@mc kings,
ur lucky im not u dad
cause il be doing the 1.3.6 with ur mum
here dont go stay, in chat
i heard u have a new hat to look like a gangster
but u scare me less the a fuckin hamster
how busy are u with this pc
hommie u gonna hear this on the cd
and turn the tv
cause il say suck my bibi
a secret message in my song
dont fuk a girl ure dick is not long enough
but kid stay strong
u will not win me im king kong
im not doing ding dong on ur door il brake it
crash ure face
u will fly up the space
thats ur biggest discrese
go to youtube watch scary maze
to scare the **** out of u!
soo fuk u
ure rhymes are not complicated
they are only hated
crack my brain
first u dont have the strengh to gain the power
relax and take a shower
ur brain sprays all over thr place and thats how it stays
withan aka on ur face
run run its like a race
im a agent i have to catch this case
and like u say it's me who gains first place