'another Letter from Jesus Christ'

Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 07:10 am
OK, Jason, how would that work?

God wrote the ten commandments in the 16th century B.C.E. and we have disobeyed them for 2600 years.

Just a guess, but the one reason God used flesh and blood people to record the bible may be so we would get an understanding of what God meant to those folks and, by extension, what God should mean to us.
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Jason Proudmoore
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 07:28 am
Thank you, Neologist. But if we disobeyed the Ten Commandments (and still do it ) for 2600 years, that means that God's writing skills to be understood [by humans] in the physical world wasn't so effective and He had to rely on mare humans. Humans inspired by God wrote the Bible. But still we all don't get an clear "understanding of what God meant". It doesn't make any sense. It is obvious that it makes sense to you, but not to all of us.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 08:03 am
"God's writing skills" is plural, and therefore takes "are" as the proper form of the verb "to be," not "is." "Mare humans?"--what the hell is that? An animal can be a mare, or it can be a human--it can't be both.

Leaving aside your lame, obscure and self-serving habits of ludicrous exegesis, your apparent inability to express yourself coherently in what one can reasonably assume to be your native language beggars your silly statements in the mind of anyone with ordinary reading comprehension abilities.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 08:07 am
He's baaacckkkk
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Jason Proudmoore
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 08:59 am
Sorry for my inappropriate grammar mistakes. Silly, me. It is very difficult for me to edit a complete thought when I'm in the presence of a very active two-year old child. Thank you, Santanta, for pointing out those mistakes for me ( what would've done without you?). I can't be as perfect as you. Hope you don't hate me for this (or for any of my controversial comments.) Just replace the mistakes with "mere"and "are," and the meaning of my argument will probably be much clearer. Please, in the future, when you see me making these same mistakes, let me know. I will deeply thank you. You are truly a sweetheart.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 09:35 am
Yes, you're not the only one who tells me i'm a sweetheart, for whatever sort of bile Intrepid and MOAN are wont to spew.

No, your "argument" is none the better for attempting to correct the errors of expression. At the former Boston-dot-com and New York Times web site, Abuzz, there were many of the perfervid believers running about who made fools of themselves and beggared their own "arguments" by the ineptitude of their expression. One of the most prominent members of the religious lunatic fringe there was Hollis Ray Mathis. His exegesis was truly nutty, and, as the site was only ever poorly moderated at best, and not moderated at all in its waning days, he was free to post links to his own web sites, and those of other religious loonies of a similar bent.

But Hollis always had one thing going for him--he had carefully prepared his text before posting it. It may seem a little thing to you, and your pathetic response--in which you attempt a limp sarcasm, and also shoot for that most devoutly desired christian fanatic consumation, martyrdom, in the suggestion that you mean enough to me for me to hate you (don't bet on it)--attempts to suggest that it doesn't matter.

Ah but it does matter. Any ordinarily literate native speaker of the English language who comes here seeking some spiritual content is far more likely to heed those who make clear, coherent statements, for however loony the content, than they are to heed those who express themselves poorly. If you really believe you have something worthwhile to put before the public, you might consider hitting the "preview" button before adding your post, and perhaps availing yourself of the spell-check function (which would not, however, have offered to correct either of the two errors i pointed out).

You'll get more respect, and more of the literally thousands of people who read the posts here--whether or not they post--will pay attention to you if you take even a little trouble to express yourself well.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 09:38 am
Setanta- HOLLIS RAY MATHIS........................................Slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch!!!! Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 09:39 am
He was a corker . . . truly, an old-fashioned fire and brimstone preacher . . .
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 09:44 am
Don't fret, Jason. Set just recently found the spellcheck button himself. Don't worry about his punctuation, spacing or lack of a capital on the pronoun I.

Most have probably never heard of the forums from the past of which he speaks.

Some would rather read something pertinent to the topic rather than vague criticism of the posters.

BTW.... Your post assumes that everyone has the same comprehension level as it pertains to the written word. Whether that word is written by God or by man.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 09:54 am
My criticisms were not vague--they were very precise and to the point. It is, however, typical that you consider the muddled statement which JP made to have been pertinent. Actually, i almost never use the spell-check function, i rely, when i bother at all, on re-reading my posts before i hit submit, and i frequently rely on the preview function. As to this statement: "Your post assumes that everyone has the same comprehension level as it pertains to the written word."--that contention inferentially suggests that the mish-mash of vague and obtuse passages contained within the Bobble represent a coherent body of thought. However, even a casual perusal reveals absurdities, contradictions, patently false statements, racism, elitism, sexism and murderous intent. Even you vaunted Hey-Zeus capriciously ruined the livelihood of an unoffending swineherd and blasted a fig tree for having no figs, even though figs were not in season. I haven't the least illusion, however, that you will continue to puke up your "holy word of god" crap with regard to that pathetic collection of nonsense.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 10:06 am
Oh, NO you didn't bring up Hollis Ray Mathis!

Sorry, but that requires a Laughing
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 10:10 am
Funny. Hollis used to have a website. At that site, there was a lovely picture of the man. He looked just the way that you would have expected him. If Burt Lancaster hadn't gotten to the part first, Hollis Ray could have been perfect for the part of the preacher in "Elmer Gantry".

Now when I checked, all that I could find of him, were some old sermons.
That guy was full of fire and brimstone.
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Jason Proudmoore
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 10:26 am
WOW!! You truly must hate me, Setanta. Why are you so angry? Is it because I made those mistakes, or is it because I question the existence of God that bothers you? That's no reason to hate anybody (that's what I think). And I've never made the comparison between your and my level of intellect in writing. Of course you write better than I. isn't it obvious? But that doesn't stop me from trying to get some knowledge about the matter. And it shouldn't stop anybody either.

PS: I didn't know you were a man, Setanta. I thought you were PMSing. Sorry.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 11:13 am
Jason Proudmoore wrote:
WOW!! You truly must hate me, Setanta.

Here, i'll go through it again, slowly.

I don't hate you--you are nothing to me.

Christian fanatics, however, characterize any direct and pointed criticism as hatred, both because they fondly view martyrdom (as long as it isn't actually painful or messy) as the most wonderful attainment for themselves, and because if they can convince themselves and others that the criticism is motivated by hatred, then it can be ignored--discarded without consideration.

Why are you so angry?

I'm not angry. Why do you assume i'm angry? Once again, the most likely answer is that this would allow you to marginalize what i've said.

Is it because I made those mistakes, or is it because I question the existence of God that bothers you?

You don't bother me. This is a place where people comment upon the remarks made by others--get over it.

That's no reason to hate anybody (that's what I think).

Once again, you have no reason to assume i hate you--i don't, you're nothing to me.

And I've never made the comparison between your and my level of intellect in writing.

Neither have i made any such comparison. My remarks were directed toward coherent expression, not intelligence.

Of course you write better than I. isn't it obvious?

No, it is only obvious that you don't take care about what you write.

But that doesn't stop me from trying to get some knowledge about the matter. And it shouldn't stop anybody either.

Indeed it doesn't. It will, however, stop a great many people from taking you seriously, if you don't make any better effort than that.

PS: I didn't know you were a man, Setanta. I thought you were PMSing. Sorry.

This is hilariously inane--one thing i can't fault you for is the entertainment value.
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 11:52 am
Mr. Setanta,

And how are you this fine day, sir?http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/huggles.gif I see you are in rare form since you started posting in this thread. :wink:

Mr. Setanta, if you engage in the Spirituality & Religion Forum, don't you think it is probably reasonable to expect to read things about God and other's beliefs about God Question And I have learned to understand that I will either have to choose to either read or not read things posted by those that don't believe in God Idea That's the nature of the beast, so to speakhttp://users.telenet.be/eforum/emoticons4u/evil/229.gif

Mr. Setanta, you do sound a bit more cranky than you usually do.http://users.telenet.be/eforum/emoticons4u/mad/1336.gif I realize that you are trying to interject some humor in there but sometimes it comes across as if you are in a bad mood.http://users.telenet.be/eforum/emoticons4u/mad/118.gif I have learned many historical facts from you, Mr. Setanta. When you post those facts I love those posts! I look up the stuff you post and I read more on them.http://emoticons4u.com/cool/092.gif

But, if you seem really angry by the words you use, I'm afraid I don't learn as much.http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/sad/494.gif

I hope you have a marvelous day, Mr. Setanta. Oh, and BTW, if you are having that old problem my granny used to have that caused her to seem cranky, I can send you the recipe for that cure again.http://users.telenet.be/eforum/emoticons4u/party/fest42.gif

I hope this day brings you many blessings, Mr. Setanta.http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/heart.gif

P.S. Mr. Setanta, did ehBeth tell you about the comedy I am writing? I am going to post it as soon as I am finished. I am now in the developing the characters stage. They will be loosely based on some A2Kers! But, only loosely based. :wink:
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 02:31 pm
If you're going to eat to much crap christmas candy, MOAN, why not have the decency to inform the rest of us before your puke all over the thread . . .
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Arella Mae
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 02:39 pm
Setanta wrote:
If you're going to eat to much crap christmas candy, MOAN, why not have the decency to inform the rest of us before your puke all over the thread . . .

Mr. Setanta,

You are so silly! I didn't eat any Christmas candy.http://users.pandora.be/eforum/emoticons4u/happy/050.gif If I had, I surely would not have eaten enough to make me sick. :wink:

Thank you for your concern though.http://web4.ehost-services.com/el2ton1/heart.gif
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 02:41 pm
When i see all that silly horseshit all over your posts, filled already with idiotic and thoughless crap, i get no image so strong as that you ate too much candy and puked on the thread . . . and look, you've done it again . . .
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 02:41 pm
She's happy in 1998. Leave her there.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2005 02:42 pm
The emoticons are a bit much, though one somewhat sheepishly admires the effort that must have gone into choosing them...
0 Replies

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