Start that thread littleK, Gus and I have smeared up this one.
(If you find any gold in those holes Gus, it's mine)
Greenwitch - you and gus did no such thing as mess this thread up!
Gus, LittleK is proving to be an uberwench.
Ok... I started a new thread, but I want to keep this one going - it's been good.
YAY! You were the only one on this thread who did any worrying. Glad you can relax now and enjoy the champagne.
Littlek ROCKS!
[size=7]'k![/size] 'k! 'k! 'k! 'k!
Heh! thanks, George.
JL - what's an uberwench?
Congratulations! That's awesome.
Nietzsche's ubermench is like Emerson's overman, one who is able to continually grow or overcome his limitations. You are the female version of this phenomenon, an uber-wench.
(the last syllable is my innovation, no sexism intended).
This is the last time I'm going to say this:
JLNbody is a poopity head!
And that coming from a potty mouth does not hurt much! This is the first time I'm going to say this.
JL, you sure have been tossing that uberwench stuff around a lot lately.
Do you have an excess supply of uberwench that you are dumping here at A2K?
If so, what the hell...... I'll take one.
Maybe he has some uberwench serum..... maybe he MAKES uberwenches from mild-mannered womin-folk.
I refer to my wife, who is a fervent fan of Nietzsche, as my uberwench. I forget, Gus, how many times I say--every opportunity, I guess.
And you, LittleK, were a perfect opportunity.
Sorry, Gus. I've only got one.
I am in over my head - I doubt I even pronounce Nietzsche right.
Just discovered your news, k.
Wonderful! I'm really pleased for you!
(Now where's that other thread?)
speaking of directionless..... I am waiting for Dag's plane to land so I can go get her at the airport. It's late, (so far 45 minutes late). I've been watching the little plane icon on the flight-path (watching a flight tracker). It seemed to be flying to NYC, then it turned west , then it turned south again, then west, north, south..... WTF! Not only that, but it keeps changng elevation, too - not erradically, but periodically it'll drop to under 3000 feet then pop back up to nearly 4000.
Had to get that off my chest.....