Getting back to earlier discussions, it appears that the MSM is going to give short shrift to the information coming out in the Saddam tapes and much of it is absolutely stunning. It will be up to talk radio, the few other conservative media sources that exists, and us bloggers to keep it out there until it has been acknowledged. Unless it is shown to be a hoax or otherwise unreliable, so far it has pretty well exhonerated the President (and the previous administration) on the 'lying about WMD' issues.
Also, on the surveillance 'scandal', recently somebody broke into a convenience store here in New Mexico and the only thing they took was I think 180 disposable cellular phones. (Not positive about the number but that will be close.) Now why would somebody JUST want disposable phones? I think this particular kind of incident is being repeated elsewhere.
The following I think is the whole heart of what the debate should be.
Jonathan Gurwitz
1978 surveillance act hinders 2006 security SOURCE