And now there is this candid appraisal of the run-up to war:
LA Times today
Hayden was also sharply critical of the activities of a controversial intelligence-analysis unit set up within the Pentagon by former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy
Douglas J. Feith, a leading advocate for the war in Iraq.
The team Feith assembled helped make the case for war by uncovering supposed links between Saddam Hussein's regime and Al Qaeda. Their findings, which were presented to the CIA and officials at the White House, have since been discredited.
Asked by Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) whether he was comfortable with Feith's approach to analysis, Hayden said: "No, sir, I wasn't. And I wasn't aware of a lot of the activity going on
running up to the war."
Feith's team, Hayden said, had set out to prove a case by assembling "every possible ounce of evidence" and ignoring contradictory information. Using that method, Hayden continued, analysts can build a convincing case against even innocent targets.
"I got three great kids, but if you tell me, 'Go out and find all the bad things they've done, Hayden,' I could build you a pretty good dossier," Hayden said. "You'd think they were pretty bad people because that's what I was looking for and that's what I built up. That'd be very wrong, OK? That would be inaccurate. That would be misleading."
Joe(I have never been prouder of a USAF officer)Nation