I think it's funny to smack unsuspecting boyfriends on the bum...
Hey, thanks for fixing it, now explain why it does, indeed, read my mind!
Oh wait, I figured it out.
I'm a little slow today.
I think I've explained it about 4 times on these boards so far. I'll look for a link because I'm a bit lazy right now.
'sokay. It took me a couple minutes (I'm off caffeine recently and my brain misses it terribly) but I figured it out.
I sure missed a lot when I was away from the internet and driving across the country adn so forth!
So how's the cat?
still has hair. I'm working on it.
And which side of Mr Happy is the good one?
Deleted due to stupidity...
There is an inside and an outside to any round shape.
Mr. Happy must be turning in his grave. I mean, nemmind.