to put it kindly.

In summary, I agree with Ticomaya wholeheartedly. I do not believe the liberal element understands the true cruelty that human nature is capable of, if power is in the wrong hands. The Islamic terrorist movement is far more than a criminal problem. Also the thought that we can treat terrorists nice and they will ignore us is naivity at its maximum. That is akin to believeing if we quit incarcerating criminals, they would leave law abiding citizens alone.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:00 pm
No terrorist attacks since 9/11 ... remember?

You're wrong about that. You forget about the Anthrax attacks, which killed people and caused a major scare.

Please stop repeating this erroneous claim.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:04 pm
And, on information control for political purposes regardless of what this means to the families of soldiers dead (eg Pat Tillman)...
A coroner investigating the death of a British soldier when US jets opened fire on his convoy in Iraq criticised the Ministry of Defence again today for failing to produce footage of the "friendly fire" incident.
"It is a matter of profound regret," Andrew Walker, the Oxfordshire assistant deputy coroner, said after being told that MoD officials were still trying to get US authorities to agree to the use of the tapes.

"I, just for my part, hope that those in authority recognise that at the heart of this inquest is a grieving family."

"I have been put in a position where I have no alternative," he told the relatives. "It saddens me greatly that members of the family have been put in this position."

Mr Walker had hoped to play the audio and video recordings to the court this morning after telling the MoD to do whatever it took to get permission.

"This is a simple matter, and I fail to understand why it is proving so difficult to resolve," he said yesterday.

But the MoD's representative told the hearing today it was still "not yet possible to resolve the issue regarding the admissibility and disclosure of the US classified material".

L/Cpl Hull's widow, Susan, said previously she had been "categorically told" that no recording existed. "It's disgusting ... we have waited four years," she said. "That this evidence has just come to light miraculously in the previous week means our time has been delayed again."

A source said the dialogue on the tapes was "incriminating", including the line: "Someone's going to jail for this." It is understood the MoD has known about the evidence for several years.
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Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:09 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You criticize me for 'not having the stomach' to see something that I don't want done, done. I was against the Iraq war from the beginning.

No, you didn't have the stomach to begin the process. I believe you would prefer to bury your head in the sand and hope terrorism just goes away.

But, what have you done, I mean Done, to 'see the fight through?' Nothing. That's why Conservatives love the Iraq war; they get to cheerlead without actually being required to do a single thing themselves.

What is this fascination of yours with whether I have enlisted or not? Have you not realized that the clear sign that a peacenik has lost the ability to effectively argue their point on this issue is when they continually parrot that unless you sign up with the armed forces you aren't entitled to an opinion on the matter?

I do have the stomach to see the job done; my job is to end the Iraq war, and I won't quit because of silly fearmongering by those such as yourself, who are afraid in theory only and face threats by demanding, what, exactly?

Thankfully you are so extremely left-wing you are in the very, very slim minority in this country that see this thing the way you do. You, and those who think like you will never be able to effectively defend this country, and I pray you will never have the opportunity to prove me correct.

This is probably one of the dumbest things you've ever written:

What you clearly haven't learned is that the terrorists do not respect what they perceive as weakness.

You don't have a clue what strength is, but let me give you a hint: it's not feeling terror when terrorists strike. It is denying them their primary weapon, which is fear. You and those like yourself argue the exact opposite: that we should be afraid. Well, I'm not.

You might think you know what strength is, but you don't understand how that is viewed by the terrorists. OBL was emboldened by the way Clinton dealt with terrorism during his terms in office. We just sat back took it on the chin, and when the heat was turned up in Somalia, we fled with our tails between our legs, just as you would advocate we do in Iraq. I don't argue that we should be afraid, but I do argue we should do something about it. Your appeasement and apathy theory of how to deal with terrorism is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard of, given what we now know about the nature of the terrorists.

Repeat after me, as many times as neccessary until you get it:

I am not afraid of terrorism! I will not make decisions out of fear![/color][/size]


Again, I thank God that people who think like you do on this issue are too extreme to be electable.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:20 pm

No, you didn't have the stomach to begin the process. I believe you would prefer to bury your head in the sand and hope terrorism just goes away.

Wrong again. I was incredibly mad at the time that we weren't focusing on securing Afghanistan and catching OBL. We still haven't done that today; we have not significantly harmed AQ at all since 9/11 and we haven't significantly upgraded our defenses here at home.

The Iraq war is a distraction from stopping terrorism. In fact, each and every piece of evidence available shows that terrorism has risen around the world since the start of the war, that anti-Americanism has risen. You have exactly no evidence to back up the idea that the Iraq war and occupation has anything to do with terrorism at all.


What is this fascination of yours with whether I have enlisted or not? Have you not realized that the clear sign that a peacenik has lost the ability to effectively argue their point on this issue is when they continually parrot that unless you sign up with the armed forces you aren't entitled to an opinion on the matter?

I asked what you have actually done in this struggle, not whether or not you have enlisted. There are a whole host of things that you could have done other than enlisting, but my guess would be that you have done absolutely nothing other than spout your opinion off about it.

That's why I say that you don't actually take the threat seriously; you don't take any personal action whatsoever to do anything about it. How would you view someone who claims that we are facing gigantic threats, we all must sacrifice and have the stomach to see it through - but does nothing to help themselves?

Never once have I seen a convincing argument that the survival of the US is threatened in any way by terrorism. Not once. It is merely hyperbole designed to scare people into falling into lock-step.

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Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:21 pm
Okie wrote:

Well, I am honest as well, when I say I trust George Bush infinitely more than Islamic terrorists, with whatever weapons, including nuclear. The fact is the United States has been a benevolent nation during my lifetime. People are beating the door down trying to get here from all over the world. If an Islamic terrorist had the military power that George Bush has command over, I venture to guess you would be far more scared than you are now, contrary to what you claim. Frankly, I think you've lost your marbles, to put it kindly.

I didn't claim I would not be absolutely terror stricken if an Islamic terrorist had command over our armed forces, Okie.

BUT…AND THIS IS IMPORTANT…the Islamic terrorists DO NOT HAVE COMMAND over our military…George Bush does.

And right now…despite all the bullshyt…George Bush and Dick Cheney are doing damage to our country that will take decades to ameliorate…if it is possible to correct the damage at all.

In summary, I agree with Ticomaya wholeheartedly. I do not believe the liberal element understands the true cruelty that human nature is capable of, if power is in the wrong hands.

Well I am not part of the "liberal element"…but nearly as I can tell, the liberal element feels as I do…that WE DO UNDERSTAND THE TRUE CRUELTY OF HUMAN NATURE IF POWER IS IN THE WRONG HANDS.

And I suspect the liberal element feels as I do…THAT POWER IS IN THE WRONG HANDS RIGHT NOW.

The Islamic terrorist movement is far more than a criminal problem. Also the thought that we can treat terrorists nice and they will ignore us is naivity at its maximum.

No it isn't. It is straw man building at its maximum. I don't think anyone here is arguing that we should treat terrorists nicely….nor that they will ignore us if we do.

Most of us are arguing that the moron has made the world a less safe place by the way he is handling the problem.

That is akin to believeing if we quit incarcerating criminals, they would leave law abiding citizens alone.

More straw man building. If you put less effort into building straw men and more into thinking the problem through without all that knee jerk crap…you'd understand what is being said here.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:37 pm
Frank, my apologies if I characterize you as a liberal, if you aren't. I haven't been able to get a good fix on your politics, to be honest, but it seemed you were liberal most of the time.

I think we can legitimately argue about whether it was wise to kick Saddam Hussein out of power. I debated it myself a few years ago, and I admit it was not as clearcut as going after the Taliban, at least in my mind, but I ultimately came down on the side of doing it. I therefore do not think I should flip flop and leave Bush high and dry, as politicians have done. We need to be more united than we are, and we would be if the politicians would take responsibility for their votes on this.

Maybe you don't think my comparison of ignoring terrorists to ignoring criminals is a bad comparison, but I think not. I have heard that very opinion expressed many times, that by going after terrorists, it only makes them madder and creates more. How is that different than the criminal problem? The only way you defeat terrorists is to defeat them. You will not by negotiation or by ignoring them, which I would remind you the Clintons did before 911. Clinton had the chance to take out OBL and passed on it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:39 pm
okie wrote:
Frank, my apologies if I characterize you as a liberal, if you aren't. I haven't been able to get a good fix on your politics, to be honest, but it seemed you were liberal most of the time.

Frank's not a liberal ... he just plays one on A2K.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 02:53 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
okie wrote:
Frank, my apologies if I characterize you as a liberal, if you aren't. I haven't been able to get a good fix on your politics, to be honest, but it seemed you were liberal most of the time.

Frank's not a liberal ... he just plays one on A2K.

Yes, quite true, I am the head looney liberal of a2k which puts me slightly left of Atilla the Hun compared to many/most of the right wing here.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 2 Feb, 2007 03:00 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Yes, quite true, I am the head looney liberal of a2k which puts me slightly left of Atilla the Hun compared to many/most of the right wing here.

The good thing about Dys is that he really isn't the cranky, loonie he so often pretends to be.
0 Replies

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