Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:06 pm
Debra_Law wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
If a woman can kill a baby she doesnt want,even 5 seconds before it is born,and call that an abortion,then a man should be able to refuse to pay support for a child he neither wanted or knew about.

I would like you to show us an existing state law that allows a woman to choose to "kill a baby 5 seconds before it is born."

As far as your "I told her to get an abortion" defense to nullify your legal obligation to pay child support for an existing child, take your defense to court or ask your state legislature to pass a law that says fathers need not support their child if they told the mother to get an abortion. I'm sure the state legislators throughout the nation are willing to jump on your band wagon and pick up the tab to support your children in order to relieve you of that legal responsibility. Good luck with your lobbying efforts.

I didnt say there was such a law.
But,YOU and Cyclo both have said that till it is born it is only a POTENTIAL life.
Now,a zygote is also potential life,so where do you draw the line?

So,if it is killed 5 seconds before birth,using your statement and logic,then it was aborted,not murdered.

I have no kids,and if a woman walks up to me today and says her kid is mine,then I will ask...
1.Why wasnt I told when the child was born?
2.Why are you here now?

If a woman waits several years to tell a man he is a father,then she has given up her right to claim child support.
I am not saying that a man shouldnt dupport his kids,but if you have my child and dont tell me,thats not my problem.Support it yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:09 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

You know that I respect the heck out of you, but I am very confused on this one issue right now. If the woman has the right to terminate the pregnancy without the man's input why would the man have to pay child support if he did not want the child? In a case of a man wanting the child and a woman not wanting it, the woman gets to decide, right? I am having trouble reconciling this.

I don't know why this is so confusing. The woman gets a veto. Since a man can't gestate and birth a child, his control ends at conception. Since a woman does offer her body to gestate and birth a child, she gets one chance to change the outcome. Once the child is born it is no longer a part of anyone's body and is the responsibility of both parents.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:10 pm

Ooops. Didn't mean to ignore your question. Legally, I kind of lean to it could be 1, 2, or 3 depending upon the circumstances. Personally, I would lean toward murder because the adult should be able to control themself when punishing the child no matter what.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:13 pm

Are you serious? Shocked Because she carries the child she gets to make the decision? So, the father doesn't want the baby but the mother does so the guy has to pay for the child? But if the father wants the child and the mother doesn't she gets to kill the baby?

You will excuse me if I happen to think someone's rights are being stampeded upon here. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:18 pm
What's your alternative? If there is a difference of opinion between the man and the woman, somebody gets to make the decision over the other's objections. Who do you propose that somebody should be? It has to be the mother. A man can walk away at any time but the woman cannot walk away from her own body. Should a woman be forced to carry to term a child she doesn't want because the father says he wants it? And if he changes his mind?
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:21 pm

Do you realize how cold that sounds to me? If the woman doesn't want the child and the man does, let him have the baby. If he changes his mind, adopt the child out. The point is the child seems to be of the very last consideration. If she didn't want the baby she shouldn't have gotten pregnant.

I just think if the woman can decide to abort the child because SHE does not want it then she has no right to force the man to support the child because HE does not want it. That just sounds fair to me.

Honestly, I think they both should face up to their responsibility and have the baby and take care of it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:25 pm
coulda, woulda, shoulda along with some pixie dust can make the world right again.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:28 pm

No, not pixie dust. People taking responsibility for their own actions. People standing up and saying ok, I made a mistake now I need to make it right. People doing the right things.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:29 pm
What I hear a lot coming from your side are presumptions about a woman's motivation to have an abortion. Convenience, because she doesn't want it, because she's irresponsible, because she doesn't consider the child, etc...

Do you know anyone who has ever had or considered an abortion? Do you know for a fact that the baby (or potential baby) is in fact the last consideration? Do you not think that the reason that most people "don't want" kids (aside from those who don't want them ever) is because they don't feel that the situation would allow them to raise a child properly? And that some women earn their living in very physical jobs which they could not do if they weighed an extra 35 pounds and had back trouble?

You say "If she didn't want the baby she shouldn't have gotten pregnant." Do you say the same for these poor bastards who get stuck with child support even though they wanted the woman to have an abortion?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:31 pm
Eschew penis in vagina sex for enterprising alternatives with your significant other(s)!
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 05:58 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Debra_Law wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
If a woman can kill a baby she doesnt want,even 5 seconds before it is born,and call that an abortion,then a man should be able to refuse to pay support for a child he neither wanted or knew about.

I would like you to show us an existing state law that allows a woman to choose to "kill a baby 5 seconds before it is born."

As far as your "I told her to get an abortion" defense to nullify your legal obligation to pay child support for an existing child, take your defense to court or ask your state legislature to pass a law that says fathers need not support their child if they told the mother to get an abortion. I'm sure the state legislators throughout the nation are willing to jump on your band wagon and pick up the tab to support your children in order to relieve you of that legal responsibility. Good luck with your lobbying efforts.

I didnt say there was such a law.
But,YOU and Cyclo both have said that till it is born it is only a POTENTIAL life.
Now,a zygote is also potential life,so where do you draw the line?

So,if it is killed 5 seconds before birth,using your statement and logic,then it was aborted,not murdered.

Where did I say a woman could legally abort or destroy POTENTIAL LIFE five seconds before it is born? You have mischaracterized my statements. Here's what I said the last time you brought up this ridiculous extrapolation:

Debra_Law wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Until birth, it isn't a person; it's a seed of a person.

A seed isn't the same thing as a tree, sorry.

And honestly, for a party that supports killing people so off-handedly, you guys sure get up in arms about people who aren't even people yet.


So,5 seconds before it is born,a fetus doesnt qualify as a person and can be destroyed?

Five seconds before birth, a fetus does not qualify as a person. It qualifies as potential life. That doesn't mean it can be destroyed.

Please NOTE what else I said:

Debra_Law wrote:
Life is the interval of time between birth and death. Prior to birth, what you have is the potential for life and nothing more. Once a fetus is viable--capable of living outside the womb--then the state has a compelling interest in protecting POTENTIAL LIFE and may prohibit abortion EXCEPT when necessary to save the life or health of the mother. Why the exception? Because we value EXISTING LIFE far more than we value POTENTIAL LIFE.

mysteryman wrote:
I have no kids,and if a woman walks up to me today and says her kid is mine,then I will ask...
1.Why wasnt I told when the child was born?
2.Why are you here now?

If a woman waits several years to tell a man he is a father,then she has given up her right to claim child support.
I am not saying that a man shouldnt dupport his kids,but if you have my child and dont tell me,thats not my problem.Support it yourself.

Now you have changed your story. Before, you said you should not have to support a child if it was your choice to have it aborted and the woman didn't comply with your choice. I called this your "I told her to get an abortion," defense to a child support action.

Now you say you don't think you should have to support a child if the woman waits YEARS after the child's birth to inform you of the child's existence.

You don't really know what your position is, do you? Can you imagine any reason why a woman might not want to tell a man that she is pregnant with his child?

When I told my fiance that I was pregnant and he demanded that I get an abortion contrary to my wishes, he yelled and yelled and yelled at me for hours while I cried and cried and cried as the result of that emotional and verbal abuse and I miscarried that very night. I eventually forgave him, but I didn't forget. Years later--when I became pregnant again--I didn't tell him. Can you imagine why I didn't tell him?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:10 pm
When does life begin?

We know death is the end of brain why isnt life the BEGINNING of measureable brain activity?

Since a fetus has measurable brain activity after 10 weeks,then wouldnt it be safe to say that its alive?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:16 pm
Now you have changed your story. Before, you said you should not have to support a child if it was your choice to have it aborted and the woman didn't comply with your choice. I called this your "I told her to get an abortion," defense to a child support action.

Now you say you don't think you should have to support a child if the woman waits YEARS after the child's birth to inform you of the child's existence.

You don't really know what your position is, do you? Can you imagine any reason why a woman might not want to tell a man that she is pregnant with his child?

When I told my fiance that I was pregnant and he demanded that I get an abortion contrary to my wishes, he yelled and yelled and yelled at me for hours while I cried and cried and cried as the result of that emotional and verbal abuse and I miscarried that very night. I eventually forgave him, but I didn't forget. Years later--when I became pregnant again--I didn't tell him. Can you imagine why I didn't tell him?

My position is clear.
If you have a child,and I dont want it,then you are on your own.
You made the choice to have it,so you bear ALL the costs.

If you have a child and dont tell the father for years,then you have given up ALL rights to child support.
Again,you made the choice,you deal with it.

IF however,I want the child and you dont,then my wishes should be taken into account when you are thinking about an abortion.

You didnt tell him because you CHOSE not to,not because of anything he did.
So,since you didnt tell him,why should he pay for it?
Are you sure it was his?
Could that be why you didnt tell him?
Were you waiting to surprise him?

There are many reasons why you didnt tell him,and ALL of them mean that if he chose not to support it,he shouldnt have to.

(BTW,my question about it being his was meant as an example of why you wouldnt tell him,it was not aimed at you personally)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:25 pm
Let me put it as simple as I can.

If you dont want to get pregnant,keep your legs closed!!!
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:27 pm
Momma Angel wrote:

You know that I respect the heck out of you, but I am very confused on this one issue right now. If the woman has the right to terminate the pregnancy without the man's input why would the man have to pay child support if he did not want the child? In a case of a man wanting the child and a woman not wanting it, the woman gets to decide, right? I am having trouble reconciling this.

The potential life forms inside the woman's body--not the man's body. I am against abortion for MYSELF. I would never choose for MYSELF to voluntarily terminate a pregnancy through an abortion. And I would never allow another human being to have the power to make that choice for me. If the supreme law of the land did not protect the woman's right to choose her own procreative destiny----then the state would not only have the power to PROHIBIT abortions, but it would also have the power to REQUIRE abortions in the service of some state interest.

The fact that a man doesn't want to pay child support in the event the pregnancy results in a live birth isn't a compelling enough countervailing interest to give him the power to trump the woman's right to choose. I had one child and soon after that child's birth, I had myself sterilized. I was not in a situation where I could risk having more children--as much as I would have liked to have had more children. BUT, I would never presume to stand in someone else's shoes and try to make those kind of reproductive decisions for anyone else. Every woman has to decide for herself with respect to her own unique circumstances and with respect to her own conscience whether she will continue a pregnancy or terminate a pregnancy.

I am thankful that our Constitution vests those reproductive decisions in the hands of the individual woman. If the state has the power to trump a woman's procreative decisions in order to serve a state interest, then women as an entire class of people have lost the very essence of liberty.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 06:39 pm
If the state has the power to trump a woman's procreative decisions in order to serve a state interest, then women as an entire class of people have lost the very essence of liberty.

OK,then also...

If the state has the power to trump a mans financial decisions regarding childbirth in order to serve a state interest, then men as an entire class of people have lost the very essence of liberty.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 07:02 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Now you have changed your story. Before, you said you should not have to support a child if it was your choice to have it aborted and the woman didn't comply with your choice. I called this your "I told her to get an abortion," defense to a child support action.

Now you say you don't think you should have to support a child if the woman waits YEARS after the child's birth to inform you of the child's existence.

You don't really know what your position is, do you? Can you imagine any reason why a woman might not want to tell a man that she is pregnant with his child?

When I told my fiance that I was pregnant and he demanded that I get an abortion contrary to my wishes, he yelled and yelled and yelled at me for hours while I cried and cried and cried as the result of that emotional and verbal abuse and I miscarried that very night. I eventually forgave him, but I didn't forget. Years later--when I became pregnant again--I didn't tell him. Can you imagine why I didn't tell him?

My position is clear.
If you have a child,and I dont want it,then you are on your own.
You made the choice to have it,so you bear ALL the costs.

If you have a child and dont tell the father for years,then you have given up ALL rights to child support.
Again,you made the choice,you deal with it.

IF however,I want the child and you dont,then my wishes should be taken into account when you are thinking about an abortion.

You didnt tell him because you CHOSE not to,not because of anything he did.
So,since you didnt tell him,why should he pay for it?
Are you sure it was his?
Could that be why you didnt tell him?
Were you waiting to surprise him?

There are many reasons why you didnt tell him,and ALL of them mean that if he chose not to support it,he shouldnt have to.

(BTW,my question about it being his was meant as an example of why you wouldnt tell him,it was not aimed at you personally)

Mr. Rocket Scientist: I didn't tell my child's father when I became pregnant because I wasn't going to give him ANOTHER opportunity to verbally and emotionally abuse me to the point of causing a miscarriage. My experience is fairly common. Men often verbally and emotionally abuse women (sometimes even physically abuse women) when it comes to disagreements about reproductive decisions.

Your snivelings about child support is a pathetic non-issue.

When I decided that I didn't want to risk another pregnancy, I had myself sterilized. If you don't want to risk impregnating a woman when YOU KNOW the supreme law of the land doesn't give you veto power over her reproductive decisions, why don't you have yourself sterilized? Once a child is born, it is a PERSON who is entitled by law to be supported by BOTH parents whether the father wanted it or not. Wouldn't it be nice, however, if that legal entitlement to parental support actually meant something considering the millions of children in this country living on welfare and far below the poverty level.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 07:32 pm
FreeDuck Wrote:

What I hear a lot coming from your side are presumptions about a woman's motivation to have an abortion. Convenience, because she doesn't want it, because she's irresponsible, because she doesn't consider the child, etc...

FreeDuck, I stated that the abortions I was talking about were the ones of convenience. I thought I had made that pretty clear. I am talking about the women that have more than one abortion for convenience sake because they didn't take enough responsibility in the first place to keep from getting pregnant.

Do you know anyone who has ever had or considered an abortion? Do you know for a fact that the baby (or potential baby) is in fact the last consideration? Do you not think that the reason that most people "don't want" kids (aside from those who don't want them ever) is because they don't feel that the situation would allow them to raise a child properly? And that some women earn their living in very physical jobs which they could not do if they weighed an extra 35 pounds and had back trouble?

Again, I am talking about abortions for convenience sake here. And yes, as a matter of fact, I know women who have had abortions. I was the victim of incest. I became pregnant. I was given the option of abortion but never once considered it. It was not the child's fault that it had been conceived and I was not going to punish that child for that. I lost the baby in my fifth month, but I would have had it and raised it and loved it. I can understand abortions in these cases but I still don't like them.

You say "If she didn't want the baby she shouldn't have gotten pregnant." Do you say the same for these poor bastards who get stuck with child support even though they wanted the woman to have an abortion?

Actually, I'm kind of split on this. Mysteryman has brought up some issues and I really don't know how I feel about this quite yet.

Here are the statistics I was talking about:

Abortion Statistics - Decisions to Have an Abortion (U.S.)

25.5% of women deciding to have an abortion want to postpone childbearing.
21.3% of women cannot afford a baby.
14.1% of women have a relationship issue or their partner does not want a child.
12.2% of women are too young (their parents or others object to the pregnancy.)
10.8% of women feel a child will disrupt their education or career.
7.9% of women want no (more) children.
3.3% of women have an abortion due to a risk to fetal health.
2.8% of women have an abortion due to a risk to maternal health.
0 Replies
Arella Mae
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 07:45 pm

Wow! You ever cease to just amaze me. You make such complicated issues seem so simple. Now, I am really torn about this thing with the guy paying child support. I can see mysterman's point of view, but I am afraid that I am beginning to see yours much clearer.

I am assuming you are already a lawyer, and I would imagine a very effective and fine one.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2006 08:11 pm
Let me get this straight...

When it comes to children,the man is nothing more then a sperm donor and cash cow.
Good for nothing more then donating half the DNA and paying the bills?
0 Replies

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