FreeDuck wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Like Lincoln, Wilson and FDR did?
I don't profess to be a presidential scholar, but I would suggest that after Lincoln that there wasn't another strong Chief Executive in the White House for 9 successive presidencies, until Theodore Roosevelt took office.
Taft followed and him and hardly followed in TR's footsteps.
After Wilson, there were three presidencies until another strong Executive came into office: FDR (the most imperial of them all)
FDR seems to be considered the first of the so-called Modern Presidents and it has been argued that all the ensuing presidents pretty much followed his model, however it seems to me that there was a dramatic fall off in executive power after the Nixon debacle and Ford and Carter can't be considered as strong Executive Presidents.
Predating Lincoln we had Andrew Jackson as a strong executive and there were eight presidencies between him and Lincoln.
Someone better versed in presidential history will undoubtedly point out strong executive presidents I've missed, but with the exception of FDR's presidency, the general trend seems to have been periods of diminished executive power following strong Executive Presidencies.
The periods of diminished executive power seem to be compressed as time has moved on but virtually every political and social cycle has been compressed over the years.
This doesn't prove anything about what will happen after Bush's presidency, but it does suggest that there is a greater likelihood that there will be a shift in power following his presidency rather than further strengthening - particular if Bush increases executive authority further still.
In any case, whoever is elected in 2008 is not going be able to (or want to for that matter) simply assume the authority Bush held, as if executive authority was a crown that could be passed to the next occupant of the White House.
And whittling W down to size isn't going to assure that a W on steroids doesn't follow him. Look who followed James Buchanan, William Taft and Herbert Hoover.
If there is valid reason to allow President Bush the level of executive authority he has assumed, then he should retain it, irrespective of who might follow him in office. If there is not, than he should not.