Bush supporters' aftermath thread II

Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 09:54 am
But all of that is outside the particular concern raised, which is that of using the occasion of a funeral to take jabs at a political opponent.

What is or is not appropriate speech at at Mennonite funeral for a grain farmer? At a Greek Orthodox funeral for a union leader? At an Cajun funeral for a whiskey drinking, fiddle playing small town Mayor? At a Haida funeral for a pro softball player who fought to allow women into the sport?

Or, to put it another way... you have a narrow and myopic cultural opinion which nobody else on earth has any reason at all to agree with unless they already do.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 09:58 am
Anon-Voter wrote:

That gives additional support to the fact that Bushie was looking for a reason, any reason, to attack Iraq. It also shows that yet again. he was repeatedly warned that is was going to be a f*ckup of of gigantic proportions.

Of course, Pillar will be portrayed as just another rogue employee that had to be removed from office that now will say anything to hurt the Shrub ... just like all the others that have ratted out the Schmuck!

I can't wait for the herd to respond to this one!!



This one will hurt Bush, likely comparable to Clarke's testimony and book. It is precisely what is needed...folks within the system revealing the facts of what the Bush team has been up to. And with every one that comes forward, that makes it a bit easier for others to do the same.

By the way, how are you doing these days?
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 09:58 am
blatham wrote:
Or, to put it another way... you have a narrow and myopic cultural opinion which nobody else on earth has any reason at all to agree with unless they already do.

Do you really think I care for "you" to agree with me? I want "you" to continue doing what you've been doing ... it's worked so well in the past.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:01 am
dyslexia wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Would you have preferred that the building was blown up, Gus?

That's really a bizarre statement/question. But yes of course all liberals and democrats really look forward to death and destruciton.

I'm so glad you see it my way. I, however, won't go so far as to say that liberals and democrats would actually condone or plan death and destruction but they sure do enjoy accusing the Administration of causing it, or failing to stop it, or claiming they have stopped it, or whatever political hay they think they can achieve by saying it. Sort of like Gus did up there.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:02 am
blatham wrote:

By the way, how are you doing these days?

Just plugging away! Thanks for asking!


P.S. I just love the herd, how about you?? Could you have written the responses in advance??
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:10 am
One thing is so predictable that the responses can be pretty well cut and pasted from the previous pages: the Left salivates at anything they think might possibly hurt Bush. The country can go to hell in a hand basket and its okay to bury all good news, and manufacture, if we have to, recessions, depressions, wars, ugliness, and all manners of corruption--it's all good for the Left if they think it might hurt Bush.

God, I would hate to get up every morning trying to find something, anything, to hurt somebody with. Especially my country.

But like Tico said, keep it up guys. It has been working so well for you. Which is why the Republicans with all their warts, problems, failings, and weaknesses, have been in power for 12 years and counting now.
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:13 am
How tunnel visioned does one have to be to conclude that Bush,
was not tunnel visioned himself? The engine driving the terror threat to the world was not in Iraq. World opinion was universally against the attacks in New York and Washington and, if he was not so dead set on finishing off Saddam Hussein, Bush could have galvanized that opinion into a true offensive against hate.

Instead, because of that myopia, that tunnel vision, he squandered it all for what he and other in his administration thought would be an easy win, something to puff up his legacy. The attack on Iraq was, and is, a shortsighted mis-adventure that has done nothing to reduce the threat of terror to ourselves or anyone else in the world.

$440 billion dollars and 2100 hundred American lives because George couldn't see the big picture, only the tiny framed photo in his mind.

Joe(What else would expect from a fundamentalist?)Nation
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:16 am
Foxfyre wrote:
One thing is so predictable that the responses can be pretty well cut and pasted from the previous pages: the Left salivates at anything they think might possibly hurt Bush. The country can go to hell in a hand basket and its okay to bury all good news, and manufacture, if we have to, recessions, depressions, wars, ugliness, and all manners of corruption--it's all good for the Left if they think it might hurt Bush.

God, I would hate to get up every morning trying to find something, anything, to hurt somebody with. Especially my country.

But like Tico said, keep it up guys. It has been working so well for you. Which is why the Republicans with all their warts, problems, failings, and weaknesses, have been in power for 12 years and counting now.

We don't have to manufacture anything. With Bush, we just have to wait for it to happen.

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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:19 am
Joe Nation wrote:
How tunnel visioned does one have to be to conclude that Bush,
was not tunnel visioned himself? The engine driving the terror threat to the world was not in Iraq. World opinion was universally against the attacks in New York and Washington and, if he was not so dead set on finishing off Saddam Hussein, Bush could have galvanized that opinion into a true offensive against hate.

Instead, because of that myopia, that tunnel vision, he squandered it all for what he and other in his administration thought would be an easy win, something to puff up his legacy. The attack on Iraq was, and is, a shortsighted mis-adventure that has done nothing to reduce the threat of terror to ourselves or anyone else in the world.

$440 billion dollars and 2100 hundred American lives because George couldn't see the big picture, only the tiny framed photo in his mind.

Joe(What else would expect from a fundamentalist?)Nation

So you too are ignoring the stats indicating that Bush had a LOT of company in his presumed 'tunnel vision'? I stand by my previous comment. If it hurts Bush, we'll use it. Everything else can just be conveniently ignored.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:33 am
Anon-Voter wrote:
blatham wrote:

By the way, how are you doing these days?

Just plugging away! Thanks for asking!


P.S. I just love the herd, how about you?? Could you have written the responses in advance??

Glad to hear it. I see Helen of Troy quite often, by the way.

I do love the herd. Like Dubya, I was born with a shepard's staff tucked up my ass and so have a natural affinity for leading them to the light.

Don't understand your last question though.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 10:54 am
Foxfyre wrote:
One thing is so predictable that the responses can be pretty well cut and pasted from the previous pages: the Left salivates at anything they think might possibly hurt Bush. The country can go to hell in a hand basket and its okay to bury all good news, and manufacture, if we have to, recessions, depressions, wars, ugliness, and all manners of corruption--it's all good for the Left if they think it might hurt Bush.

God, I would hate to get up every morning trying to find something, anything, to hurt somebody with. Especially my country.

But like Tico said, keep it up guys. It has been working so well for you. Which is why the Republicans with all their warts, problems, failings, and weaknesses, have been in power for 12 years and counting now.

What you may have forgotten, or don't know, is although you have had Presidents, the Senate and the House were Democratic for 50 years before you captured them You have a long way to go to catch up!! After jacking the country like you have, perhaps it will be another 50 years before you get it again!

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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 11:19 am
blatham wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
blatham wrote:

By the way, how are you doing these days?

Just plugging away! Thanks for asking!


P.S. I just love the herd, how about you?? Could you have written the responses in advance??

Glad to hear it. I see Helen of Troy quite often, by the way.

I do love the herd. Like Dubya, I was born with a shepard's staff tucked up my ass and so have a natural affinity for leading them to the light.

Don't understand your last question though.

The herds responses ... couldn't you have written them in advance Smile

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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 11:45 am
If it hurts Bush, we'll use it. Everything else can just be conveniently ignored.

What's being ignored? Reality sucks, doesn't it? That 'slam dunk' in Iraq?
Oh yeah, they had an election and elected a set of leaders who lean WAY farther away from our interests and more toward those of Iran, you remember Iran, don't you? The ones who were more likely than Iraq to be the center of world wide terror (a member in good standing of the Axis of Evil) but whom this administration decided to give an additional five years to develop NUCLEAR weapons. Good thinking there.

What's being ignored? The competency with which this administration has operated the government? You got some good news on that? I know we shouldn't expect too much from a crowd of people who do not believe government is a word to use in polite society, but one would think they would try a little harder to aid a city of drowning people or provide a workable plan for the hundreds of thousands of elderly people in need of their medications.

What's being ignored? What's being ignored by this administration is the Constitution and the other two branches of government. You have an Attorney General sit before a Senate Committee and essentially say "Don't you remember? You guys dissolved the checks and balances system years ago. The President has the power to do whatever he wants, hold people without charges, spy on our communications, torture prisoners of war ourselves or outsource the beatings to other countries,
secretly incarcerate people in otherwise sovereign nations and anything you say against him may result in members of your family being rumored about by our favored journalists. The guy, our highest law enforcement official, wouldn't answer the question "Can the President order the opening of someone's First Class Mail?" Contempt of Congress? Or contempt of you and me?

Wait. I thought of something good. After years of denigrating both Science and scientists, after pshawing mounds of data and research on a variety of subjects from stem cell research to global warning as 'undecided', after inserting apparatchiks into NASA and who knows where else to assist actual scientists into writing goodspeech in their findings, Bush has decided that we need more science and math teachers.

Now the only problem is, if a problem is too complex the answer will always be "God knows."

Joe(yeah. that will help us stay ahead of INDIA)Nation
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:16 pm
Joe Nation wrote:
If it hurts Bush, we'll use it. Everything else can just be conveniently ignored.

What's being ignored? Reality sucks, doesn't it? That 'slam dunk' in Iraq?
Oh yeah, they had an election and elected a set of leaders who lean WAY farther away from our interests and more toward those of Iran, you remember Iran, don't you? The ones who were more likely than Iraq to be the center of world wide terror (a member in good standing of the Axis of Evil) but whom this administration decided to give an additional five years to develop NUCLEAR weapons. Good thinking there.

What's being ignored? The competency with which this administration has operated the government? You got some good news on that? I know we shouldn't expect too much from a crowd of people who do not believe government is a word to use in polite society, but one would think they would try a little harder to aid a city of drowning people or provide a workable plan for the hundreds of thousands of elderly people in need of their medications.

What's being ignored? What's being ignored by this administration is the Constitution and the other two branches of government. You have an Attorney General sit before a Senate Committee and essentially say "Don't you remember? You guys dissolved the checks and balances system years ago. The President has the power to do whatever he wants, hold people without charges, spy on our communications, torture prisoners of war ourselves or outsource the beatings to other countries,
secretly incarcerate people in otherwise sovereign nations and anything you say against him may result in members of your family being rumored about by our favored journalists. The guy, our highest law enforcement official, wouldn't answer the question "Can the President order the opening of someone's First Class Mail?" Contempt of Congress? Or contempt of you and me?

Wait. I thought of something good. After years of denigrating both Science and scientists, after pshawing mounds of data and research on a variety of subjects from stem cell research to global warning as 'undecided', after inserting apparatchiks into NASA and who knows where else to assist actual scientists into writing goodspeech in their findings, Bush has decided that we need more science and math teachers.

Now the only problem is, if a problem is too complex the answer will always be "God knows."

Joe(yeah. that will help us stay ahead of INDIA)Nation

What's being ignored is anything positive or anything mitigating that refers to the President or anything exaggerated, anything misrepresented, etc. etc. etc. that defames or denigrates him. To listen to the Left George W. Bush is Satan, the antiChrist, the reincarnation of Hitler, has never done anything honest or decent in his entire life, and has dedicated the rest of it to destroy the nation and everybody in it. And they come into this thread to express that opinion or to gloat over some new negative they think they've discovered just about every day which only reinforces my opinion of their general meanspirited obssessions.

Even the conservatives who aren't Bush-supporters can at least see him for who he is--a human being with strengths, weaknesses, ambitions, faults, dreams, and feet of clay.

I give no credibility to anybody who can see or who speaks only the negative for such a person is blinded or cares nothing for truth. I don't understand people who are that way and for sure do not wish to emulate them.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:28 pm
Foxfyre wrote:

I give no credibility to anybody who can see or who speaks only the positive for such a person is blinded or cares nothing for truth. I don't understand people who are that way and for sure do not wish to emulate them.

I changed one word of your post Fox, can you tell what it is??

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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:34 pm
What's even more mind-boggling to me is that the lefties frequently point to Europe as their ideal model for cradle to grave welfare and wealth redistribution programs even in the face of incontrovertible evidence that the largest of those nations are suffering from economic decline, and now the EU's own OECD economist recognizes this.

OECD: No cure yet for 'eurosclerosis'

PARIS, Feb. 8 (UPI) -- The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development is criticizing France, Germany and other parts of so-called Old Europe.

In its annual review of EU member states' economic growth rates, the OECD finds gross domestic product per capita in Germany, France and Italy falling, relative to the United States, to levels not seen since the 1970s.

"At current trends, with demographics the way they are, the average U.S. citizen will be twice as rich as a Frenchman or a German in 20 years," Jean-Philippe Cotis, OECD chief economist, said Tuesday.

The group's report blames labor rules, concluding that Europeans don't choose to work less than U.S. residents -- they simply respond to built-in incentives to leave the labor pool, at significant cost to taxpayers.

Cotis also blames protectionism. Merely aligning the financial regulatory regime in countries prone to banking protectionism with the OECD average could add as much as 0.5 percent to annual GDP, he said.

The top three countries in the share of cross-border loans in total domestic borrowing -- one measure of international competition -- are Iceland, Ireland and Luxembourg, Cotis said, noting that these three are also among the European Union's richest.

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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:42 pm
I was just reading that the all-tolerant Sweden pulled the plug on the website that produced those Muslim cartoons that are causing all the ruckus and Sweden has largely escaped the rioting experienced in other European countries. Also Sweden has had a proportionately enormous influx of Islamic immigrants and contributes heavily to the Middle East which probably also helps.

They also are stretched to the max in providing social services, have a huge unemployment rate and a crime rate double that of the US.

I think we're probably better off here, huh?
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:43 pm
Just Giggles, could you give us your definition of "frequently" and then show us an example?
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:50 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Just Giggles, could you give us your definition of "frequently" and then show us an example?

"frequently" = "at frequent intervals"

Example: "dyslexia frequently uses the word 'poopity' when typing out a post."
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2006 12:52 pm
Yes, but do lefties really point towards Europe as a model for OUR future?

I certainly never have... other than perhaps admiring the Norwegian system of state-funded Collegiate learning...

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