old europe :
yes , i certainly agree with you .
looking at the 1933 election results , it is quite clear that the nazis received enough votes to be able to step into the position of governing party .
i also recall my father telling me that many of his friends and co-workers had voted for hitler because of the promises of work for everyone and eliminating political strife and corruption !
the promise of better times ahead always seems to carry the day .
not many voters ask how it is to be achieved .
i seem to recall reading somewhere that nazi strategists had figured out some years earlier - in the late 1920's - that the way to power was through the ballot box .
enough germans were ready to throw their lot in with them - not realizing would would happen later !
btw there are two books by the british writer "philip gibbs" that i have found quite valuable in gaining a better understanding of what went on in germany and europe in the early 1930's .
the first one is called :
"European journey; by Philip Gibbs; being the narrative of a journey in France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Germany, and the Saar, in the spring and summer of 1934. With an authentic record of the ideas, hopes, and fears moving in the minds of common folk and expressed in wayside conversations"
(our library has it stored in the basement , but they were quite happy to bring it up for me)
the second one is :
"england speaks : being talks with road sweeepers , barbers , statesmen ,
lords and ladies , beggars ... and all manner of folk of humble and exalted rank" ,
i was fortunate to pick it up for 25 cents some years ago and i still refer to it .
these books are what i would call 'immediate' history books . gibbs wrote the books in 1933 and 1935 , immediately after his return from europe (book 1) and after his travels through great britain(book2) .
the books give quite a vivid picture of what all kinds of people were doing and thinking at that time.
i guess he was a sort of 'bob woodward' of his time .