ican711nm wrote:
This coment of yours is so obviously a mindless statement that additional comment is unnecessary:
If, as you say, it is so obviously 'mindless' then why did it succeed in getting under your skin, and causing you to respond? I think, deep down, it's more mindful than anything else, and that is what is scary, is it not?
ican711nm wrote:Your commentary is an incredibly incompetent description of what America is. It is an incredibly incompetent description of the reality with which we Americans are actually confronted. It is an incredibly incompetent description of what we Americans must do to effectively cope with that reality.
If my commentary is so incompetent, then why respond? Obviously it irks you that someone dares say such things about America. I do not understand what your purpose above is, stating that somehow my commentary misses the "reality" that Americans are "confronted", and how they have to "cope" this. While I do enjoy you somehow trying to make America look like an eternal victim of all those evil terrorists, it is a wasted effort. What do all those thousands of people that have fallen victim to the terror of U.S. bombs and "shock and awe" have to say? What do you think Iraqis have to cope with thanks to America. Should we not feel sorry for them, because of the reality
they have to cope with? Why is America the only victim? In fact, America is hardly a victim, for it is precisely the reason for the state of the world at the moment. You think you are the good guys? What about the terrorists? They think they are the good guys. Who is right? What do you have to say about this? Can we have both sides as the good guys?
ican711nm wrote:The United States of America is not an empire now, and it never has been. According to Britannica, we are a country smaller than either Russia, Canada, or China ... even including the few dinky territories we own outside our 50 states plus Washington D.C. Our population is small by comparison with China and India. We control no other countries. The only countries in the world we are attempting to control are Afghanistan and Iraq, and these two we seek to temporarily control as part of a coalition of countries trying to protect ourselves from Terrorist Malignancy. Our troops in other countries are there by invitation. Financially speaking, we owe other countries far more money (that they voluntarily loaned us) than they owe us. We rush to the aid of other countries hit with natural disasters, and are often first arrivals. We donate billions of dollars to rescue people in other countries from desease. We even pay 22% of the cost to finance an organization of nations (i.e., the UN), a large majority of whom repeatedly, falsely accuse us of things we never did or will do.
Then why does America need 702 military bases worldwide? If it is not an empire, then why has it behaved like one? Have you seen the list of places America has intervened since 1945?
Moreover, have you read "Rogue State" by William Blum?
ican711nm wrote:Al-Qaeda et al (i.e., Terrorist Malignancy) has repeatedly declared war against us Americans. Al-Qaeda et al has been and is making war against us Americans. Al-Qaeda et al has mass murdered thousands of American civilians. Al-Qaeda et al has mass murdered thousands of civilians in other countries. Al-Qaeda et al has repeatedly declared that their objective is to conquer us Americans and the rest of the world as well.
The key question which you are evading and not asking, similar to Bush, is why they have "declared war"? What is the reason they do not like America? Could it be because America has been an eternal bully? Could it be that American foreign policy has been hijacked and serves AIPAC and other Israeli interests and because of unconditional American support for Israel? Could it be because America has repeatedly supported crack pot dictators? Could it be that America has occupied and bombed them?
Moreover, the reason Al Qaeda and bin Laden exist is precisely because of America. They created this "enemy" directly and indirectly.
Directly, America was buddy buddy with bin Laden (as with Saddam), and funded him against the Soviet Union. We also know of Bush's ties to the bin Laden family. And we also know that America funded the Taliban via the CIA and Pakistan to fight the Soviet Union.
Indirectly, America's imperial escapdes have created a reaction. When there is a reaction, there must be a cause, as every cause has an equal and opposite reaction. Every action and choice has unimaginable and unintended consequences that we can never foresee into the future. It is the rule when studying chaos theory, that like a butterfly effect, the choices we make, eventually come back in forms of reactions. The more centralized and powerful systems become, i.e. the American empire, the world through chaos must harmonize itself. The balance cannot be shifted in one angle too much. It must balance itself, and this "Terrorist Malignancy" is America's own reaction, a way of entropic systems moving toward disorder.
ican711nm wrote:It ought to be obvious that necessary for continuing the mass murder of civilians and for conquering the rest of the world, Al-Qaeda et al must conquer us Americans, because otherwise we Americans will not allow Al-Qaeda et al to conquer us or the rest of the world.
But you want us to bring our military back home, abandon the middle east and its civilians, and gamble that the repeatedly stated goals and objectives of al-Qaeda et al are merely a bluff just to get us out of the middle east?
This sort of fanatical, uncontrolled, unrestrained paranoia, panic and fear can only be propped up by government. It is akin to all the nonsense the government propped up about Hitler and Germany and how they are going to "take over the world". That was obviously nonsense and never did the Germans intend to take over the whole world. But government has a strange way of making people believe things, in ways no different than religion.
ican711nm wrote:I think that is at best a mindlessly dumb gamble and at worst an extremely dangerous gamble. It is the kind of gamble that only those who are LIEbrals or the wards of LIEbrals seriously recommend we Americans take. It is the kind of gamble that only those people advocate we take, who cannot muster the courage to face the reality we must actually face to survive.
I see you have already identifed yourself as a "conservative" since you quickly labelled those that disagree as the "others", as "lieberals". It is precisely this Manichaean way of thinking that creates divisions that are necessary for politics and war. This thinking that anyone who disagrees is a "liberal". I never thought of myself as liberlas, much less a conservative, but I suppose that's a result of me not wanting to restrict myself in any paradigm or ism, thereby creatying a myopic sense of understanding the world.
ican711nm wrote:The doctrines you imply are incredible:
(1) Leave badguys alone and they will cease to be badguys and leave us alone; and,
(2) Badguys are badguys not by their choice, but by the choices made by their victims.
The naivity and childishness that goes with this mentality and thinking is astounding. So here, ican thinks he is favoured by God and he is the "good guy". He and Bush think America is the "good" guys, while the terrorists are the "bad guys". But, ask a terrorist if he is the good guy or the bad guy, he will undoubtedly state he is on the side of good and America is on the side of bad. Who is right? Again, it is this paradox that creates these divisions in the world. These mentalities that create an "us" and "them" mentality.
ican711nm wrote:Hell, no truly knowledgeable person even claims either of these doctrines worked for anyone in the history of the human race ... Even Christian believers do not claim these doctrines were advocated, muchless followed, by Jesus Christ. Human history is filled with the deadly consequences of those who adopted these doctrines even for a little while. Does the name Neville Chamberlain ring a bell?
No knowledgeable person ever claims empires can last indefinitely, especially when they have a trade deficit equal to 7% of their GDP financed by none other than the Asian giants China and Japan; a massive government debt in the trillions, constantly and continually rising forcing the stupid government to constantly raise the debt limit, print more money and cause more inflation and devalue the dollor; raising the debt limit which has been raised 4 times already since 2002; a war that is costing billions, further destabilizing the region; a war that America cannot and is not able to fight because a modern nation state equipped with a convential army cannot fight asymmetrical warfare; already having trouble containing Iraq it's trying to pick another fight and be a bully with Iran. My dear, all these are trends are that looking dismal for America. Unless America gradually changes its course, itll be nothing more than another empire that goes down into the dust bin of history.