FreeDuck wrote:McGentrix wrote: I also see no harm in the peaceful surveillance of these groups either though. As far as I know, nothing more than some files have been created and no actions have been taken regarding those files.
The act of observing something changes it. Would you feel it was ok if one of "these groups" was the NRA or the Christian Coalition, or Bhuddists for Bush?
Quote:If these groups have nothing to hide, and are not guilty of anything, they should not be worried about being watched.
This sort of thinking creeps me out. Why would someone with nothing to hide worry about being watched or searched or having secret files that they don't have access to being created and used by the government? Because there is no reason to trust those in authority that's why. Because if this is legal, combined with all of the new "powers" the government has, you could be disappeared based on what's in those files and have no recourse -- no way to challenge what you can't see.
This would all be A-ok if the people doing the surveilling and the data collecting never ever made any mistakes.
This sort of thing is disaster waiting to happen. Where is Ben Franklin and his quip about trading freedom for safety?
Here is what Franklin actually wrote:
"Those who would give up
essential liberty to purchase a
little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety"
Does the government eavesdropping, without judical warrant, on phone calls and e-mails to foreign sources represent giving up
essential liberty?
Did the intelligence provided by this eavesdropping produce only a
little temporary security?
Let's see:
9/11/01 - Terrorists fly two airliners into the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. Another, arguably headed for the White House, is forced to crash by valiant passengers.
12/16/05 - In the intervening years since the horrors of 9/11/01, there have been
no other terrorist attacks on US soil.
Anyone who remembers 9/11/01 with honesty, will recall that thereafter, everyone was certain that another bloody attack was not only inevitable, but imminent.
It is inevitable that actions like these will eventually be taken for the wrong reasons, and that the powers granted by the Executive branch will be abused. It is also inevitable when this happens, the Press will reveal it and heads will roll.
It can happen here, but this is, in no way, a sign that it is about to happen here.
Why did the NY Times sit on this story for over a year and then release it the day of the triumphant Iraqi elections? Do any of my Liberal friends concern themselves with the implications of the Press trying to manipulate the democratic process rather than just report on it?