Bush supporters' aftermath thread II

Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:27 pm
Here's a cute bit on O'Reilly and the "leftwing media"...

Bill O'Reilly, on his Feb 13 radio broadcast, listed off the newspapers he thought leftwing including:

Hartford Courant, "left-wing"
New York Daily News, "pretty much left-wing"
Houston Chronicle, "left-wing"
The Dallas Morning News, "drifting left"
The Denver Post, "left-wing"

Each of them endorsed Bush in 2004.
media matters
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:31 pm
woijo writes
His activity was reported timely. The only thing the "left" is upset at is that the Corpus Cristie Times got the scoop and not the NY Times.

Yes, and they're really ticked off that he gave the subsequent interview to Britt Hume who he knew would be thorough and would not excerpt parts of it.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:38 pm
If anyone's interested, I provided copies of the Sheriff's report ... HERE.

I'm struck by the explanation for why the Sheriff's department did not investigate on Saturday: The Sheriff apparently understood it was an accident, and did not see the need to question anyone on Saturday. Can someone explain why the anti-Bush/Cheney folks believe the Secret Service refused to let law enforcement interview Cheney for 14 hours?
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old europe
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:40 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Now to your question. I have a better memory than some and the images of 9/11 are still crystal clear in my mind as are scenes of beheadings, mass graves, and innocent people blown up with car bombs. I am also a product of the WWII generation and my parents ran the commissary of a POW camp here in New Mexico. All the prisoners there were German and some were there for most of four years. They got no trial, they were treated well--my Mom wrote to two of them for years after they were released--but they were not going to be turned loose before the war was won and an unconditional surrender was signed.

I look at those people at GITMO in much of the same way. Just like all those German boys were not Nazis and not evil and some probably never even shot at us, they were still part of the German Army and they were the enemy. You don't turn them loose for their commanders to refit into fighting machines and let them come at us again. Once victory is won, they can go home on our nickle just as those German prisoners were sent home on our nickle.

Until somebody has conclusive proof that this is not the case with the detainees at GITMO, I will believe our government is doing the right thing. And I don't trust the anti-Bush, anti-American media with portraying things as they actually are there.

Sure, but the United States, back then, were fighting a regular army. The POWs had, uhm, POW status - something the detainees in Gitmo don't have. And as you said, their were sent home once victory was won.

That's the problem. If the detainees are prisoners in the "War on Terror", when do you think victory will be won? When Iraq has been transmogrified into a peaceful, freedom-loving, western oriented democracy? When the last US soldier returns home from Iraq? Or when "minor" battle operations in Iraq are over?

But, no, that would just be the War on Iraq, not the War on Terror, right? And terrorists have existed since thousands of years. Yep. So, would that be the timeframe for the Gitmo inmates?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:53 pm
old europe wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Now to your question. I have a better memory than some and the images of 9/11 are still crystal clear in my mind as are scenes of beheadings, mass graves, and innocent people blown up with car bombs. I am also a product of the WWII generation and my parents ran the commissary of a POW camp here in New Mexico. All the prisoners there were German and some were there for most of four years. They got no trial, they were treated well--my Mom wrote to two of them for years after they were released--but they were not going to be turned loose before the war was won and an unconditional surrender was signed.

I look at those people at GITMO in much of the same way. Just like all those German boys were not Nazis and not evil and some probably never even shot at us, they were still part of the German Army and they were the enemy. You don't turn them loose for their commanders to refit into fighting machines and let them come at us again. Once victory is won, they can go home on our nickle just as those German prisoners were sent home on our nickle.

Until somebody has conclusive proof that this is not the case with the detainees at GITMO, I will believe our government is doing the right thing. And I don't trust the anti-Bush, anti-American media with portraying things as they actually are there.

Sure, but the United States, back then, were fighting a regular army. The POWs had, uhm, POW status - something the detainees in Gitmo don't have. And as you said, their were sent home once victory was won.

That's the problem. If the detainees are prisoners in the "War on Terror", when do you think victory will be won? When Iraq has been transmogrified into a peaceful, freedom-loving, western oriented democracy? When the last US soldier returns home from Iraq? Or when "minor" battle operations in Iraq are over?

But, no, that would just be the War on Iraq, not the War on Terror, right? And terrorists have existed since thousands of years. Yep. So, would that be the timeframe for the Gitmo inmates?

Admittedly the War on Terror is against a less clearly defined enemy than was WW II. The principle involved remains the same however. I consider hijacking planes full of innocent people and flying them into large buildings full of innocent people to be acts of war. I consider targeting with bombs and mortar fire innocent men, women, and children in their market places, schools, or places to be acts of war.

Prisoners of war are entitled to neither counsel nor trial. They are not charged with any crime but are simply held until peace is secured. It would be nice if we could put a time limit on war, but to the best of my knowledge there is no technology available to do that yet.

So what would be your timeline to release detainees that you are pretty sure would be enlisted to go to war against you?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:53 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
woijo writes
His activity was reported timely. The only thing the "left" is upset at is that the Corpus Cristie Times got the scoop and not the NY Times.

Yes, and they're really ticked off that he gave the subsequent interview to Britt Hume who he knew would be thorough and would not excerpt parts of it.

Well, there is that little matter of Fox editing out the beer drinking thing before broadcast.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:55 pm
Well since I first heard about it on Fox News, it's pretty hard for me to believe they edited it out.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 04:58 pm
blatham wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
woijo writes
His activity was reported timely. The only thing the "left" is upset at is that the Corpus Cristie Times got the scoop and not the NY Times.

Yes, and they're really ticked off that he gave the subsequent interview to Britt Hume who he knew would be thorough and would not excerpt parts of it.

Well, there is that little matter of Fox editing out the beer drinking thing before broadcast.

What are you referring to, blatham?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 05:00 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
If anyone's interested, I provided copies of the Sheriff's report ... HERE.

I'm struck by the explanation for why the Sheriff's department did not investigate on Saturday: The Sheriff apparently understood it was an accident, and did not see the need to question anyone on Saturday. Can someone explain why the anti-Bush/Cheney folks believe the Secret Service refused to let law enforcement interview Cheney for 14 hours?

On Sunday, Salinas told The New York Times that a deputy talked to Cheney on Saturday night. But CBS said the sheriff's office complained a deputy had been turned away that evening.

We'll see.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 05:01 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
woijo writes
His activity was reported timely. The only thing the "left" is upset at is that the Corpus Cristie Times got the scoop and not the NY Times.

Yes, and they're really ticked off that he gave the subsequent interview to Britt Hume who he knew would be thorough and would not excerpt parts of it.

Well, there is that little matter of Fox editing out the beer drinking thing before broadcast.

What are you referring to, blatham?

In the interview, Hume asked about drinking beer. Cheney said he'd had one at lunch. That question and answer were edited out of the broadcast but can be found in the Fox transcript.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 05:09 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Prisoners of war are entitled to neither counsel nor trial. They are not charged with any crime but are simply held until peace is secured.

Okay, so if you want to grant them POW status - fine. Let's have a look at some of the provisions (established by the Third Geneva Convention):

Article 13: "Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated."
Article 13: "...Prisoners of war must at all times be protected, particularly against acts of violence or intimidation and against insults..."
Article 17: "No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer may not be threatened, insulted or exposed to unpleasant or disadvantageous treatment of any kind."
Article 25: "Prisoners of war shall be quartered under conditions as favourable as those for the forces of the Detaining Power who are billeted in the same area."
Article 60: "The Detaining Power shall grant all prisoners of war a monthly advance of pay..."
Article 72: "Prisoners of war shall be allowed to receive ... books, devotional articles, scientific equipment, examination papers, musical instruments, sports outfits and materials allowing prisoners of war to pursue their studies or their cultural activities."

Foxfyre wrote:
It would be nice if we could put a time limit on war, but to the best of my knowledge there is no technology available to do that yet.

That's not funny, Foxy. By the way, was the "War on Drugs" ever won? Is is still going on? Or was it just called off at one point?

Foxfyre wrote:
So what would be your timeline to release detainees that you are pretty sure would be enlisted to go to war against you?

Yes, a bugger of a situation the administration got itself into. There's just no easy solution for that problem, is there? On the other hand, keeping all of them locked away until they die of old age doesn't seem to be such a satisfying solution either.

Meanwhile, if the detainees would really be treated like POWs, that would be a fundamental improvement.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 05:23 pm
I just downloading the video and watched it, and it matches up completely with the transcript on the foxnews website. Can you provide a link to the transcript that contains the "beer at lunch" question and answer? I know Hume paraphrased the question/answer immediately following the broadcast of the interview ... is that what you're referring to?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 05:40 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
I just downloading the video and watched it, and it matches up completely with the transcript on the foxnews website. Can you provide a link to the transcript that contains the "beer at lunch" question and answer? I know Hume paraphrased the question/answer immediately following the broadcast of the interview ... is that what you're referring to?

Is this directed to me? I don't remember it being mentioned in the interview but then I got two phone calls during the interview and missed some of it. Where I heard it was I think on a newscast or maybe Fox & Friends. TV watching has been limited the last few days so I am not positive just when.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 05:48 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I just downloading the video and watched it, and it matches up completely with the transcript on the foxnews website. Can you provide a link to the transcript that contains the "beer at lunch" question and answer? I know Hume paraphrased the question/answer immediately following the broadcast of the interview ... is that what you're referring to?

Is this directed to me? I don't remember it being mentioned in the interview but then I got two phone calls during the interview and missed some of it. Where I heard it was I think on a newscast or maybe Fox & Friends. TV watching has been limited the last few days so I am not positive just when.

I was responding to blatham. He said:

In the interview, Hume asked about drinking beer. Cheney said he'd had one at lunch. That question and answer were edited out of the broadcast but can be found in the Fox transcript.

... so I was asking for a link to the transcript with the beer Q&A.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 05:55 pm
From the full transcript linked at the Fox website:
Q Was anybody drinking in this party?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: No. You don't hunt with people who drink. That's not a good idea. We had --

Q So he wasn't, and you weren't?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Correct. We'd taken a break at lunch -- go down under an old -- ancient oak tree there on the place, and have a barbecue. I had a beer at lunch. After lunch we take a break, go back to ranch headquarters. Then we took about an hour-long tour of ranch, with a ranch hand driving the vehicle, looking at game. We didn't go back into the field to hunt quail until about, oh, sometime after 3:00 p.m.

The five of us who were in that party were together all afternoon. Nobody was drinking, nobody was under the influence.

Q Now, what thought did you give, then, to how -- you must have known that this was -- whether it was a matter of state, or not, was news. What thought did you give that evening to how this news should be transmitted?

THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, my first reaction, Brit, was not to think: I need to call the press. My first reaction is: My friend, Harry, has been shot and we've got to take care of him. That evening there were other considerations. We wanted to make sure his family was taken care of. His wife was on the ranch. She wasn't with us when it happened, but we got her hooked up with the ambulance on the way to the hospital with Harry. He has grown children; we wanted to make sure they were notified, so they didn't hear on television that their father had been shot. And that was important, too.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 06:32 pm
Re: Bush supporters' aftermath thread II
Ticomaya wrote:
<psst> Can't you bash Cyclops, at least? Just a wee little bit?

LOL!!! Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 06:37 pm
yeah really, like bashing is why we're here, right?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2006 08:29 pm
blatham wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
blatham wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
woijo writes
His activity was reported timely. The only thing the "left" is upset at is that the Corpus Cristie Times got the scoop and not the NY Times.

Yes, and they're really ticked off that he gave the subsequent interview to Britt Hume who he knew would be thorough and would not excerpt parts of it.

Well, there is that little matter of Fox editing out the beer drinking thing before broadcast.

What are you referring to, blatham?

In the interview, Hume asked about drinking beer. Cheney said he'd had one at lunch. That question and answer were edited out of the broadcast but can be found in the Fox transcript.
Nonsense. I listened to the broadcast and heard it myself. Perhaps there's a shorter version that got some re-play, but it was definitely not edited out of the original. You have my word.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:17 am
blatham wrote:

When George Will (George Will! for goodness sakes) tells you that the administration is heading into dictator-land, it might well be prudent to make some reassessments...
Shocked ooOOooh... dictator-land...

That's pretty scary stuff.

(Is this it?)

You're gonna need a couple more of those just to handle your BS, Bill. You'll need a fleet if you plan on moving those RNC talking points here.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:59 am
Ticomaya wrote:
I just downloading the video and watched it, and it matches up completely with the transcript on the foxnews website. Can you provide a link to the transcript that contains the "beer at lunch" question and answer? I know Hume paraphrased the question/answer immediately following the broadcast of the interview ... is that what you're referring to?

I apologize. I got something wrong here. Fox did choose to remove the portion of the interview where Cheney made the admission and replace that with Hume's paraphrase (a clearly questionable decision in itself). The divergence between WH transcript and Fox video is in the streaming video from the Fox site (which it advertises as the "full interview"). I think that gets it right now. Sorry.
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