Hey what do you guys think of dreams? Can the predict the future? Can the cause you physical harm or cause you to die?
I posted another thread on this, but no one seems to be responding so Im going to just bring it here

. As I was saying, we have all experienced deja vu right? we have all experienced a dream where we are about to die but wake up right before it happens? We have all had dreams that were so real that sometimes we would cry if it were sad.
WIth that said, I think dreams can be a prediction for the future, and hence the source of our deja vu experiences. The dreams that we experience that we cannot remember, I believe is the source of our djea vu experiences. I find it hard to believe that our brain is connected to the 'mind' which is said to be passed on after bein reincarnated. So my explanation for this is that dreams can predict the future and if we are able to harness this ability. THINK OF THE POSSIBILITIES.
Oh and you know how we have random thoughts sometimes where they are completely irrelevant to what you are doing? Like they just come and go and pop up unexpectedly? I think those are the thoughts of other individuals, from which you dismiss them as your own since we are not attuned to believing that we are capable of such feats