Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 09:42 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Amigo wrote:

...You advocate Terror on civilians under the guise of liberating of the civilians you terrorize.

No! I advocate doing that which will save more civilian lives than would otherwise be lost if I did something else.
Like when Nixon and Kisinger gave Pol Pot $24 million?

American Sponsored Terrorist Malignancy

Pol Pot's regime killed between 1.5 to 2.3 million people between 1975-1979, out of a population of approximately 8 million. The regime targeted Buddhist monks, Western educated intellectuals, people who appeared to be intelligent (for example, individuals with glasses), the crippled and lame, and ethnic minorities like ethnic Laotians and Vietnamese.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 09:45 pm
Holly crap ican!!!! Did you see Cicerones list on page 158???? Where does that fit into our foreign policy of Liberty for all?????
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 09:53 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
Oh, I forget. Don't forget to commit suicide after you finish exterminating the malignancy of this administration, because you're an advocate of what they have done - killing thousands of innocent civilians.

I believe terrorist malignancy is killing thousands of innocent civilians.

You appear incapable of correctly stating the truth or even what I advocate.

The number of non-combatant civilians killed by violence since 01/01/2000, as of:
12/31/2002 (1096 days) -- total = 56,049 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 1,556.9 / 51.1;

The number of non-combatant civilians killed by violence since 01/01/2003, as of:
12/31/2005 (1095 days) -- total = 31,319 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 870.0 / 28.6;
01/31/2006 (1126 days) -- total = 31,928 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 862.9 / 28.4;
02/28/2006 (1154 days) -- total = 32,506 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 855.4 / 28.2;
03/31/2006 (1185 days) -- total = 38,161 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 978.5 / 32.2;
04/30/2006 (1215 days) -- total = 39,024 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 975.6 / 32.1.

I believe this must be stopped or drastically curtailed. I believe the only way to stop or drastically curtail it, is to exterminate terrorist malignancy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 09:56 pm
ican711nm wrote:
cicerone imposter wrote:
Oh, I forget. Don't forget to commit suicide after you finish exterminating the malignancy of this administration, because you're an advocate of what they have done - killing thousands of innocent civilians.

I believe terrorist malignancy is killing thousands of innocent civilians.

You appear incapable of correctly stating the truth or even what I advocate.

The number of non-combatant civilians killed by violence since 01/01/2000, as of:
12/31/2002 (1096 days) -- total = 56,049 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 1,556.9 / 51.1;

The number of non-combatant civilians killed by violence since 01/01/2003, as of:
12/31/2005 (1095 days) -- total = 31,319 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 870.0 / 28.6;
01/31/2006 (1126 days) -- total = 31,928 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 862.9 / 28.4;
02/28/2006 (1154 days) -- total = 32,506 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 855.4 / 28.2;
03/31/2006 (1185 days) -- total = 38,161 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 978.5 / 32.2;
04/30/2006 (1215 days) -- total = 39,024 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate = 975.6 / 32.1.

I believe this must be stopped or drastically curtailed. I believe the only way to stop or drastically curtail it, is to exterminate terrorist malignancy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 09:57 pm
Amigo wrote:
Holly crap ican!!!! Did you see Cicerones list on page 158???? Where does that fit into our foreign policy of Liberty for all?????

Holy moly Amigo!!!! What the USA did before 9/11 is not what the USA is doing after 9/11.

What the USA did prior to 9/11 cannot be corrected. What the USA is doing after 9/11 can be corrected.
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Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 10:01 pm
Amigo wrote:

When do we start?

Now! Exterminate terrorist malignancy!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 10:05 pm
Well, ican, there's not much we can do about 9-11 either, because after five plus years, Osama is still missing, and the twin towers are gone forever. That's in the past, holy moly.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 May, 2006 11:23 pm
I believe you believe that it does not. I believe that it does trump each and every one of our other concerns. I believe that a group of fanatics capable of enlisting youth to commit suicide while mass murdering civilians is a serious threat. I believe that a group declaring repeatedly that it intends to control the world is a serious threat.

I believe that you are attempting to enlist youth to murder people. Most of the people you wish to murder are, in your eyes, less than human; some innocents will get in the way, which is regrettable, but neccessary for the survival of our society, in your eyes.

I believe that Al Qaeda is attempting to enlist youth to murder people. Most of the people they wish to murder are, in their eyes, less than human; some innocents will get in the way, which is regrettable, but neccessary for the survival of their society, in their eyes.

America has repeatedly declared that we wish to control the world. We call it 'spreading democracy and freedom' but what they hear is 'make the rest of the world just like us.' They've seen the effects in other countries and don't want that for their country. They feel threatened and are fighting back in the way that they consider appropriate, and if some innocents get killed, it is regrettably a part of a war neccessary for survival.

Al Qaeda has repeatedly declared that they wish to control the world. They call it 'spreading the word of Allah' but what we hear is 'make the rest of the world just like them.' We've seen the effects in other countries and don't want that for our country. We feel threatened and are fighting back in the way that we consider appropriate, and if some innocents get killed, it is regrettably a part of a war neccessary for survival.


When you say 'we' must do something about it, you mean 'our youth, directed by our leaders' must do something about it. We use high-tech and expensive means, funded by our people, to launch our attacks. They use low-tech and cheap means, funded by their people, to launch their attacks. There isn't much difference between what you advocate and what they advocate. They have an arbitrary list of events that lead them to believe that we need exterminating. You have presented an arbitrary list of events which lead you to believe that they need exterminating.

They believe we are responsible for the war.

We believe they are responsible for the war.


Some of us believe a truce is possible. The extremist terrorists do not. The extremist ICan's also do not.

You agree with the enemy on pretty much every subject. You simply cannot agree who the enemy is. But most of us in the middle understand that both of you are the enemy. Extremism is the enemy, and those who advocate extremism to fight extremism, deserve to be treated the same as those whose attitudes they copy.

I have no doubt that there is a Muslim version of Ican, on a Muslim discussion board, who fevrently puts forward his theories that his state will never be safe while American interests are not fought. He will advocate the youth to fight in the manner that his culture determines appropriate.

As I said, you didn't used to be this extreme. Why have you become more extreme?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 12:14 am
ican711nm wrote:
Amigo wrote:
Holly crap ican!!!! Did you see Cicerones list on page 158???? Where does that fit into our foreign policy of Liberty for all?????

Holy moly Amigo!!!! What the USA did before 9/11 is not what the USA is doing after 9/11.

What the USA did prior to 9/11 cannot be corrected. What the USA is doing after 9/11 can be corrected.
There was American trained death squads in El Salvador to secure Corporate interest and now we have the same death squads in Iraq for corporate oil interest today. You see prior and current, pre and post 9/11. It's called the "El Salvador option". Thats why the Taliban was in Texas. Thats why Rumsfeld is shaking hands with Saddam. Thats why we have always supported dictators For greed not Liberty.

Terror for greed. It's History. You need to call it something else so you can escape the truth. I acknowledge the truth about our role in terror because I know it is the right thing to do for mankind and in the eyes of god. The god that is watching you say that you advocate your government terrorizing people even though the truth is presented to you.

"Terrorist malignancy" Thats you. You are part of it. You help perpetuate it and Me, you and god are a witness to it.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 03:55 am
Ican, you are a total arse.

The totality of your arsefulness is astounding.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 04:56 am
Good post; Cycloptichorn.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 08:59 am
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 10:44 am
blueflame wrote :

"Shiite lawmaker threatens to form government unilaterally"

of course we can insert the word "iran" for "shiite" , can't we ?

btw i saw a CCB-TV report from iran last week . it appeared that most people lived fairly normal and decent lives by middle-eastern standards .
young people were seen "pairing off" and are apparently not much concerned about separation of the sexes . many stores carried westen goods of all kinds ... looked like any other middle-eastern country .

one thing was that most people had no interest in talking politics ; they were more interested in enjoying life . those that did speak , said that political activism was not welcome by the government (but it never is , is it ?) , but they also said that life in general wasn't unpleasaant - again if compared to other middle-eastern countries .

perhaps better allow them to find freedom their own way ?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 10:48 am
I wonder how long it takes for people to become accustomed to seeing car bombs going off regularly and killing people?

To be able to live a "normal" life in that kind of environment takes a special kind of mind-set that I couldn't possibly understand.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 11:02 am
c.i. :
the report was from iran - not iraq . they don't seem to have many problems with car bombs going off - they have not been "liberated" yet !
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cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 11:06 am
Ooops, senior moment 'again.' I think the younger generation of Iranians wants to have relations with the west. It's probably a matter of time when they take over the government.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 06:55 pm

1. People who mass murder civilians, or who abet such, or who advocate such, or who are silent witnesses to such, destroy their own humanity.

2. People who mass murder civilians, or who abet such, or who advocate such, or who are silent witnesses to such, are not civilians.

3. People who mass murder civilians, or who abet such, or who advocate such, or who are silent witnesses to such, are inhuman malignancies.

4. Civilians can be protected from inhuman malignancies without loss of their individual liberty by demanding their government murder (i.e., intentionally kill) inhuman malignancies.

5. Civilians can be protected from inhuman malignancies by surrendering their liberty to enable their government to adequately detect and prevent inhuman malignancies from murdering them.

6. Benjamin Franklin said, "Those who give up liberty for security will have neither liberty or security."

7. Because Benjamin Franklin is correct, inhuman malignancies should be murdered to protect the security of both civilian life and civilian liberty.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 07:54 pm
ican711nm wrote:

1. People who mass murder civilians, or who abet such, or who advocate such, or who are silent witnesses to such, destroy their own humanity.

2. People who mass murder civilians, or who abet such, or who advocate such, or who are silent witnesses to such, are not civilians.

3. People who mass murder civilians, or who abet such, or who advocate such, or who are silent witnesses to such, are inhuman malignancies.

4. Civilians can be protected from inhuman malignancies without loss of their individual liberty by demanding their government murder (i.e., intentionally kill) inhuman malignancies.

5. Civilians can be protected from inhuman malignancies by surrendering their liberty to enable their government to adequately detect and prevent inhuman malignancies from murdering them.

6. Benjamin Franklin said, "Those who give up liberty for security will have neither liberty or security."

7. Because Benjamin Franklin is correct, inhuman malignancies should be murdered to protect the security of both civilian life and civilian liberty.
So this includes the people who advocate and bear silent witness to the malignancies cicerone listed on page 158. Yes or No
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 08:32 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

There isn't much difference between what you advocate and what they advocate.
They advocate murdering civilians; we advocate murdering those who murder civilians. That's a big difference.
They have an arbitrary list of events that lead them to believe that we need exterminating.
They have stated that we need exterminating because their governments permit us bases in the middle east, and because we do not believe in the Muslim religion.
You have presented an arbitrary list of events which lead you to believe that they need exterminating.
They advocate murdering civilians, they declared war against civilians, they murdered civilians, and they are murdering civilians.

They believe we are responsible for the war.
We are because we went to war to defend ourselves.

We believe they are responsible for the war.
They are too because they created the need for us to defend ourselves.

Some of us believe a truce is possible. The extremist terrorists do not. The extremist ICan's also do not.
The term extremist terrorist is redundant, since all terrorists want to murder to get what they want -- for these people that is non-negotiable. The term extremist ICan's is an exaggeration in that I want only to stop terrorists from murdering those those I love without those I love losing their liberty as a consequence -- that is non-negotiable.

Truce with terrorists is no more probable than truce between the British led by Chamberlain and the Germans led by Hitler was possible. Churchill repeatedly warned of that improbability. Churchill was right. If you believe made Churchill an extremist, then I believe we need more such extremists today.

You agree with the enemy on pretty much every subject. You simply cannot agree who the enemy is. But most of us in the middle understand that both of you are the enemy. Extremism is the enemy, and those who advocate extremism to fight extremism, deserve to be treated the same as those whose attitudes they copy.
Your semantic distortions not withstanding, our enemy consists of those who advocate the murder of civilians, who declare war against civilians, who make war against civilians, and who murder civilians. Such people are themselves not civilians.

I have no doubt that there is a Muslim version of Ican, on a Muslim discussion board, who fevrently puts forward his theories that his state will never be safe while American interests are not fought. He will advocate the youth to fight in the manner that his culture determines appropriate.
I do not put forward any general theory that America will never be safe while the interests of others are not fought. I put forward only the theory that Americans will not be safe while Americans are repeatedly murdered. Seems to me that's a truism.

As I said, you didn't used to be this extreme. Why have you become more extreme?
Rolling Eyes Alas, "Why have you stopped beating your wife (or significant other)?"

I believe that, absent evidence to support your view, it is you who are extreme in believing one can successfully negotiate with murderers of civilians to stop them from murdering civilians; and in believing those who believe one cannot successfully negotiate with murderers of civilians to stop them from murdering civilians are extreme.

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 15 May, 2006 08:44 pm
All this rhetoric about "progress in Iraq" based on the new government seems to be falling apart at the seams. Bush doesn't listen to the experts, so what can we expect?
0 Replies

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