1. You made the following statement;
ican wrote:The phrase "outside Saddam Hussein's controlled Iraq" does not mean outside the area in which Saddam's regime had the power, and did exercise the power to go, when it wanted to go there. That phrase merely states the fact that Saddam's regime did not possess the power to govern in that area.
Outside of Saddam's control means just that; he had no control, politically or militarily of the Kurd territory.
Again I will refer you to what Jalal Talabani, the leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) said in an interview with the CNN-Turk, Oct, 21, 2002.
Quote:Anat- Today, Saddam Hussein has no control over northern Iraq. How do you describe the structure in the region that exists today?
Talabani- We say primarily that we are Iraqis but we are not under the control of the Iraqi regime. We have our own parliament. We have our regional parliament. And, we want to continue our existence within the framework of the Iraqi state. We want a democratic and united Iraq. In such a framework Kurds would have their rights anyhow. Turkomans and the Assyrians would have their rights. We want such a federation.
2. You seem to think that because Saddam's forces entered Irbil in 1996 that means he had military control over all of Kurd's land up till the invasion. That's wrong. As InfraBlue pointed out Saddam entered Kurdish land at the invitation of Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), who, at that time was fighting a mini-war with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). At no time after that conflict did Saddam's troops ever enter Iraqi Kurdistan. They were not allowed to.
3. You fail to explain why George Bush was protecting Zarkawi. Three times the CIA requested to attack and kill him and three times the Bush administration rejected the idea.
If the Bush administration claims it was so interested in getting Zarkawi and the Iraqis were protecting him why didn't Bush do the job himself? He had the means and he had a far better opportunity to do the job than Saddam Hussein.
Which brings up point four.
4. In September 2001 near the village of Halabia an Al Qaeda affliated group named Jund al-Islam seized control of several villages. It established a government ruled by Shari'a. In December 2001 it changed its name to Ansar al-Islam. This group control the region along the Iranian border. Do you know why it was along the Iranian border? Because if any forces attacked it they could readily escape across the border into Iran. No troops could follow them. So even if Saddam had the power to sent troops into the area he couldn't do much with them. Only by a sudden air attack by America, as this was in the Iraqi no-fly zone, could Zarkawi and his camp be destroyed.
Bush refused to do it. Three times he rejected the CIA's request to have Zarkawi killed.
So who was protecting Zarkawi; George Bush or Saddam Hussein?