I think the American public regardless of party affiliation would vote for a chimpanzee that would get back to solid conservative values.
They tried that twice already and it didn't work, you expect them to try a third time?
We havent had a real conservative in the WH since Ronald Reagan.
How do you figure its been tried twice?
More than a few bean counters might counter that argument, MM. Though I whole-heartily agree with the way he spent; he spent plenty.
I loved Ronald Reagan, he was conservative, but unfortunately Congress kept spending like drunken sailors during the 80's. Bush is also a big spender, a liberal to put it bluntly with his education and prescription initiatives. However, at least he is more conservative on some things.
The huge problem with any cut in the rate in spending will be the demonizing by Democrats and the willing main stream press, whereas old people, children, the disadvantaged, the Middle Class, any group they can think of, will be starving and suffering in the streets according to their daily mantra. Also, a huge portion of the budget is tied to entitlements, which grow by a matter of definition and the factors entrenched.
One thing I noticed with Clinton was the raising of the limits on wages that had Social Security deducted in rather dramatic fashion, plus the taxation of benefits over certain levels. Just one example that when a Democrat is in office, the press totally ignored it, most people never noticed, and it never affected voting. If a Republican would have done the same thing, we would never hear the end of it in terms of people suffering. So, any conservative has an extra hill to climb in terms of not being demonized in the press. That conservative must have unique qualities of charisma, have the ability to inspire, good answers to all the questions, and a squeaky clean track record in terms of ethics. I'm not sure who that person is yet, but I think there are some possibilities.
MM - I was, of course, referring to Bush jr.
What does Christian theology look like when it isn't tied to the American Republican party?
Quote:The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has launched a passionate attack on President George Bush, saying his administration's refusal to close the notorious Guantanamo Bay camp reflected "a society that is heading towards George Orwell's Animal Farm".
Dr Sentamu, the Church of England's second in command, urged the UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) to take legal action against the US - through the US courts or the International Court of Justice at The Hague - should it fail to respond to a report, by five UN inspectors, advising that Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay should be shut immediately because prisoners there are being tortured.
What does the Middle East look like after a few years of Bush/neoconservative incompetence and arrogance?
And here is the concluding passage from Bill Buckley's latest column...
Quote:It is a bitter pill to swallow, to see the United States and Israel forthrightly attempting to subvert democracy in Palestine. But the first law in this sermon is that democracy's fruits sometimes need either to be stillborn or else to be resisted.
Well, lots of bitter-tasting reality down Bill's throat these days. As if this recently revealed strategy to thwart a democratic vote in Palestine is anything unusual in American/Israeli policy towards the Palestinians (or anyone else, for that matter). What on earth did this fellow have in his noggin? That suddenly, magically, there would be absolutely nothing more appealing to all the folks in the world - from completely different cultural and religious backgrounds than Buckley's - to eat at MacDonalds, shop at Walmart and walk around quoting Jefferson?
Quote:The epitomy of hypocrisy: Dubya prosecuting those who expose his criminal acts. Is there no end to the lies, cheating, hypocrisy from the rabid right?
So are you saying that the leaking of top secret info is a good thing?
Since his "criminal acts" have not been proven in any court,the leaking of information is a crime.
The person responsible,no matter who it is or what the info leaked is,has committed a crime.
Do you favor allowing crimes to be committed if they hurt Bush?
Where the hell have you been?? Don't stay away so long, the place is loaded with "rugged individuals"

You know, the guys who blast away (Cheney Style).
Anybody know where you can buy a good troll cage and bait?
Foxfyre wrote:Anybody know where you can buy a good troll cage and bait?
Yes, and an animal control officer!
Anon-Voter wrote:Maggie,
Where the hell have you been?? Don't stay away so long, the place is loaded with "rugged individuals"

You know, the guys who blast away (Cheney Style).
Actually I am working on a web page for my Proud Liberal Bitch web site. I received an email from a friend who forwarded a number of posts from Seattle Buzz. I quit that place over a year ago and I understand that I am still keeping them busy talking about me. I must be doing somthing right!
So I am writing an article for them & will send the link to one of my friends posting there so those scumbags will have something else to talk about. I thought it would be fun to post it someplace they cannot respond. Of course it will keep them busy for another year I guess!
Gee, who would have ever thought that I made that big an impression!
One of the posters with a weird name sounds an awful lot like that filthy mouth Right Brother.
Yea ... Good old NaziBuzz, I remember it well! MM is a moderator there which says it all!!
Anon-Voter wrote:Maggie,
Yea ... Good old NaziBuzz, I remember it well! MM is a moderator there which says it all!!
Your right,I am.
And nobody there laughs when Americans get killed,nobody there actively hopes for American deaths,nobody there wants to see as many US deaths as is possible.
Mags,you didnt quit,you were banned,remember.
For what its worth,I tried to get Kevin to let you stay,but I was overruled.
Come on guys. I can recommend another site that has an unmoderated basement where you can go at it to your heart's content with no restrictions. But this thread is not the place for personal sniping. (Or spamming or trolling for that matter).
If you didn't have people on the other side of "Bush supporters aftermath" I suspect it would quickly die out. The whole attraction to discussions on the internet is debating different points of view. I can understand how the concept might be a little beyond certain types of personalities given the current trend in modern (so called) conservatism. I mean when you have a president who wants to label bloggers with different points of view as terrorist, what can you expect of his faithful followers?