Finn d'Abuzz wrote:Comparing a hysterical rant to ideologically informed opinions is hardly balanced...or fair, my dear.
Main Entry: ide·ol·o·gy
1 : visionary theorizing
2 a : a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture b : a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture c : the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program
Our founding fathers were visionaries. History had taught them that placing restraints and limitations on government was necessary to prevent abuse of power and tyranny. Ideologically, they would rather live free than be bound by the chains of oppression. They risked and sacrificed their property and their lives to achieve that ideal. They established a government designed to secure liberty for themselves and their posterity (for us). Those ideals are embodied in our constitution and are the foundation of this country. The American people must be vigilant and guard against encroachments upon our liberty interests.
Main Entry: in·formed
1 a : having information <informed sources> <informed observers> b : based on possession of information <an informed opinion>
2 : EDUCATED, KNOWLEDGEABLE <what the informed person should know>
History has taught us that a democracy can be destroyed when a law-and-order crisis is created and our government offers a 'solution' that requires an abdication of civil liberties and a powerful but unaccountable central authority.
Since 9/11, the actions of our government amply demonstrate that the people have been required to sacrifice their liberty interests in exchange for alleged security. We are becoming more aware of the president's exercise of unchecked powers. We are engaged in war against an amorphous enemy that may never end; thus there exists an excuse for the government to continue to erode our civil liberties. Our president's claim to inherent authority to override the rule of law is without boundaries.
Those of us who do not see the president as a benevolent war-making president who is acting merely to protect us are called hysterical ranters. Those who are willing to sacrifice our liberty in exchange for illusory safety ironically proclaim that THEY are the "ideologically informed" thinkers of the nation. They are spinning a contradictory farce while our president chips away our democracy and the rule of law before our very eyes.