Information control, or, How to get to Orwellian governance

Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 06:26 pm
That's hilarious OE--i got a big laugh out of that, thanks.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 06:27 pm
No, Old Europe- I never get tired- Ask Mr. McTag
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2006 09:54 pm
Advocate wrote:
Most of those in the film world are highly intelligent and talented.

You gotta be kidding me?
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 01:06 am
Certainly. Ticomaya, he must be kidding because:

So who are these celebrities? What is their education? What is their experience in affairs of State or in National Security? While I will defend to the death their right to express their opinions, I think that if they are going to call into question the intelligence of our leaders, we should also have all the facts on their educations and background:

Barbra Streisand: Completed high school Career: Singing and acting

Cher: Dropped out of school in 9th grade. Career: Singing and acting

Martin Sheen: Flunked exam to enter University of Dayton. Career: Acting

Jessica Lange: Dropped out college mid-freshman year. Career: Acting

Alec Baldwin: Dropped out of George Washington U. after scandal.

Career: Acting

Julia Roberts: Completed high school. Career: Acting

Sean Penn: Completed High school. Career: Acting

Susan Sarandon: Degree in Drama from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Career: Acting

Ed Asner; Completed High school. Career: Acting

George Clooney: Dropped out of University of Kentucky. Career: Acting

Michael Moore: Dropped out first year University of Michigan. Career: Movie Director

Sarah Jessica Parker: Completed High School. Career: Acting

Jennifer Anniston: Completed High School. Career: Acting

Mike Farrell: Completed High school. Career: Acting

Janeane Garofelo: Dropped out of College. Career: Stand up comedienne.

Larry Hagman: Attended Bard College for one year. Career: Acting


Hollywood_? A bunch of Morons!!!!
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 06:52 am
I see we get more of the same from Bernard.

Janeane Garofalo (Learn to spell the damn name to at least make your lies somewhat reasonable) graduated from Providence college with degrees in history and American studies.

I see you left off Tim Robbins - SUNY and UCLA

Most of your list is NOT politically active at all. Jennifer Anniston, Sarah Jessica Parker and Julia Roberts? No, go find all the child stars and then tell us how they didn't go to college.

Falsus in omnia Bernard.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 08:36 am
America is such a nutty mess in ways that continue to amaze.

What is this thing about "Hollywood"? And why wouldn't the sort of idiocies above not apply to Reagan or Arnold or Heston or or or? Or perhaps to John Wayne who was one member of a college football team invited over to an early actresses home to groupboink her (the incident which led to the early censorship regs)?

Partly, it has an anti-semitic element. Partly, it has that odd and authoritarian moral rectitude element.

And on the other hand, is their any other nation so caught up in the complete nuttiness of celebrity worship?

And then there is the bizarre lack of celebration of the accomplishments of American cinema as art form, perhaps not unlike the distaste for early jazz or new musical forms. That really looks like the authoritarian "we don't like change and we don't like competing values and we don't like anyone being a model for our kids other than the ones we pick"

Nutty nutty place, america. As if diversity isn't what makes what is good, good.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:26 am
Theres a few people, such as Reagan, that decided to pursue more worthwhile endeavors, and some of the older hollywood stars had a bit more standards. There are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, people that get into acting have something in their psych that drives them to want to imitate reality, escape reality, play another imaginary scenario, and to seek fame and fortune in a way that is self absorbed and vain. Many are unhappy, and find their careers only lead to more unhappiness, hence the high levels of drug abuse, screwed up marriages, and all the rest. Many of them are somewhat disconnected from reality, and they tend to buy into very unrealistic beliefs, such as war is something people do to satisfy their own base instincts, rather than seeing principles like freedom and liberty having any value whatsoever. Many movie stars have this idealistic view of the world wherein if we just treat everyone nice, they will do the same, and we will all live happily in peace, eating caviar together forever.

The liberal mindset that resides in people, whether they are in Hollywood or not, tend to see the world in an idealistic view, and actually think there just might be utopia, or some better way of running things, or that all poverty can be eliminated, or that all people are just good people (except conservatives of course Smile ), therefore there should be no problems in the world if government would simply fix everything. Also, the morality of liberals is not related to their personal lives, but whether government is moral enough to fix every problem. Personal responsibility is explained away. It is government's responsibility. This is why Clinton was a very good man, but Bush is the same as the devil himself.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:37 am
Many in show business leave school early to make their fortunes in the movies and TV. It takes a good mind to memorize scripts and otherwise play a role. Also, those who direct and produce, make sets and special effects, are very intelligent.

Like those in academia and the fourth estate, where intelligence and knowledge prevails, they are overwhelmingly liberal.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:40 am
Advocate wrote:
It takes a good mind to memorize scripts and otherwise play a role.


If I were to provide you with a list of stupid actors that could "memorize scripts and otherwise play a role," would you admit that what you typed above is silly?
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:42 am
Don't bet on it. My experience is that Advocate never admits his silliness--which makes him no different than conservatives.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:44 am
Or Setanta for that matter.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:46 am
I think we are talking more about mindset here than we are about IQ. However, I think doctors, engineers, geologists, architects, and the like are probably even higher in IQ, and they are much more closely tied to reality. The people I worked with in the past, in the geological field, were pretty conservative overall, very educated, and very realistic people. Their study was of nature, the science of it, and the realities of life in general. As a comparison, hollywood stars have no clue whatsoever as to what goes into drilling an oil well, neither would they care, but only blame the oil company if they can't drive their Mercedes to the pump and fill it up with cheap gas so they can make it to the next celebrity party.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:57 am
okie said:
Theres a few people, such as Reagan, that decided to pursue more worthwhile endeavors,

Politics is more worthwhile than the arts? The nation would be better off with more politicians and fewer artists?
Fine with you if, say, Barb Streisand or Oprah Winfrey run for governor somewhere a la Arnold? They'd do it to pursue a more worthwhile endeavor, of course.

and some of the older hollywood stars had a bit more standards.

You can't be serious.

There are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, people that get into acting have something in their psych that drives them to want to imitate reality, escape reality, play another imaginary scenario, and to seek fame and fortune in a way that is self absorbed and vain.

Really? Same with musicians? Novelists? Short story writers? Painters? Photographers? Dancers? Opera singers? Playwrights? Architects? Sculpters? What differentiates them, if anything? How do you know this? And how about the politician thing? No vanity? No quest for status? For money or power? They are more moral? They demonstrate greater unhappiness or greater instances of mental illness? And you have empirical evidence to support your claims?

Many are unhappy, and find their careers only lead to more unhappiness, hence the high levels of drug abuse, screwed up marriages, and all the rest.

More than whom? How do you know this? There have been studies that have shown divorce rates are higher in red states than in blue, also teen pregnancies, but I'm unaware of studies dealing with Hollywood people or artists as compared against plumbers and car mechanics.

Many of them are somewhat disconnected from reality, and they tend to buy into very unrealistic beliefs, such as war is something people do to satisfy their own base instincts, rather than seeing principles like freedom and liberty having any value whatsoever.

Yes...likely all covered by some study which you will now link me to. You will provide, yes?

Many movie stars have this idealistic view of the world wherein if we just treat everyone nice, they will do the same, and we will all live happily in peace, eating caviar together forever.

Do they? Which ones? Which ones don't?

The liberal mindset that resides in people, whether they are in Hollywood or not, tend to see the world in an idealistic view, and actually think there just might be utopia, or some better way of running things, or that all poverty can be eliminated, or that all people are just good people (except conservatives of course Smile ), therefore there should be no problems in the world if government would simply fix everything.

How would John Stewart Mill fit into this set of descriptions? And Hume? Or Lincoln who was, in many aspects of political and social philosophy, a liberal?
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 09:57 am
Francis wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
What does "purposeful manipulation of language" really mean?

That's when people know what they are talking about.

Otherwise and must of the time, it's just idle talk.

Sorry, "must of the time???"
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 10:09 am
blatham wrote:
okie said:
Theres a few people, such as Reagan, that decided to pursue more worthwhile endeavors,

Politics is more worthwhile than the arts? The nation would be better off with more politicians and fewer artists?

You may have a point, blatham.

As for my other opinions, just my opinion, blatham, don't you have opinions? I haven't written a research paper on it, but some things are intuitively obvious, blatham, just by reading the papers and following the news. Perhaps you follow movies, pop stars, and the like, and think they are wonderful and filled with all wisdom. I don't happen to think so.

I still remember some movie star testifying before Congress about allar on apples simply because they appeared in a movie. What a joke. I suppose now they purport to be experts on global warming and the energy crisis, after all we wouldn't want to ask the experts like engineers and the like because they are biased. They are biased because they actually know something about the subject. Like finally, we have people in the Whitehouse that know something about oil and energy, and the liberals are mad. I am personally glad we have people that actually know something about it, but I suppose you, blatham, would rather have Barbara Streisand making the decisions?
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 10:13 am
Brandon9000 wrote:
Francis wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:
What does "purposeful manipulation of language" really mean?

That's when people know what they are talking about.

Otherwise and must of the time, it's just idle talk.

Sorry, "must of the time???"

Finally, I have a reader!!

Thank you, Brandon, now you are helping me to improve my English!
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 10:18 am
Looking at Bush's failures in the oil business, his horrific Energy Law, etc., I would prefer to have Barbara making the decisions. BTW, she is not just a great singer. She proved to be a fine actress, producer, and director. Not exactly dumb!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 10:35 am
Advocate wrote:
Looking at Bush's failures in the oil business, his horrific Energy Law, etc., I would prefer to have Barbara making the decisions. BTW, she is not just a great singer. She proved to be a fine actress, producer, and director. Not exactly dumb!

And still you continue with your thesis that because she is a "fine" actress/producer/director, she cannot be dumb?


The Top 15 Differences if
Barbra Streisand Were President

15. "Hail to the Chief" suspended. Sargent at Arms now simply squeals, "Hello, Gorgeous!"

14. Intense international negotiations conclude with air kisses and "Don't change, you're perfect."

13. Secret service has a dog of a time outfitting their see-through pajamas with Kevlar.

12. Absolutely no doubt for whom Palm Beach County voted.

11. Initiative to have her likeness added to Mt. Rushmore scuttled due to costly biannual face lifts.

10. Her media nickname: Presidentl

9. Incessant bitching and moaning replaces baseball as the national pastime.

8. Solves every international crisis by marrying that country's most-washed-up actor.

7. Aretha Franklin has to sing Streisand's State of the Union Speech when she blows it off.

6. Alec Baldwin would have a lot more traveling companions.

5. State of the Union address nominated for a Grammy.

4. Bette Midler put to death.

3. Bill Clinton would be getting some in the Oval Office again.

2. Prospective Cabinet members undone one by one during confirmation hearings when they are forced to admit under oath that they walked out of the theater halfway through "The Mirror Has Two Faces."

and the Number 1 Difference if Barbra Streisand Were President...

1. After every State of the Union address, Barney Frank approaches the stage with flowers, crying.

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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 10:49 am
Advocate wrote:
Looking at Bush's failures in the oil business, his horrific Energy Law, etc., I would prefer to have Barbara making the decisions. BTW, she is not just a great singer. She proved to be a fine actress, producer, and director. Not exactly dumb!

All those that support Barbara Streisand to make our energy policy decisions, contact Advocate. Great singers and actresses know how to drill oil wells. Whew, we are in big trouble. I suspect this every time I read an article where a reporter asks our little kids what they want to be when they grow up. Answers like ballet dancers, moviestars, famous singers, abound. I know many of them become realistic later, but be that as it may, what does it say about what these little heads are being filled with day in and day out. So Barbara Streisand is our next hero to lead us out of our jungle of problems? Sorry, I meant to say "rain forest." The word "jungle" is not very politically correct.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2006 11:52 am
Cute stuff! My point, stated flippantly, is that virtually anyone could have done a better job than Bush on energy.

His energy bill gave big subsidies to companies that are reaping windfall profits. He did virtually nothing in the area of energy conservation, although this could take us a long way toward oil self-sufficiency. He is doing his best alienate Chavez, although Venezuela is a large source of oil. I could go on.
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