Neverending Rap Battle II

Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 06:14 pm
uhhhh hit .... isnt dat verse........ lol u kno.. nevermind
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 06:24 pm
wooo.. so much hate on here now... funny..... i got yah hit.. anytime
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 06:42 pm
in my opinion.. butch won dat 1.. it was more creative.. better multies..... had more punches. Eryk was decent... i really didnt see nothin special that was new.... all dat hitman stuff has been said before.....

vote:hitman.....not dick-ridin eitha..1
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 07:25 pm
quietStorm7 wrote:
in my opinion.. butch won dat 1.. it was more creative.. better multies..... had more punches. Eryk was decent... i really didnt see nothin special that was new.... all dat hitman stuff has been said before.....

vote:hitman.....not dick-ridin eitha..1

lmfao you dont' call that dick ridin?? look at you're fuccin' sig.. you're fuccin' buddies with him!! and his was more creative? wtf... and for the last time man multies don't win battles..

okay only way to vote is a breakdown!!! none of that "oh I think He won cuz it was bettter" bullshit!
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 07:45 pm
I'm gonna give the win to Hitman on this on account of Eryk acting like a little douchebag when someone expressed an opinion he didnt agree with.
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 08:08 pm
Eryk's Verse:

I'll smash you lame fuCC!! and put you to a hault B
.......Cuz beatin' you is as simple as your FuCCin' Multies!!!
Okay.. Ehh.. Punch was iigh.. Simple.. but hit.. Decent opener.
you still on that weak ****......face it! You'll never make it
It's funny, I've been for ages and you still haven't elevated!
Lol.. I've heard this line quite a few.. Played.. Buh soft hit.
I'm smashin' you with a pro style, You don't understand mayne?
Cuz after I kill you.....Well, I'll inheriet you're damn name! (hitman)
I thought this was weak.. Not creative.. Been done nawimean..
People said you was decent? we'll see after I slay your verse
Cuz see.....
Last time you brought heat to the table...you microwaved it first
Lmao.. This a better punch. Humor.. a better concept. Nice.
I'm simply not seein' you but somehow you stand in my ring
but I'm not feelin hitman like assassination just wasn't my thing!
Ehh.. sketchy bouh' this one.. Concept iigh.. Hit didn't connect as nicely.
You aint buzzin' **** bitch, You a nice guy in a fuCCin' mean game
Only time you makin' Hits, You're typin in you're screen name!
iigh.. Thought this was played.. Wun't feelin' it.
theres nothi'n nice about you, thinkin' youd see me fold if I went first?
This is my wackest bar and it's better than your whole damn verse
Lol simple yet hit. Nice.
You're not hittin me in anyway dawg...cuz just a bitch man!
I don't fucc with video games much, but it's game over for hitman*
Ehh.. decent.. wun't feelin' too much.. Buh it was iigh.
You're punches are wack as fuCC, thinkin' somehow they faze me
Only 'fresh concepts you think up'... you're dreamin' of daisies!
I liked this one better.. bit played concept there.. it was iigh.
Wack people beat Eryk??That's a thought I just can't bare again
cuz hitman just got dropped harder than the thought of a good Samaritan!!
Decent closer.. Didn't make me go Damn.. buh it was iigh..

Hitman J's Verse:

punk im the hitman you just the pimpled teenager flippin burgers
cuz stickin a 'corpse in ya mouth' iz da only way you be 'spittin murder!'
Decent.. U making irrelevant stuff rhyme just to make a multi. Ehh. played hit.
now less go back to medieveil times where you have to 'fight for land'
and my mic-in-hand i guess i have to enlight-this-man
No punch hurr man..
im like a 'construction crane' cuz i Demolish-ya-hood
you must be da 'corner store maid' cuz you love 'polishin-they-wood!'
Lol.. punch wun't bad.. cudda' been better.. re-word ya' ish..
listen dude, i know you tihnk you tough but ive heard gay porn-rumors
HaHaH this 'newbie-a-joke' (nubia joke) like im dissin on 'Foreign-humor!'
kk.. This wun't too bad.. better.. lines ain't matching.. buh ehh..not bad.
you tryna face da king dawg you tryna battle wanna the Head-emcees
oh wel cuz 'givin blowjobs' iz the only way your get 'A head' of me!
Played man.. decent try.. buh it was played.. so it ain't really get me.
he must be bad at writin lyrics, check how long the man-took [to drop]
this guy cant be 'in the game' without his 'instruction handbook!'
Lmao! iigh.. I thought this was funny.. kinda' resembles Eryk huh? Lol jp.
man this dude tryna get on my dick or summin.. this punk-is-lame
Check his verse, DUKE, this guyz desperatly wants-my-name!
Mm.. Ehh.. iigh.. punch wun't the best.. cuda' hit harder..
AhA this dude almost over, but **** i aint 'done yet'!
yea duke i am 'hitman' but i didnt need to threatin you da 'gun yet!'
Decent mayne.. buh.. no punch there really..
ya head like a 'baby-rattle' ill shake ya and leave ya 'mind-shook'
This is a one sided 'crazy-battle' cuz empty pages fill ya 'rhyme- book!'
Gud rhyming scheme.. punch iigh.. reminded me of the handbook line..
ya raps 'doin more work than you' becuz ya damn 'lines are forced'
this dude a 'mental ship captain' and his 'mind off course'!
Punch.. I see the setup.. delivery cudda' been better. Reword that ish man.
he to busy to joke wid my name to relize how sorry-he-sound
dude ill murder you straight up but no body-be-found
Ain't sound right.. Worded weird.. Punch.. played. lol. Simple and played.
my 'body is steel' go ahead take a punch ill turn ya 'fist blu'
Yeah my 'name rings' but dont think that this 'Diss-missed/Dismissed U'
Ehh.. I thought this was iigh.. Wordplay iigh. Punch self hype.. U needa' punch hurr mayne. Decent though.

Okay.. Eryk.. I think U can come harder.. I think U viewed a couple of your bars hitting harder than what others may interperet.. Hitman.. U got some gud concepts/ideas.. The delivery on your punches need some work.. As for voting.. I'll vote later.. I gotta dip. Lmao! And if I remember to come back on..
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 08:33 pm
lol @ obx.. stfu...... Fo-realz is probabaly the only one who knows how to vote.. and seein' as how you broke it down.. it's kinda clear who you voted for...
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 10:03 pm
judging fairly on the battle

multies: hitman, I saw maybe one multie on eryks
personals: eryk although he overused the name jokes
flow: hitman, but it was very close
punches: eryk, hitman had a couple but they were mostly defensive
enjoyment: hitman, he seemed to describe you to t with the instruction handbook line

overall : hitman, and thats excluding your douchebag points.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2006 11:24 pm
dats why none wants to vote for ur mess eryk... u complain to damn much. just cuz he in my sig dont mean ****.. i voed fair... dats why i told u i wasnt dick rydin... see man eryk.... u need to get urself together.... cuz i see u cant take a lose... get passed it and move on
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 03:17 am
Obnoxious wrote:
judging fairly on the battle

multies: hitman, I saw maybe one multie on eryks
personals: eryk although he overused the name jokes
flow: hitman, but it was very close
punches: eryk, hitman had a couple but they were mostly defensive
enjoyment: hitman, he seemed to describe you to t with the instruction handbook line

overall : hitman, and thats excluding your douchebag points.

things that win battles.. my point exactly.. Things that win battles are Personals, and punches, and I got those both accordin' to you.. and I lost??.. lmao this site sucks... alot has changed from the last timei was here... you people are wack as fucc!.. lmao @ Obnoxious' vote.. Lmao@ you thinkin' you vote fairly!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 03:19 am
Obnoxious wrote:
judging fairly on the battle

multies: hitman, I saw maybe one multie on eryks [/size]
personals: eryk although he overused the name jokes
flow: hitman, but it was very close
punches: eryk, hitman had a couple but they were mostly defensive
enjoyment: hitman, he seemed to describe you to t with the instruction handbook line

overall : hitman, and thats excluding your douchebag points.

lmfao you obviously don't know what multies are if you only saw ONE in my verse... not to mention how forced his were.. He did have multies more than me.. I'll give you that... but if you call (word)-(word)-(*word) a multie you're dumb.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 03:21 am
quietStorm7 wrote:
dats why none wants to vote for ur mess eryk... u complain to damn much. just cuz he in my sig dont mean ****.. i voed fair... dats why i told u i wasnt dick rydin... see man eryk.... u need to get urself together.... cuz i see u cant take a lose... get passed it and move on

for the last time, shut the **** up.. you weren't dickrin' my ass!!!! lmfao... he's in you're fuckin' crew you dumb ****! you voted fair yeah right, all you basically said in you're vote was that he hadd better multies?! lmfao! lmfao..

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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 07:27 am

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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:20 am
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 08:26 am
yo wtf is going on here this is bull ****

doc i dont have much acess to the comp but i'll try to rate it for you
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 09:29 am
here i'll break it down nice and simple 4 all of you


I'll smash you lame fuCC!! and put you to a hault B
.......Cuz beatin' you is as simple as your FuCCin' Multies!!!

(this one is weak cause its as basic as you claim hitman to be )

you still on that weak ****......face it! You'll never make it
It's funny, I've been for ages and you still haven't elevated!

(i dont see anything here but talking )

I'm smashin' you with a pro style, You don't understand mayne?
Cuz after I kill you.....Well, I'll inheriet you're damn name! (hitman)

(i guess we can consider this a decent punch but what pro style at least if you say your beating someone with it let them know what makes you pro cause that line doesn't)

People said you was decent? we'll see after I slay your verse
Cuz see.....
Last time you brought heat to the table...you microwaved it first

(im the one who said hitman was decent to you doc but this was a good punch when i read it i laughed)

I'm simply not seein' you but somehow you stand in my ring
but I'm not feelin hitman like assassination just wasn't my thing!

(weak it sounds like you couldnt think so you just quickly rhymed words)

You aint buzzin' **** bitch, You a nice guy in a fuCCin' mean game
Only time you makin' Hits, You're typin in you're screen name!

( it was a good punchline through and through )

theres nothi'n nice about you, thinkin' youd see me fold if I went first?
This is my wackest bar and it's better than your whole damn verse

( you contradict yourself Eryk quote your a nice guy in a mean game, the next bar says there's nothing nice about you )

You're not hittin me in anyway dawg...cuz just a bitch man!
I don't fucc with video games much, but it's game over for hitman*

( punch landed i understood what you meant and i got it but it should have been your last line if you wanted it to hit harder )

You're punches are wack as fuCC, thinkin' somehow they faze me
Only 'fresh concepts you think up'... you're dreamin' of daisies!

(sorry but fucc ya flower power this didnt do ****)

Wack people beat Eryk??That's a thought I just can't bare again
cuz hitman just got dropped harder than the thought of a good Samaritan!!

( see the multies but wheres the punch )

for the slow pokes:
* Hitman is a video game..


hitman j

punk im the hitman you just the pimpled teenager flippin burgers
cuz stickin a 'corpse in ya mouth' iz da only way you be 'spittin murder!"

( i think this one was half half i dont like the begining line but the second was deadly ,excuse the pun)

now less go back to medieveil times where you have to 'fight for land'
and my mic-in-hand i guess i have to enlight-this-man

( sick multies though use of metaphors was weak it hit hard for me )

im like a 'construction crane' cuz i Demolish-ya-hood
you must be da 'corner store maid' cuz you love 'polishin-they-wood!'

(good multies but only decent punch)

listen dude, i know you tihnk you tough but ive heard gay porn-rumors
HaHaH this 'newbie-a-joke' (nubia joke) like im dissin on 'Foreign-humor!'

(if iknew what nubia was id probally like it better but hitmans doing good with his multies)

you tryna face da king dawg you tryna battle wanna the Head-emcees
oh wel cuz 'givin blowjobs' iz the only way your get 'A head' of me!

(the whole gay sucking dick concept is overplayed ecspecially by hitman)

he must be bad at writin lyrics, check how long the man-took [to drop]
this guy cant be 'in the game' without his 'instruction handbook!'

( true it does sound like doc so it hit but it could have hit harder )

man this dude tryna get on my dick or summin.. this punk-is-lame
Check his verse, DUKE, this guyz desperatly wants-my-name!

(you sound like the game here and i dont like the game )

AhA this dude almost over, but **** i aint 'done yet'!
yea duke i am 'hitman' but i didnt need to threatin you da 'gun yet!'

(basic multies an punch was soft simple as that )

ya head like a 'baby-rattle' ill shake ya and leave ya 'mind-shook'
This is a one sided 'crazy-battle' cuz empty pages fill ya 'rhyme- book!'

(i personally enjoyed this one the punch was good multies good )

ya raps 'doin more work than you' becuz ya damn 'lines are forced'
this dude a 'mental ship captain' and his 'mind off course'!

(didnt land on target i know what you were trying but it just came off weak )

he to busy to joke wid my name to relize how sorry-he-sound
dude ill murder you straight up but no body-be-found

(nothing here your just talking )

my 'body is steel' go ahead take a punch ill turn ya 'fist blu'
Yeah my 'name rings' but dont think that this 'Diss-missed/Dismissed U'

(i used the same wordplay about 8-9 pages back and this isnt highschool the only bells that ring are the ones when someones knocked out this was a soft way to finish it )

so my vote goes like this

multies:hitman j won hands down no contest
personals: doc cause he kept comeing with them even though it made his verse sound less creative cause it was all about the same thing
flow:hitmans abiltity to use multies made his verse flow better
punches: eryk wins here cause thats all he focused on
enjoyment: both your moms

overall : this is the first time im going to say this but its a draw hitman j came up with a consistent flow of multies and were all lyricists were not normal people we do rate things like that over punches , but docs punches were pretty funny if he had more show of multies an made gis verse flow better he would have easily taken this one

there thats how it is from your local MouthPiece Proff

*polishin wood=suckin dick*
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2006 10:15 am
Really Eryk where the **** are you're good multies, I see a bunch of weak ass multies on your attack interlaced with maybe one good one.
And you cant win a battle based on punches and personals alone, if you cant make it flow, or make it enjoyable then you lose some ******* points, plus the fact that you acted like a douchebag right after the battle by telling your opponent where his faults were claiming to be helping him out. I think you were just fishing for votes by making him look bad.

Most repair manuals are far more interesting than you, and far less turgid to read. There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured with a little Prozac.


Edit (Moderator): The Neverending Rap Battle continues here.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Sep, 2008 02:44 pm
@mc kings,
ur lucky im not u dad
cause il be doing the 1.3.6 with ur mum
here dont go stay, in chat
i heard u have a new hat to look like a gangster
but u scare me less the a fuckin hamster
how busy are u with this pc
hommie u gonna hear this on the cd
and turn the tv
cause il say suck my bibi
a secret message in my song
dont fuk a girl ure dick is not long enough
but kid stay strong
u will not win me im king kong
im not doing ding dong on ur door il brake it
crash ure face
u will fly up the space
thats ur biggest discrese
go to youtube watch scary maze
to scare the **** out of u!
soo fuk u
ure rhymes are not complicated
they are only hated
crack my brain
first u dont have the strengh to gain the power
relax and take a shower
ur brain sprays all over thr place and thats how it stays
withan aka on ur face
run run its like a race
im a agent i have to catch this case
and like u say it's me who gains first place
blaq magic
Reply Thu 4 Sep, 2008 08:33 am
your a fool thinking u can take me
my rhymes are deadly like killa kicks from bruce lee
ill come down on u heavy like a 2ton cran
i aint gona put much effort into ur ass, which is jus lame
0 Replies
Little G
Reply Sun 7 Sep, 2008 03:18 pm
@mc kings,
dawg your fuckin rymes be pussy
just sit back and take a looky
at the rymes thatll make u cry
and dont even try
to act cool when its over
cuz after this tht dirt aint comin off ur sholder
well i like rap battles cuz they are very funny
last time i fucked ur mom she was my playboy bunny!
dam thts a burn better wash it in the sink
cuz u pussin out like a porn star in pink
oh **** that another one im layin dem out
like when i made ur sister bleed on ur family room couch
wats the matter dude? u disgusted
i told u, u couldnt handle the rhymes i just busted
dis is litte g nd i be out
cum on **** see if u can beat my shout!
0 Replies

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