Bush supporters' aftermath thread II

Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:05 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I was just reading that the all-tolerant Sweden pulled the plug on the website that produced those Muslim cartoons that are causing all the ruckus

Could you please give the link for that?

The Jyllands-Posten website is still online .... and it's still a Danish registration.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:15 pm
I know, you can't - you were mixing up the news a bit :wink:

This, what you report now, is about the online version the Sweden Democrats' magazine "Kuriren", which was closed down by the site's host, Levonline, but is back by now via a back-up server.

And the published cartoons are new ones, by readers of this extreme-right party (which is considered by all democratic parties in Sweden, by all chucrhes and all media as extreme xenophobic and racist).
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:16 pm
A higher calling

By David Limbaugh

Feb 10, 2006

Is nothing sacred to the left anymore other than a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy? Does the left's "morally superior" ideology entitle them to abandon their manners at will? Are there any adults left among them who are willing to police their misbehavior?

Were former president Jimmy Carter's and Rev. Joseph Lowery's cheap shots at President Bush at the Coretta Scott King funeral aberrations, or were they typical of the classless behavior increasingly exhibited by liberal icons?

Well, consider the merciless berating of Judge Samuel Alito by Sen. Ted Kennedy and his Democratic colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to the point of driving Mrs. Alito to leave the chambers in tears.

Consider the phony allegations of corruption and bigotry driving their cavalier lecturing of this decent man, who responded, like President Bush at the King funeral, with graciousness, dignity, class and restraint. And consider that no Democrat even gently suggested to his highness, Sen. Kennedy, that he was way out of line, both in form and substance.

No, this paragon of pomposity gets a complete pass from the left for the jaw-dropping hypocrisy he displays every time he has the singular audacity to lecture anyone about anything.

He's entitled to lifetime immunity for his presumably good intentions in having promoted the failed policies of liberalism during his entire public life.

Sadly, there is recurring evidence that to liberals, one's political predilections trump everything else so that if you stand for the right things, you are virtually exempt from scrutiny. Conversely, if you stand for the wrong things, you are fair game for any type of verbal abuse, no matter the circumstances or the intended solemnity of the occasion.

If you are reputed to be a conservative, particularly one with influence who will stand in the way of the liberal agenda, a special kind of contempt is reserved for you. And, by definition, you cannot be mistreated because people who stand for the things you stand against are not worthy of respectful treatment.

As a conservative public figure, you are especially vulnerable to attacks from the left when cameras are in proximity because, whether or not the ordinary rules of decorum for events like funerals require an extra measure of politeness, no opportunity can be missed to proselytize to a mass audience.

The religious fervor of the left, in its high evangelical mode of spreading the gospel of liberalism, can be seen in its willingness to ignore the facts in furtherance of advancing its dogma.

It didn't matter that Judge Alito repeatedly provided a convincing explanation for the innocuousness of his failure to recuse himself in a case involving Vanguard, a company in which he had a relatively insignificant financial interest. It didn't matter that he convincingly testified that he was unaware of certain alleged bigoted attitudes of an organization he was supposedly affiliated with in college.

Kennedy and his colleagues were impervious to the actual facts. What mattered to them was that Alito was a conservative, and therefore, even if he was not guilty of those particular ethical infractions, he might as well have been because, to them, conservatives have a dark heart.

This is precisely the same mindset that militated against Kennedy's colleagues reprimanding him for playing fast and loose with the facts and for treating the eminently decent and respectable Judge Alito indecently and disrespectfully.

It's precisely the same mindset that led reverends Jimmy Carter and Joseph Lowery to take race-baiting, wiretapping and WMD digs at President Bush during the King funeral. Bush hatred is so pervasive that liberal eyebrows were not even raised when the "No Iraqi WMD" mantra was invoked at the event.

And, it's the same kind of mindset that prompted liberal commentator Bob Beckel to tell radio talk-show host Sean Hannity that not only were Carter's remarks not inappropriate (sorry for the triple negative), but civil-rights advocates would have been surprised and rightly disappointed if he hadn't made them. And Beckel is one of the intellectually honest liberals!

In case you harbor the fantasy that the mainstream media or liberal blogs will give Carter the brush back, think again. The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz detailed how the media largely ignored Carter's jabs at Bush and quoted a number of liberal blogs expressing outrage at conservative outrage over the Carter outrage. How dare we suggest to them any limits on their licentiousness? Why, that's totalitarian censorship!

So, if you're looking for accountability from the left for the inexcusable behavior of its leaders, get a Hubble telescope. It's not that they don't have the courage to discipline their own. It's that they agree with them, applaud them and encourage them to give it to us even harder next time. They have a higher calling.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:28 pm
From the NRO blog:


Media Matters for America, the "progressive" media watchdog group run by the former self-professed "right wing hit man" David Brock, and funded by some of the same people who poured millions into Democratic 527s in the 2004 campaign, is angry that Jimmy Carter and the Rev. Joseph Lowery have come under criticism for their attacks on President Bush during the funeral of Coretta Scott King. Why, the same sort of thing went on during the funeral of Ronald Reagan, Media Matters says, and no one complained. In a story headlined, "Media accused liberals of politicizing King funeral, ignored conservatives' use of Reagan funeral," Brock's group reports that "Numerous media figures highlighted the alleged 'partisan' nature of Coretta Scott King's funeral but failed to comment on the politicization of Ronald Reagan's funeral."

What is the evidence? Well, just look at the eulogy delivered by President George W. Bush, who was, Media Matters notes, "then in the midst of his re-election campaign" during Reagan's June 11, 2004 funeral. Media Matters quoted several paragraphs of Bush's eulogy to demonstrate just how overtly political it was -- just like the speeches at Mrs. King's funeral. For example, in 2004 Bush said of Reagan:
    [i]He came to office with great hopes for America. And more than hopes. Like the president he had revered and once saw in person, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan matched an optimistic temperament with bold, persistent action. [b] President Reagan was optimistic about the great promise of economic reform, and he acted to restore the rewards and spirit of enterprise. He was optimistic that a strong America could advance the peace, and he acted to build the strength that mission required.[/b] He was optimistic that liberty would thrive wherever it was planted, and he acted to defend liberty wherever it was threatened. [b]And Ronald Reagan believed in the power of truth in the conduct of world affairs. When he saw evil camped across the horizon, he called that evil by its name.[/b] There were no doubters in the prisons and gulags, where dissidents spread the news, tapping to each other in code what the American president had dared to say. There were no doubters in the shipyards and churches and secret labor meetings where brave men and women began to hear the creaking and rumbling of a collapsing empire. And there were no doubters among those who swung hammers at the hated wall that the first and hardest blow had been struck by President Ronald Reagan.[/i]
The portions in bold letters were highlighted by Media Matters as examples of particularly political portions of the president's eulogy, comparable to the political passages in Carter's and Lowery's speeches. But Bush, assisted by conservative media bias, got away with it. "The media figures who covered the funeral did not call into question the propriety of a Republican presidential candidate celebrating Reagan's economic and foreign policies in this setting," Media Matters reported.

Media Matters urges its members to "TAKE ACTION!" by emailing protests to, among others, CNN, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, the Los Angeles Times, National Review, the Wall Street Journal, and several individual commentators. And those "progressives" will no doubt become angry when, for some reason, their protests are not taken seriously.

Link to Media Matters.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:30 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
A higher calling

By David Limbaugh

Feb 10, 2006

Is nothing sacred to the left anymore other than a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy? Does the left's "morally superior" ideology entitle them to abandon their manners at will? Are there any adults left among them who are willing to police their misbehavior?

Were former president Jimmy Carter's and Rev. Joseph Lowery's cheap shots at President Bush at the Coretta Scott King funeral aberrations, or were they typical of the classless behavior increasingly exhibited by liberal icons?

Well, consider the merciless berating of Judge Samuel Alito by Sen. Ted Kennedy and his Democratic colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to the point of driving Mrs. Alito to leave the chambers in tears.

Consider the phony allegations of corruption and bigotry driving their cavalier lecturing of this decent man, who responded, like President Bush at the King funeral, with graciousness, dignity, class and restraint. And consider that no Democrat even gently suggested to his highness, Sen. Kennedy, that he was way out of line, both in form and substance.

No, this paragon of pomposity gets a complete pass from the left for the jaw-dropping hypocrisy he displays every time he has the singular audacity to lecture anyone about anything.

He's entitled to lifetime immunity for his presumably good intentions in having promoted the failed policies of liberalism during his entire public life.

Sadly, there is recurring evidence that to liberals, one's political predilections trump everything else so that if you stand for the right things, you are virtually exempt from scrutiny. Conversely, if you stand for the wrong things, you are fair game for any type of verbal abuse, no matter the circumstances or the intended solemnity of the occasion.

If you are reputed to be a conservative, particularly one with influence who will stand in the way of the liberal agenda, a special kind of contempt is reserved for you. And, by definition, you cannot be mistreated because people who stand for the things you stand against are not worthy of respectful treatment.

As a conservative public figure, you are especially vulnerable to attacks from the left when cameras are in proximity because, whether or not the ordinary rules of decorum for events like funerals require an extra measure of politeness, no opportunity can be missed to proselytize to a mass audience.

The religious fervor of the left, in its high evangelical mode of spreading the gospel of liberalism, can be seen in its willingness to ignore the facts in furtherance of advancing its dogma.

It didn't matter that Judge Alito repeatedly provided a convincing explanation for the innocuousness of his failure to recuse himself in a case involving Vanguard, a company in which he had a relatively insignificant financial interest. It didn't matter that he convincingly testified that he was unaware of certain alleged bigoted attitudes of an organization he was supposedly affiliated with in college.

Kennedy and his colleagues were impervious to the actual facts. What mattered to them was that Alito was a conservative, and therefore, even if he was not guilty of those particular ethical infractions, he might as well have been because, to them, conservatives have a dark heart.

This is precisely the same mindset that militated against Kennedy's colleagues reprimanding him for playing fast and loose with the facts and for treating the eminently decent and respectable Judge Alito indecently and disrespectfully.

It's precisely the same mindset that led reverends Jimmy Carter and Joseph Lowery to take race-baiting, wiretapping and WMD digs at President Bush during the King funeral. Bush hatred is so pervasive that liberal eyebrows were not even raised when the "No Iraqi WMD" mantra was invoked at the event.

And, it's the same kind of mindset that prompted liberal commentator Bob Beckel to tell radio talk-show host Sean Hannity that not only were Carter's remarks not inappropriate (sorry for the triple negative), but civil-rights advocates would have been surprised and rightly disappointed if he hadn't made them. And Beckel is one of the intellectually honest liberals!

In case you harbor the fantasy that the mainstream media or liberal blogs will give Carter the brush back, think again. The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz detailed how the media largely ignored Carter's jabs at Bush and quoted a number of liberal blogs expressing outrage at conservative outrage over the Carter outrage. How dare we suggest to them any limits on their licentiousness? Why, that's totalitarian censorship!

So, if you're looking for accountability from the left for the inexcusable behavior of its leaders, get a Hubble telescope. It's not that they don't have the courage to discipline their own. It's that they agree with them, applaud them and encourage them to give it to us even harder next time. They have a higher calling.

Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:33 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!


Why don't you go look it up ... or were you just wanting to troll and bait?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:37 pm
I was going to post that Tico, but never found the time. Thanks!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:37 pm
I wonder what Anon's relatives are like and how much they influence his world view? No I don't. Erase that.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:39 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!


Why don't you go look it up ... or were you just wanting to troll and bait?

Oh yes, I know the answer, I'm just amused at you using a hypocrits work as a guage of good taste. It matches up with your venal mind, because you don't see the hypocrisy!! Actually, you're a smart boy, you just don't care it's hypocrisy!!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:42 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!


Why don't you go look it up ... or were you just wanting to troll and bait?

Oh yes, I know the answer, I'm just amused at you using a hypocrits work as a guage of good taste. It matches up with your venal mind, because you don't see the hypocrisy!! Actually, you're a smart boy, you just don't care it's hypocrisy!!


The mind of a liberal is indeed an interesting thing. "David Limbaugh is a hypocrite because his brother had a drug addiction."

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:45 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!


Why don't you go look it up ... or were you just wanting to troll and bait?

Oh yes, I know the answer, I'm just amused at you using a hypocrits work as a guage of good taste. It matches up with your venal mind, because you don't see the hypocrisy!! Actually, you're a smart boy, you just don't care it's hypocrisy!!


The mind of a liberal is indeed an interesting thing. "David Limbaugh is a hypocrite because his brother is."


I am trying hard to just scroll past the posts of some of the members here that scream for attention. You, and others, should do the same.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:46 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
I wonder what Anon's relatives are like and how much they influence his world view? No I don't. Erase that.

Foxy, my realtives are just like Tico! Right wing, venal, evil people, who think rich and fascist is THE ANSWER!! They're white, bigoted, extremely rich folks who laugh at little people who are moronic enough to continue to make them even richer. It galls them to the teeth that I use my inheritance to fight everything they believe in!!

I haven't spoken to them in decades, but I guarantee you, THEY ABSOLUTELY LOVE people like you, and your ignorant rightwing folk.

Keep that money coming ... fool!!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:47 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!


Why don't you go look it up ... or were you just wanting to troll and bait?

Oh yes, I know the answer, I'm just amused at you using a hypocrits work as a guage of good taste. It matches up with your venal mind, because you don't see the hypocrisy!! Actually, you're a smart boy, you just don't care it's hypocrisy!!


The mind of a liberal is indeed an interesting thing. "David Limbaugh is a hypocrite because his brother is."


I am trying hard to just scroll past the posts of some of the members here that scream for attention. You, and others, should do the same.

True ... but that one just screamed for a response. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:53 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!


Why don't you go look it up ... or were you just wanting to troll and bait?

Oh yes, I know the answer, I'm just amused at you using a hypocrits work as a guage of good taste. It matches up with your venal mind, because you don't see the hypocrisy!! Actually, you're a smart boy, you just don't care it's hypocrisy!!


The mind of a liberal is indeed an interesting thing. "David Limbaugh is a hypocrite because his brother had a drug addiction."


No, you misdirect and misquote, which is your style. Lying comes easy to you.

David Limbaugh is a hypocrit because he is a hypocrit, not because his brother is a hypocrit and a drug addict that according to himself, belongs in prison!

Your problem with me is that I call you on your lies, your misdirections, and your misquotes to make things sound like you want them to!!

0 Replies
Joe Nation
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:54 pm
Well, consider the merciless berating of Judge Samuel Alito by Sen. Ted Kennedy and his Democratic colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to the point of driving Mrs. Alito to leave the chambers in tears.

Did Mrs. Alito leave her seat while Ted Kennedy was speaking? Um, no, but the neo-cons will keep printing the lies. They work so well on the sheeple.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 01:56 pm
The Republican Truth ... LIES!!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 02:00 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!


Why don't you go look it up ... or were you just wanting to troll and bait?

Oh yes, I know the answer, I'm just amused at you using a hypocrits work as a guage of good taste. It matches up with your venal mind, because you don't see the hypocrisy!! Actually, you're a smart boy, you just don't care it's hypocrisy!!


The mind of a liberal is indeed an interesting thing. "David Limbaugh is a hypocrite because his brother had a drug addiction."


No, you misdirect and misquote, which is your style. Lying comes easy to you.

David Limbaugh is a hypocrit because he is a hypocrit, not because his brother is a hypocrit and a drug addict that according to himself, belongs in prison!

Your problem with me is that I call you on your lies, your misdirections, and your misquotes to make things sound like you want them to!!


How did I misdirect and misquote? You said:

Limbaugh ... Is this some relation to the hypocritical Drug Addict that thought all Drug Addicts should goto prison, ... until he was caught?? The "Good Taste" police!! What a farce!! Bloody Hypocrits!!

and ...

Oh yes, I know the answer, I'm just amused at you using a hypocrits work as a guage of good taste. It matches up with your venal mind, because you don't see the hypocrisy!! Actually, you're a smart boy, you just don't care it's hypocrisy!!

If you believe David Limbaugh to be a hypocrite for some reason other than the fact that he's related to Rush Limbaugh, you have failed to say so. In fact the only reason you have stated for your belief that he's a hypocrite is his relation to Rush.

Now, please identify my "lie," my "misdirection," and my "misquote."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 02:00 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
Well, consider the merciless berating of Judge Samuel Alito by Sen. Ted Kennedy and his Democratic colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to the point of driving Mrs. Alito to leave the chambers in tears.

Did Mrs. Alito leave her seat while Ted Kennedy was speaking? Um, no, but the neo-cons will keep printing the lies. They work so well on the sheeple.


Oh, that's right ... it was the intense grilling of her husband by Lindsey Graham that caused her reaction. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 02:01 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
Well, consider the merciless berating of Judge Samuel Alito by Sen. Ted Kennedy and his Democratic colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to the point of driving Mrs. Alito to leave the chambers in tears.

Did Mrs. Alito leave her seat while Ted Kennedy was speaking? Um, no, but the neo-cons will keep printing the lies. They work so well on the sheeple.


Where in that quote does it say that Mrs. Alito left the chamber while Sen. Ted Kennedy was speaking? Or do you just surmise that out of something humming in the air? She DID leave the chamber in tears. Or do you deny that too?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 02:05 pm
The mind of a liberal is indeed an interesting thing. "David Limbaugh is a hypocrite because his brother had a drug addiction."


That is not what I said. This is your misdirection, in this case!! It is also a lie that I implied it!! I happened to look it up, before I said it. He is a hypocrit, which you can find it if you search it, not that your venal mind would allow it!!

0 Replies

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