...This is to try to stave off some of the arrows about come my way. That post was not about toleance, or feelings. It was about communication, and perspective. For instance, I was once, for a short while , a proponent of the phrase, and idea, "I'm Black and I'm proud." However, after giving it some thought I realized, I can only be proud of an achievment, and Iwas born black. I'm happy with that, but I can't be proud, because I didn't do anything to earn it. The point is, my statements in the last post are meant to be just as academic, and NOT philosophical.
Re: not that there's anything wrong with being gay
dyslexia wrote:Thirty-four members of the Colorado House- all of them Republican-have voted to allow paramedics, nurses and doctors to refuse to care for patients if those patients are homosexual. Rocky Mtn News 03/28/03
Presumably paramedics responding to an automobile accident could allow a victim to bleed to death as long as he was gay. A patient struggling for breath oma hospital emergency room could be allowed to suffacate-if she was lesbian. I'm sure these legislators will soon consider requiring the wearing of a pink triangle so that medical personnel will be able to identify those they do not need to treat.
This must be a joke.
dlowan wrote:Gautam - do you think it as general as "American politics"?
I agree with Gautam here . . . . let's not forget we have a president in office that seems to be attempting to get RoevWade over turned and a House that passed a bill banning all forms of cloning. . . . even theraputic cloning.
and Boo I don't think being Gay is considered normal in the Judeo-Christian idea of a family but I do think out in nature there isn't really homosexualtiy or heterosexualtiy. . . . . . I mean for obvious reasons society needed to promote heterosexual relationships but I think out in the wild sex is sex. . . . . I mean yeah males go for females if they are there and vice versa but if two males are caged up together and no females in sight they are will take turns going at it and in I read an article recently about pequin mating pairs in a zoo and many were homosexual pairs. . . . and there weren't a shortage of males or females. . . . . infact this is hardly scientific data but a friend of mine has a female dog that likes to hump things. . . . . I wander if she's homosexual. . . . . . and then there is that lack of set categories out in nature. . . . . everything kind of exists along a continuum of possibilities. . . . . . . .
Christ, it's actually true.
Take deep breaths Wilso.
Midnight....thanks for sharing.
Wilso and other Australians - that group IS here - better start being aware of what they are up to, eh?
Hmmm - they say they were begun by a Melbourne psychologist, and ar enot affiliated with any religious organization, but they espouse christian values.
I have written to them asking if they have links to the US group - wonder if I will get a reply?
Send them a message telling them what you think of them. I just did.
I don't think they'll be impressed.
Wilso - they might not be the same group! It is always POSSIBLE, I guess.
We in SA were one of the first places in the world to decriminalize male homosexual acts. They better not try anything here!!!!!
Massachusetts is well known for having large gay populations in several cities, but we still haven't legalized gay unions here...... There's a sub-urban conservatism that seems to be gaining momentum. Disturbing. That's how we got the governor we now have.
backlash is virulent, but there is always a new backlash to counteract.
Cellucci was no picnic either, which is how he ended up here.
Gez - yep.
dlowan - back-wash - wait, no, not that..... ick