Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 08:09 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:

If we were spending the money helping our own people, ralther than conquering and killing Iraqis, they would be having a bloody fit!

We Americans probably face a sizeable risk of being murdered by Terrorist Malignancy, if we decide to limit our defense of ourselves against Terrorist Malignancy only here at home in America. If we are nevertheless determined to do that, we must find a way to reduce the risk of only home defense.

We cannot draft a big enough army capable of protecting ourselves at home.

We cannot establish a total surveilance system capable of protecting ourselves at home.

We cannot negotiate an agreement with Terrorist Malignancy that protects us from them without risking the sacrifice to them of civilians in other countries.

Ok, what say you to returning our military home, abandoning the middle east, and gambling that the repeatedly stated goals and objectives of the Terrorist Malignancy are merely a bluff just to get us out of the middle east?

After all, we are a nation of entrpreneurs, right?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 08:49 pm
ican711nm wrote:

We Americans probably face a sizeable risk of being murdered by Terrorist Malignancy, if we decide to limit our defense of ourselves against Terrorist Malignancy to only here at home in America. If we are nevertheless determined to do that, we must find a way to reduce the risk of only home defense.

Yes, after the United States bullied and bombed enough people, it's no surprise now people hate America, is it? There is always a reason for antipathy, but the blind and the deaf cannot understand so they always wonder and muse, "It's because of our liberties they hate us! Bomb them!"

ican711nm wrote:

Let's try bargaining with Terrorist Malignancy (TM). Let's offer TM our voluntary departure -- both civil and military -- from all other countries in the world in exchange for leaving us alone until say, 2084. But if TM agrees, how can we be sure TM will keep it's side of the bargain? Even if TM does keep its side of the bargain, the effect on the quality of our life will be to cut it back drastically, since the quality of our life is dependent on the quality of life throughout the world.

What do you think the rest of the world has to say with America's bombing escapades? How can you be sure it is you who is afraid they will attack, and not them fearing you? Are you sure it's not them being afraid that America might not honor its word and start being a bully again? For starters, the above approach has never been tried by America. America has been an aggressor for over a century in its imperial escapades, and such an approach would be a drastic shift in it's foreign policy. An example of America's arrogance and hypocrisy is trying to have a monopoly and a say on who gets to have nuclear weapons. Nevermind that the only country the world has to fear about nuclear weapons is America, since America is the only one that has ever used it.

Why doesn't America stop sticking its nose in other peoples' business' and just worry about itself? It obviously cannot for it is an empire, albeit in denial. To quote Lewis Carroll from Alice in Wonderland:

"If everybody minded their own business,' the Duchess said in a
hoarse growl, `the world would go round a deal faster than it

The sooner the warfare-welfare state is dismantled the better we will be. I am to guess you have very little knowledge of the "founding fathers" and the history of this country, much less George Washington's farewell address, or Eisenhower's.

Do you know what happens to empires ican? They all decline and fall. America is running on borrowed time and money.

ican711nm wrote:
I'll keep looking for a solution.

The solution is very simple and you are trying too hard to find it. It means America has to stop being an empire, it has to pull all its troops from the myriad of countries it has troops stationed in. It has to stop proclaiming war, protectionism, and phobia of all those that are not Americans. The arrogance with which America trots on the world stage is precisely why the world from Japan to Bolivia have contrarian opinions of America and Americans. Who likes bullies? Would you? I bet you would have a far different world view of things if you lived outside of America where your limited exposure to the rest of the world wouldn't be an excuse for the myopia.

The solution is simple, stop being an empire, stop letting Israel dictate American foreign policy, and start minding your own business.

When you kill one person, it's considered murder, when the government kills thousands, it's considered foreign policy. Food for thought.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 09:00 pm
ican711nm wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:

If we were spending the money helping our own people, ralther than conquering and killing Iraqis, they would be having a bloody fit!

We Americans probably face a sizeable risk of being murdered by Terrorist Malignancy, if we decide to limit our defense of ourselves against Terrorist Malignancy only here at home in America. If we are nevertheless determined to do that, we must find a way to reduce the risk of only home defense.

We cannot draft a big enough army capable of protecting ourselves at home.

We cannot establish a total surveilance system capable of protecting ourselves at home.

We cannot negotiate an agreement with Terrorist Malignancy that protects us from them without risking the sacrifice to them of civilians in other countries.

Ok, what say you to returning our military home, abandoning the middle east, and gambling that the repeatedly stated goals and objectives of the Terrorist Malignancy are merely a bluff just to get us out of the middle east?

After all, we are a nation of entrpreneurs, right?

If you think that fighting over there will keep us safe here, you're going to be real disappointed when they start striking here, aren't you! What are you going to think of your Messiah President when they strike here??

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:17 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:

What are you going to think of your Messiah President when they strike here?? Anon

Consider a base 10 logarithmic scale from -10 to 0 to +10.

I assign -10 to a perfect agent of the devil.
I assign +10 to a perfect agent of God (e.g., Messiah)

I judge Bush to be a +1, Gore to be a 0, and Kerry to be a -1.

I sure would like a chance to vote for someone who I judge to be at least a +2!

You apparently judge Bush to be -10.

What's that old expression? Oh yes, Takes one to know one.

In your case, apparently it should be, Takes -10 to know -10.

I think it less likely they will strike here if we exterminate them there.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:25 pm
ican, YOur view of the "real" world is so far out of sinc, your rating system only shows your total ignorance.

You probably haven't been keeping up with the real rating systems called polls in this country by some very respected media companies.

Bush's rating is now in the mid to low-thirties. You know nothing of what you speak. Just makes you look more foolish every time you post on a2k.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 10:51 pm
It was here that Saddam Hussein's government launched a poison gas attack that killed more than 5,000 people on March 16, 1988.I highlighted the "5,000," because Bushco supporters keep repeating that old refrain that Saddam gassed his own people - without being honest enough to say that our (the US) military have now killed over 35,000 innocent Iraqis. They can't even be honest about the tragedy our country imposed on the Iraqis - 7 fold.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 11:55 pm
March 17, 2006
Diplomatic Memo
Democracy Push by Bush Attracts Doubters in Party "You cannot in my opinion just impose a democratic form of government on a country with no history and no culture and no tradition of democracy," said Senator Hagel.

Senator Hagel at least has the balls to say what he thinks unlike the others in their party..

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who is traveling this week in South America, Asia and Australia in part to promote democracy, acknowledges the growing dissent but says the administration will stick to its goals.

"There is a debate, and I think it's a debate that's healthy," she said. Ms Rice can only parrot what she knows will not upset her boss. She has sacrificed her own good common sense and ethics.

"This is obviously a really big change in American foreign policy, to put the promotion of democracy at the center of it. And people take very seriously what this president is doing and intends to do."

She's supposed to be one of the smart ones in this administration, but it's obvious she learned to suppress her own conscience and morality based on the history of Iraq and trying to push democracy onto a peoples that never had it.

Mr. Bush's intent is clear from the very first sentence of the national security strategy paper issued yesterday: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world." The 49-page document calls this task "the work of generations."

Another revision of history: Rummy said they would welcome us as liberators. They're now talking about "generations."

It names as strongholds of tyranny North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Belarus, Myanmar and Zimbabwe. It gives the United States credit for toppling Saddam Hussein and the Taliban, and cites "some preliminary steps" toward democracy in Saudi Arabia and "more open but still flawed" elections in Egypt. It says that the Palestinian voting was "free, fair and inclusive" but that democratic principles "are tested by the victory of Hamas."

And the victory of Hamas means what for "democracy?"

The concern, expressed by Representative Hyde, chairman of the International Relations Committee, is that the administration views democracy as a "magic formula."

It's not a "magic formula;" it'll have to be a miracle.

"Implanting democracy in large areas would require that we possess an unbounded power and undertake an open-ended commitment of time and resources, which we cannot and will not do," he said.

Another truism missed by righties and Bushco supporters.

William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, said: "What's really driving the criticism is disenchantment with the war. But it's unfair to say that supporters of the war thought it was going to be easy to build a democracy in Iraq."

Just another rewriting of history. These guys are supposed to be smart?
They sure are not honest.

Even many supporters of the democracy program say the administration's miscalculations in Iraq have done damage to the cause.

Miscalculation is their middle name; their first name is "incompetence."
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 02:00 am
Blair on Iraq: 'I'd do it all again'

By Colin Brown Deputy, Political Editor, Patrick Cockburn in Arbil, and Rupert Cornwell in Washington

Published: 17 March 2006

Unrepentant and unmoved in spite of the rising death toll, Tony Blair has declared that if he was faced with the same circumstances, he would support the invasion of Iraq all over again.

As the Prime Minister uttered his conviction that he would "do it all again", US war planes were already on the move in what the Bush administration described as the biggest onslaught that Iraq has witnessed since the war

More than 50 aircraft and 1,500 Iraqi and US troops attacked insurgents in Samarra, the city north of Baghdad where the golden dome of one of Shia Islam's holiest shrines was destroyed by the insurgents last month.

The White House is also completely unapologetic about the decision to use force to tackle the supposed threat of Saddam Hussein's non-existent weapons of mass destruction, despite signs that Iraq is now headed for a full-scale civil war.

According to official figures, 103 British troops have been lost in the conflict, while the Americans have suffered 2,311 fatalities. There is no official record of the Iraqi deaths.

Yesterday, US troops launched "Operation Swarmer" near Samarra, which has long been an insurgent stronghold. Residents said they could hear loud explosions and see Iraqi and American troops on the move. An increased use of air power may indicate a shift in tactics in order to reduce US casualties. It is also likely to lead to increased Iraqi civilian casualties.

The insurgents seldom defend fixed positions after they suffered heavy losses when US Marines stormed Fallujah in November 2004, the last major American offensive against them.

Mr Blair, who believes he will be judged by God over the Iraq conflict, will fly to the US next month for talks with President George Bush. The third anniversary of their joint decision to invade Iraq falls next Monday.

They will have a crowded agenda of problems to discuss when they meet: the continued flouting of international law by the US detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, which Mr Blair said yesterday should be closed; the riots in the Palestinian territories this week that have undermined his reputation of honest broker; the renewed tensions with Iran; and the public demands in both the US and Britain for the troops to be brought home from Iraq.

Mr Blair is planning to deliver a speech next week to justify the war, and answer the deep misgivings within his own party at the continued occupation of Iraq. Although there was never any evidence to link Saddam to the attack on the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11, Mr Blair yesterday said he would be linking the war which toppled Saddam with the global battle against terrorism.

Asked by journalists whether he would do it all again, Mr Blair unhesitatingly replied: "I most certainly would."
His own anti-war Labour MPs will be joining a mass demonstration against the continued occupation of Iraq in London on Saturday. They will be calling for the troops to be brought home, but Mr Blair ruled out, "leaving a small minority who want terror and violence to overwhelm the majority who show they are prepared for democracy".

He went on: "It would not be just a terrible defeat for the whole of the western world to walk away from these people in their hour of need it would show a complete lack of confidence in our values and in the system of government that we believe in and so do anyone anywhere when they are given a chance to choose it."

Mr Blair carefully avoided saying he was confident about the future of Iraq, but he appeared determined to avoid Iraq being his political epitaph when he steps down. Cabinet colleagues believe he has a little over a year to achieve a lasting settlement that can avoid civil war.

"Yes it is true there are insurgents who are trying to disrupt the democratic process," Mr Blair said. "That is not our responsibility. Our responsibility is to defeat them."

The Bush administration yesterday issued the latest update of its quadrennial National Security Strategy, in which it conceded errors of intelligence. But it insisted that had pre-war sanctions against to Baghdad continued to erode, the former Iraqi leader would have rebuilt his WMD stockpiles.

"With the elimination of Saddam's regime, this threat has been addressed, once and for all."

The 49-page document also drew wider positive lessons from the war, despite polls showing that a clear majority of Americans now believe that the invasion was not worth it and that the United States is less rather than more safe as a result.

The insurgents have grown stronger in recent weeks as the five-million-strong Sunni community becomes increasingly terrified of Shia death squads drawn from the Iraqi Interior Ministry and the army. Even moderate Sunnis now look to their own militiamen rather than government forces.

The US operation may simply be a show of strength by the US military in Iraq to send a message that it is still to be feared.

Nonetheless, Washington has now decided it has no choice but to talk directly to Iran, a country with strong influence among the majority Shia leaders in Iraq, but which it accuses of denial and deception in a widely suspected bid to secure nuclear weapons.

In Washington, Scott McClellan, the White House spokesman, said that Zalmay Khalilzad, the US ambassador in Baghdad, was authorised to talk to Tehran - but only about Iraq.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 03:41 am
Well, I for one wouldn't expect Blair to utter words like "It is an unmitigated never-ending mess, a pointless waste of innocent lives, a counter-productive international crime, a black mark in history, and I apologise for my part in it."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 09:28 am
I am a little relieved. From what they saying yesterday I thought it was going to be a bunch of bombing and killing. Apparently there were no casualties but 40 insurgents were rounded up and 10 later released.

"We believe we achieved tactical surprise," Lt. Col. Edward Loomis, spokesman for the 101st Airborne Division, said of the day-old Operation Swarmer. He said about 40 suspects were detained, 10 of whom were later released.

The military described the operation, in which a combined Iraq-U.S. fighting force was delivered in 50 helicopters, as the "biggest air assault" in three years. It was not an air raid, however, as the military reported no bombing or firing from the air in the offensive northeast of Samarra, a town 60 miles north of Baghdad.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 12:30 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
ican, YOur view of the "real" world is so far out of sinc, your rating system only shows your total ignorance.
My rating system is excellent, outstanding, extraordinary, and brilliant. ... Actually, it's pretty good!

My -10 to 0 to +10 base 10 logarithmic scale (That is, a scale for which: a -10 is 10^-10 = 1 ten-billionth; a -1 is 10^-1 = 1/10; a -0.5 is 10^-0.5 = 0.3162; a 0 is 10^0 = 1; a 1 is 10^1 = 10; a 0.5 is 10^0.5 = 3.162; a 10 is 10^10 = 10 billion) is a rational scale for measuring where a human being falls on a scale measuring from almost pure evil to almost pure righteousness.

I bet your real problem is that you disagree with my ratings of Kerry, Gore and Bush. Despite your disagreements, my ratings are consistent with current approval polls.

A rating of 1 for Bush is consistent with current approval polls of about 35%. A 0 for Gore and a -1 for Kerry are also consistent with current Democrat approval polls. Also I rate Clinton a 0.5 and Carter a -0.5, and those ratings are also consistent with current approval polls.

I would be very happy for an opportunity to vote for 2 (i.e., 10^2 = 100) or better candidates. I would hope the approval polls of such a candidate would be at least 75%.


You want us to return our military home, abandon the middle east and its civilians, and gamble that the repeatedly stated goals and objectives of the Terrorist Malignancy are merely a bluff just to get us out of the middle east?

I think that at best a stupid gamble and at worst an insane gamble.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 12:39 pm
Ican, you are the complete arse package.
100% total arse.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 12:53 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:

I highlighted the "5,000," because Bushco supporters keep repeating that old refrain that Saddam gassed his own people - without being honest enough to say that our (the US) military have now killed over 35,000 innocent Iraqis. They can't even be honest about the tragedy our country imposed on the Iraqis - 7 fold.

Approximately 38,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed since 1/1/2003. About 30,000 of those 38,000 were murdered by Terrorist Malignancy (i.e., al-Qaeda, Saddamists, et al). The 8,000 other civilians killed, were inadvertently killed by Coalition forces while the Coalition forces were killing or capturing Terrorist Malignancy. Almost 90% of those 8,000 were killed in 2003.

It is a horrible but nonetheless well known fact (well known among those not insane or otherwise not mentally defective) that no war in history to exterminate mass murderers of civilians was ever won without inadvertently killing civilians.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 01:07 pm
ican continues to project his own ideas about other peoples post:

You want us to return our military home, abandon the middle east and its civilians, and gamble that the repeatedly stated goals and objectives of the Terrorist Malignancy are merely a bluff just to get us out of the middle east?

I think that at best a stupid gamble and at worst an insane gamble.

I don't want anything: but the American People in the majority do. Hard to figure that one out, hey, ican? Your opinion is decidedly in the minority, and a tyranical one at that! You don't give a shet about what Americans want; only you count! You are a 100 percent arse.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 01:35 pm
Is that a 100 percent arse measured on the base 10 logarithmic scale?

Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 02:37 pm
snood wrote:

LIEbrals want us to return our military home, abandon the middle east and its civilians, and gamble that the repeatedly stated goals and objectives of the Terrorist Malignancy are merely a bluff just to get us out of the middle east?

I think that at best a stupid gamble and at worst an insane gamble.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 03:25 pm
Imprimis, February 2006

America and the United Nations

Mark Steyn

MARK STEYN, a columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times, also writes for the Daily Telegraph and the Spectator in Britain, the Western Standard in Canada, the Australian, Hawke’s Day Today in New Zealand, and the Jerusalem Post. In addition, he is drama critic for the New Criterion, writes National Review’s “Happy Warrior” column, and appears regularly on the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show. He has published two collections of writings, The Face of the Tiger and Mark Steyn from Head to Toe, and a book on musical theater, Broadway Babies Say Goodnight.

The following is abridged from a speech delivered on December 5, 2005, at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., at Hillsdale College’s sixth annual Churchill Dinner.


At one level, the United Nations is merely the latest variant on the Congress of Vienna held almost two centuries ago—a venue where the great powers sit down to resolve the problems of the world to their mutual satisfaction. Unfortunately, unlike Lord Castlereagh, Prince Metternich and Talleyrand, none of whom would be asked to audition for a “We Are The World” charity fundraising single, the UN has become the repository of all the West’s sappiest illusions of one-worldism.

Let me give an example. Nearly three years ago, the space shuttle Columbia crashed, and Katie Couric on NBC’s Today show saluted the fallen heroes as follows: “They were an airborne United Nations—men, women, an African-American, an Indian woman, an Israeli....” By contrast, there’s a famous terror-supporting Islamist imam in Britain, Abu Hamza, who, when the shuttle crashed, claimed it was God’s punishment “because it carried Americans, an Israeli and a Hindu, a trinity of evil against Islam.” Say what you like about the old Islamofascist nutcake, but he was at least paying attention to the particulars of the situation, not just peddling, as Katie Couric did, vapid “multi-culti” bromides.

Why couldn’t Katie have said the Columbia was an airborne America? After all, the “Indian woman,” Kalpana Chawla, was the American Dream writ large upon the stars: she emigrated to the U.S. in the 1980s and became an astronaut within a decade. What an incredible country. But somehow it wasn’t enough to see in the crew’s multiple ethnicities a stirring testament to the possibilities of her own land; instead, Katie upgraded them into an emblem of what seemed to her a far nobler ideal—the UN.

In the days before Miss Couric’s observation—this was in 2003, just before the Iraq war— there had been two notable news items about the United Nations: (1) The newly elected chair of the UN Human Rights Commission was Colonel Gaddafi’s Libya; and (2) it was announced that in May, the presidency of the UN Conference on Disarmament would pass to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. But as Katie demonstrated, no matter what the UN actually is, the very initials evoke in her and many others some vague blurry memory of a long-ago UNESCO benefit with Danny Kaye or Audrey Hepburn surrounded by smiling children of many lands. There were many woozy Western leftists who felt—and still feel—that the theoretical idealism of Communism excused all its terrible failures in practice. The UN gets a similar pass, but from a far larger number of people. How else to explain all the polls in Europe, Australia, Canada and even America that show large numbers of people will only support war if it’s approved by the UN?

The Real UN

In fact, however, the UN is a shamefully squalid organization whose corruption is almost impossible to exaggerate. If you think—as the media and the left do in this country—that Iraq is a God-awful mess (which it’s not), then try being the Balkans or Sudan or even Cyprus or anywhere where the problem’s been left to the United Nations. If you don’t want to bulk up your pension by skimming the Oil-for-Food program, no need to worry. Whatever your bag, the UN can find somewhere that suits—in West Africa, it’s Sex-for-Food, with aid workers demanding sexual services from locals as young as four; in Cambodia, it’s drug dealing; in Kenya, it’s the refugee extortion racket; in the Balkans, sex slaves. On a UN peace mission, everyone gets his piece.

Didier Bourguet, a UN staffer in Congo and the Central African Republic, enjoyed the pleasures of 12-year-old girls, and as a result is now on trial in France. His lawyer has said he was part of a UN pedophile network operating from Africa to southeast Asia. But has anyone read anything about that? The merest glimpse of a U.S. servicewoman leading an Abu Ghraib inmate around with girlie knickers on his head was enough to prompt calls for Donald Rumsfeld’s resignation, and for Ted Kennedy to charge that Saddam’s torture chambers were now open “under new management.” But systemic UN child sex in at least 50 percent of their missions? The transnational morality set can barely stifle their yawns. If you’re going to sexually assault prepubescent girls, make sure you’re wearing a blue helmet.

And at least the Pentagon put a stop to Abu Ghraib. As a British UN official in the Congo told my newspaper in London: “The crux of the problem is that if the UN gets bolshie”—that’s Britspeak for complaining aggressively—“with these governments then they stop providing the UN with troops and staff.” That’s the system in a nutshell: when a British bigwig is with British forces, he’ll enforce British standards; when a British official is holed up with an impeccably “multilateral” force of Uruguayans, Tunisians, etc., he’s more circumspect. When in Rome, do as the Visigoths do. In Congo, the UN had to forbid all contact between its predatory forces and the natives. The rest of the world should be so lucky.

The child sex racket is only the most extreme example of what’s wrong with the UN approach to the world. Developed peoples value resilience: when disaster strikes, you bounce back. A hurricane flattens Florida, you patch things up and reopen. As the New Colonial Class, the UN doesn’t look at it like that: when disaster strikes, it just proves that you and your countrymen are children who need to be taken under the transnational wing. The folks who have been under the UN wing the longest—indeed, the only ones with their own permanent UN agency and semi-centenarian “refugee camps”—are the most comprehensively wrecked people on the face of the earth: the Palestinians. UN territories like Kosovo are the global equivalent of inner-city housing projects with the blue helmets as local enforcers for the absentee slum landlord. By contrast, a couple of years after imperialist warmonger Bush showed up, Afghanistan and Iraq have elections, presidents and prime ministers.

Let’s just take one of the scandals that go widely unreported in the American media—the UN Oil-for-Food program. Among the targets of the corruption investigation was Kofi Annan’s son Kojo—who had a $30,000-a-year job but managed to find a spare quarter-million dollars sitting around to invest in a Swiss football club. The investigators then broadened their sights to include Kofi’s brother Kobina Annan, the Ghanaian Ambassador to Morocco, who has ties to a businessman behind several of the entities involved in the scandal—one Michael Wilson, the son of the former Ghanaian Ambassador to Switzerland and a childhood friend of young Kojo. Mr. Wilson is currently being investigated for bribery involving a $50 million contract to renovate the Geneva offices of the UN World Intellectual Property Organization.

The actual head of the Oil-for-Food racket, Kofi sidekick Benon Sevan, has resigned, having hitherto insisted that a mysterious six-figure sum in his bank account was a gift from his elderly aunt, a lady of modest means who lived in a two-room flat in Cyprus. Paul Volcker’s investigators had planned to confirm with auntie her nephew’s version of events, but unfortunately she fell down an elevator shaft and died. It now seems likely that the windfall had less to do with Mr. Sevan’s late aunt than with his soliciting of oil allocations for a company run by a cousin of Kofi Annan’s predecessor, Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

Despite current investigations into his brother, his son, his son’s best friend, his predecessor’s cousin, his former chief of staff, his procurement officer and the executive director of the UN’s biggest ever program, the Secretary-General insists he remains committed to staying on and tackling the important work of “reforming” the UN. Unfortunately, his Executive Coordinator for United Nations Reform has also had to resign.

You’d think that by now, respect for the UN would be plummeting faster than Benon Sevan’s auntie down that lift shaft. After all, these aren’t peripheral figures or minor departments. They reach right into the heart of UN policy on two of the critical issues of the day—Iraq and North Korea. Most of the Ghanaian diplomatic corps and their progeny seem to have directorships at companies with UN contracts and/or Saddamite oil options.

What’s important to understand is that Mr. Annan’s ramshackle UN of humanitarian money-launderers, peacekeeper-rapists and a Human Rights Commission that looks like a lifetime-achievement awards ceremony for the world’s torturers is not a momentary aberration. Nor can it be corrected by bureaucratic reforms designed to ensure that the failed Budget Oversight Committee will henceforth be policed by a Budget Oversight Committee Oversight Committee. The Oil-for-Food fiasco is the UN—the predictable spawn of its utopian fantasies and fetid realities. If Saddam grasped this more clearly than, say, Katie Couric or John Kerry, well, that’s why he is—was—an A-list dictator and they’re not.

Why was there an Oil-for-Food program in the first place? Because back in the 90s, having thrown a big old multilateral Gulf War and gotten to the gates of Baghdad, the grand UN coalition then decided against toppling Saddam. So, having shirked the responsibilities that come with having a real policy, America and its allies were in the market for a pseudo-policy. And where does an advanced Western democracy go when it wants a pseudo-policy? Why, the UN! Saddam correctly calculated that the great powers were over-invested in Oil-for-Food as a figleaf for their lack of will, and reasoned that in such an environment their figleaf would also serve as a discreet veil for all kinds of other activities. He didn’t game the system; he simply understood far better than Clinton and Bush Sr., John Major and Tony Blair how it worked.

Failures of Transnationalism

Transnationalism is the mechanism by which the world’s most enlightened progressives provide cover for its darkest forces. It’s a largely unconscious alliance, but not an illogical one. Western proponents of Kyoto and some of the other loopy NGO-beloved eco-doom-mongering concepts up for debate in Montreal at the moment have at least this much in common with psychotic Third World thugocracies: they find it hard to win free elections, they regard transnational bodies as useful for conferring a respect unearned at the ballot box, and they are unduly troubled by the lack of accountability in global institutions.

Those of us who believe that big government is by definition remote government—and that therefore the UN’s pretensions to world government make it potentially the worst of all—should, in theory, argue for withdrawal from the organization. Outside of a few college towns and coastal enclaves, I don’t believe there would be any political downside for candidates campaigning on a platform of pulling out of the UN entirely, and I’d encourage Republicans to do so if only as a way of unnerving those lazy pols like John Kerry who are prone to mindless transnationalist boosterism. But as a matter of practical politics, I can’t see the U.S. leaving the UN anytime soon.

Can the U.S. force the UN to reform itself? Look at it this way: With hindsight, the UN was most effective when it was least effective—that’s to say, the four decades between Korea and the Gulf War, when the Cold War’s mutually-assured vetoes at least accurately represented the global stand-off. Now, however, we’re in a unipolar world. As a result, the UN is no longer a permanent talking-shop for the world’s powers but an alternative power in and of itself—a sort of ersatz superpower intended to counter the real one. Consider the 85 yes-or-no votes America made in the General Assembly in 2003: Arab League members voted against the U.S. position 88.7% of the time; ASEAN members voted against the U.S. position 84.5% of the time; Islamic Conference members voted against the U.S. position 84.1% of the time; African members voted against the U.S. position 83.8% of the time; Non-Aligned Movement members voted against the U.S. position 82.7% of the time; and European Union members voted against the U.S. position 54.5% of the time.

You can take the view of the European elites that this is proof of America’s isolation and that the U.S. now needs to issue a “Declaration of Interdependence” with the world. Or you can be like the proud mom in Irving Berlin’s WWI marching song: “They Were All Out Of Step But Jim.” But what these figures really demonstrate is that the logic of the post-Cold War UN is to be institutionally anti-American. The U.S. could seize on Kofi Annan’s present embarrassment and lean hard on him to reform this and reorganize that and reinvent the other and, if it employs its full diplomatic muscle, it might get those anti-U.S. votes down to…a tad over 80%. And along the way it would find that it had “reformed” a corrupt, dysfunctional, sclerotic anti-American club into a lean, mean, functioning, effective anti-American club. Which is, if they’re honest, what most reformers mean by “reform.”

In the old days, ramshackle dictatorships were proxies for heavyweight patrons, but not any more. These days, psychotic dictators represent only themselves. Yet somehow, in the post-Cold War talking shops, the loony tunes’ prestige has been enhanced: the UN, as Canadian writer George Jonas puts it, enables “dysfunctional dictatorships to punch above their weight.” Away from Kofi and Co., the world is moving more or less in the right direction: entire regions that were once wall-to-wall tyrannies are now filled with flawed but broadly functioning democracies—e.g., Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. The UN has been irrelevant to this transformation. Its structures resist reform and the principal beneficiaries are the thug states.

What Actually Works?

What should replace the UN? Some people talk about a “caucus of the democracies.” But I’d like to propose a more radical suggestion: nothing. In the war on terror, America’s most important relationships have been not transnational but bilateral: Australia’s John Howard didn’t dispatch troops to Iraq because the Aussies and the Yanks belong to the same international talking shop; Tony Blair’s reliability on war and terror isn’t because of the European Union but in spite of it. These relationships are meaningful precisely because they’re not the product of formal transnational bureaucracies.

When the tsunami hit last year, hundreds of thousands of people died within minutes. The Australians and Americans arrived within hours. The UN was unable to get to Banda Aceh for weeks. Instead, the humanitarian fat cats were back in New York and Geneva holding press conferences warning about post-tsunami health consequences—dysentery, cholera, BSE from water-logged cattle, etc.—that, its spokesmen assured us, would kill as many people as the original disaster. But this never happened, any more than did their predictions of disaster for Iraq: “The head of the World Food Program has warned that Iraq could spiral into a massive humanitarian disaster.” Or for Afghanistan: “The UN Children’s Fund has estimated that as many as 100,000 Afghan children could die of cold, disease and hunger.”

It’s one thing to invent humanitarian disasters to disparage Bush’s unilateralist warmongering; but in the wake of the tsunami, the UN was reduced to inventing a humanitarian disaster in order to distract attention from the existing humanitarian disaster it wasn’t doing anything about.

In fact, the whole idea of multilateral organizations feels a bit last millennium. With hindsight, institutions like the UN seem like a hangover from the Congress of Vienna age when contact between nations was limited to the potentates’ emissaries. That’s why transnationalism so appeals both to Euro-statists and to dictators—the great men of the world meeting together to decide things for everyone else. But, in the era of the Internet, five-cents-per-minute international phone rates, bank cards issued in Finland that you can use in an ATM in Brazil or Fiji, and blue collar families taking cheap vacations in the Maldives and Bali, the bloated UN bureaucracy seems at best irrelevant and at worst an obstruction to the progress of international relations. I’m all in favor of the Universal Postal Union and the Berne Copyright Convention, but they work precisely because dysfunctional dictators weren’t involved. The non-nutcake jurisdictions came together, and others were required to be in compliance before they could join. That’s why they work and endure. Transnational institutions should reflect points of agreement: Americans don’t mind the Toronto Blue Jays playing in the same baseball league—and even winning it occasionally—because they’re all agreed on the rules of baseball. A joint North American Public Health Commission, on the other hand, would be a bureaucratic boondoggle seeking to reconcile two incompatible health systems. Imagine then what happens when you put America, Denmark, Libya and Syria on a human rights committee, and then try and explain why the verdict of such a committee should be given any weight when the U.S. is weighing its vital national interest.

It’s a good basic axiom that if you take a quart of ice cream and a quart of dog mess and mix ’em together, the result will taste more like dog mess than ice cream. That’s the problem with the UN. If you make the free nations and the thug states members of the same club, the danger isn’t that they’ll meet each other half-way but that the free world winds up going three-quarters or seven-eighths of the way. Indeed, the UN has met the thug states so much more than half way that they now largely share the dictators’ view of their peoples—as either helpless children who need every decision made for them, or a bunch of dupes whose national wealth can be rerouted to a Swiss bank account.

Perhaps that malign combination of empty European gesture-politics and Third World larceny would be relatively harmless, at least in the geopolitical sense, if these were quieter times. But they’re not. This is an age in which America and its real allies—a bigger number than you’d think—need to be free to act without being a latter-day Gulliver ensnared by Lilliputian UN resolutions from head to toe. After all, consider the alternative to American action. As you may have noticed, the good people of Darfur in Sudan have been fortunate enough not to attract the attention of the arrogant cowboy unilateralist Bush and have instead fallen under the care of the UN multilateral compassion set. So, after months of expressing deep, grave concern over whether the graves were deep enough, Kofi Annan managed to persuade the UN to set up a committee to look into what’s going on in Darfur. Eventually, they reported back that it’s not genocide.

That’s great news, isn’t it? Because if it had been genocide, that would have been very, very serious. As yet another Kofi Annan-appointed UN committee boldly declared a year ago: “Genocide anywhere is a threat to the security of all and should never be tolerated.” So thank goodness what’s going on in Sudan isn’t genocide. Instead, it’s just 100,000 corpses who all happen to be from the same ethnic group—which means the UN can go on tolerating it until everyone’s dead, and none of the multilateral compassion types have to worry their pretty heads about it.

That’s the transnational establishment’s alternative to Bush and his “coalition of the willing”: appoint a committee that agrees on the urgent need to do nothing at all. Thus, last year the UN Human Rights Commission announced the working group that will decide which complaints will be heard at its annual meeting in Geneva this spring: the five-nation panel that will select which human-rights violations will be up for discussion comprises the Netherlands, Hungary, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe. I wouldn’t bet on them finding room on their crowded agenda for the question of human rights in Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe.

One of the mystifying aspects of UN worship is the assumption that this embryo world government is a “progressive” concept. It’s not. Most of us in our business and family and consumer relationships are plugged into global networks far better for the long-term health of the planet than using American money to set up Eurowimp talking shops manned by African thugs—which is what the UN Human Rights Commission boils down to.

Judging by Results

Go back to that tsunami. While the UN and its agencies were on television badgering and hectoring the West for its stinginess, the actual relief efforts were being made by a couple of diverted U.S. naval groups and the Royal Australian Navy. The Scandinavians can’t fly in relief supplies, because they don’t have any C-130s. All they can do is wait for the UN to swing by and pick up their check. And it says something for the post-modern decadence of the age that that gives you supposed moral superiority.

There’s a moment in the latest Batman movie in which Bruce Wayne has just bumped into his childhood sweetheart, Rachel Dawes, in the lobby of some Gotham City hotel. Unfortunately he’s sopping wet, having been cavorting in the ornamental fountain with a couple of hot pieces of arm candy. Rachel is a crusading district attorney and Bruce can see she’s a bit disappointed to discover her old pal is now Paris Hilton in drag. So he attempts to assure her that deep down he still cares about all the worthy stuff. Rachel swats this aside. It’s not what you feel inside that counts, she says. “It’s what you do that defines you.”

Bruce wanes, visibly, under her withering riposte. I wouldn’t claim this film has anything as coherent as a philosophy, but its director thought enough of that line to reprise it late in the action. “It’s what you do that defines you,” Batman whispers to Rachel before diving off a rooftop to go whump the bad guys. “Bruce...?” she says, faintly.

A couple of days after seeing this film I read that the Oxfam international aid organization had paid the better part of a million bucks to Sri Lankan customs officials for the privilege of having 25 four-wheel-drive vehicles allowed into the country to get aid out to remote villages on washed-out roads hit by the tsunami. The Indian-made Mahindras stood idle on the dock in Colombo for a month as Oxfam’s representatives were buried under a tsunami of paperwork. Fourteen Unicef ambulances sent to Indonesia spent two months sitting on the dock of the bay wasting time, as the late Otis Redding so shrewdly anticipated.

The tsunami may have been unprecedented, but what followed was business as usual—the sloth and corruption of government, the feebleness of the brand-name NGOs, the compassion-exhibitionism of the transnational jet set. If we lived in a world where “it’s what you do that defines you,” we’d be heaping praise on the U.S. and Australian militaries, who in the immediate hours after the tsunami dispatched their forces to save lives, distribute food and restore water, power and communications.

According to my favorite foreign minister these days, Australia’s Alexander Downer, “Iraq was a clear example about how outcomes are more important than blind faith in the principles of non-intervention, sovereignty and multilateralism.... Increasingly multilateralism is a synonym for an ineffective and unfocused policy involving internationalism of the lowest common denominator. Multilateral institutions need to become more results-oriented.”

Which is pretty much the Batman thesis: It’s what we do that defines us. And we’ll do more without the UN.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Mar, 2006 07:51 pm
ican711nm wrote:

We Americans probably face a sizeable risk of being murdered by Terrorist Malignancy, if we decide to limit our defense of ourselves against Terrorist Malignancy to only here at home in America. If we are nevertheless determined to do that, we must find a way to reduce the risk of only home defense.

Yes, after the United States bullied and bombed enough people, it's no surprise now people hate America, is it? There is always a reason for antipathy, but the blind and the deaf cannot understand so they always wonder and muse, "It's because of our liberties they hate us! Bomb them!"

ican711nm wrote:

Let's try bargaining with Terrorist Malignancy (TM). Let's offer TM our voluntary departure -- both civil and military -- from all other countries in the world in exchange for leaving us alone until say, 2084. But if TM agrees, how can we be sure TM will keep it's side of the bargain? Even if TM does keep its side of the bargain, the effect on the quality of our life will be to cut it back drastically, since the quality of our life is dependent on the quality of life throughout the world.

What do you think the rest of the world has to say with America's bombing escapades? How can you be sure it is you who is afraid they will attack, and not them fearing you? Are you sure it's not them being afraid that America might not honor its word and start being a bully again? For starters, the above approach has never been tried by America. America has been an aggressor for over a century in its imperial escapades, and such an approach would be a drastic shift in it's foreign policy. An example of America's arrogance and hypocrisy is trying to have a monopoly and a say on who gets to have nuclear weapons. Nevermind that the only country the world has to fear about nuclear weapons is America, since America is the only one that has ever used it.

Why doesn't America stop sticking its nose in other peoples' business' and just worry about itself? It obviously cannot for it is an empire, albeit in denial. To quote Lewis Carroll from Alice in Wonderland:

"If everybody minded their own business,' the Duchess said in a
hoarse growl, `the world would go round a deal faster than it

The sooner the warfare-welfare state is dismantled the better we will be. I am to guess you have very little knowledge of the "founding fathers" and the history of this country, much less George Washington's farewell address, or Eisenhower's.

Do you know what happens to empires ican? They all decline and fall. America is running on borrowed time and money.

ican711nm wrote:
I'll keep looking for a solution.

The solution is very simple and you are trying too hard to find it. It means America has to stop being an empire, it has to pull all its troops from the myriad of countries it has troops stationed in. It has to stop proclaiming war, protectionism, and phobia of all those that are not Americans. The arrogance with which America trots on the world stage is precisely why the world from Japan to Bolivia have contrarian opinions of America and Americans. Who likes bullies? Would you? I bet you would have a far different world view of things if you lived outside of America where your limited exposure to the rest of the world wouldn't be an excuse for the myopia.

The solution is simple, stop being an empire, stop letting Israel dictate American foreign policy, and start minding your own business.

When you kill one person, it's considered murder, when the government kills thousands, it's considered foreign policy. Food for thought.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 03:04 pm
Anonymouse wrote:

America has been an aggressor for over a century in its imperial escapades, and such an approach would be a drastic shift in it's foreign policy. An example of America's arrogance and hypocrisy is trying to have a monopoly and a say on who gets to have nuclear weapons. Nevermind that the only country the world has to fear about nuclear weapons is America, since America is the only one that has ever used it.

Why doesn't America stop sticking its nose in other peoples' business' and just worry about itself? It obviously cannot for it is an empire, albeit in denial. To quote Lewis Carroll from Alice in Wonderland:

"If everybody minded their own business,' the Duchess said in a
hoarse growl, `the world would go round a deal faster than it

The sooner the warfare-welfare state is dismantled the better we will be. I am to guess you have very little knowledge of the "founding fathers" and the history of this country, much less George Washington's farewell address, or Eisenhower's.

Do you know what happens to empires ican? They all decline and fall. America is running on borrowed time and money.
The solution is very simple and you are trying too hard to find it. It means America has to stop being an empire, it has to pull all its troops from the myriad of countries it has troops stationed in. It has to stop proclaiming war, protectionism, and phobia of all those that are not Americans. The arrogance with which America trots on the world stage is precisely why the world from Japan to Bolivia have contrarian opinions of America and Americans. Who likes bullies? Would you? I bet you would have a far different world view of things if you lived outside of America where your limited exposure to the rest of the world wouldn't be an excuse for the myopia.

The solution is simple, stop being an empire, stop letting Israel dictate American foreign policy, and start minding your own business.

When you kill one person, it's considered murder, when the government kills thousands, it's considered foreign policy. Food for thought.

This coment of yours is so obviously a mindless statement that additional comment is unnecessary:
... the only country the world has to fear about nuclear weapons is America, since America is the only one that has ever used it.

Your commentary is an incredibly incompetent description of what America is. It is an incredibly incompetent description of the reality with which we Americans are actually confronted. It is an incredibly incompetent description of what we Americans must do to effectively cope with that reality.

The United States of America is not an empire now, and it never has been. According to Britannica, we are a country smaller than either Russia, Canada, or China ... even including the few dinky territories we own outside our 50 states plus Washington D.C. Our population is small by comparison with China and India. We control no other countries. The only countries in the world we are attempting to control are Afghanistan and Iraq, and these two we seek to temporarily control as part of a coalition of countries trying to protect ourselves from Terrorist Malignancy. Our troops in other countries are there by invitation. Financially speaking, we owe other countries far more money (that they voluntarily loaned us) than they owe us. We rush to the aid of other countries hit with natural disasters, and are often first arrivals. We donate billions of dollars to rescue people in other countries from desease. We even pay 22% of the cost to finance an organization of nations (i.e., the UN), a large majority of whom repeatedly, falsely accuse us of things we never did or will do.

Al-Qaeda et al (i.e., Terrorist Malignancy) has repeatedly declared war against us Americans. Al-Qaeda et al has been and is making war against us Americans. Al-Qaeda et al has mass murdered thousands of American civilians. Al-Qaeda et al has mass murdered thousands of civilians in other countries. Al-Qaeda et al has repeatedly declared that their objective is to conquer us Americans and the rest of the world as well.

It ought to be obvious that necessary for continuing the mass murder of civilians and for conquering the rest of the world, Al-Qaeda et al must conquer us Americans, because otherwise we Americans will not allow Al-Qaeda et al to conquer us or the rest of the world.

But you want us to bring our military back home, abandon the middle east and its civilians, and gamble that the repeatedly stated goals and objectives of al-Qaeda et al are merely a bluff just to get us out of the middle east?

I think that is at best a mindlessly dumb gamble and at worst an extremely dangerous gamble. It is the kind of gamble that only those who are LIEbrals or the wards of LIEbrals seriously recommend we Americans take. It is the kind of gamble that only those people advocate we take, who cannot muster the courage to face the reality we must actually face to survive.

The doctrines you imply are incredible:
(1) Leave badguys alone and they will cease to be badguys and leave us alone; and,
(2) Badguys are badguys not by their choice, but by the choices made by their victims.

Hell, no truly knowledgeable person even claims either of these doctrines worked for anyone in the history of the human race ... Even Christian believers do not claim these doctrines were advocated, muchless followed, by Jesus Christ. Human history is filled with the deadly consequences of those who adopted these doctrines even for a little while. Does the name Neville Chamberlain ring a bell?
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 18 Mar, 2006 03:33 pm
The doctrines you imply are incredible:
(1) Leave badguys alone and they will cease to be badguys and leave us alone; and,
(2) Badguys are badguys not by their choice, but by the choices made by their victims.

This doctrine is not incredible in the least. The only doctrine is to ensure stability by being strong defensively - not by flexing your musles and aggressively attacking non-threatening countries with little to defend themselves from overwhelming technological force of weapons.

Iraq only happens to be the most recent example of aggression gone bad by a powerful country attacking a defenseless country; it increased worldwide terrorism.

You don't fight terrorism with bombs; you fight it with worldwide consensus on how to fight terrorism as a world community.

The US and Israel never learned that lesson, and it only exacerbates more violence and killings.

All those innocent family members killed by the US have increased terrorists; they will seek revenge against the US and our allies. We only guarantee more of the same.
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