mmmm, I wound up in your neck of the wood TDoo
Watch out...the potholes here will get ya!
I would've invited you in for coffee 'cept I was working.
that dang vortex...will get ya every time
How big is that place anyway? It must be about 5 or 6 times the size of Boston itself.
Had a funny incident today. I was outside with my housemate and a woman who lives upstairs. We were lamenting the loss of 2/3 of my little garden and I was just finishing the phrase, "what is it with men and the lack of respect for plant life?" when a minivan full of cute young German men pulled up and asked for directions to the house of blues. Now, I've been visiting this area for my entire life and have lived here for nearly 4 years, but I'm terrible about street names. Plus, we have all the oneways and weird un-grid paterns to work with. So, I'm trying to explain the best I could and they were very polite until the housemate came out with a map of Cambridge. We all started laughing and they thanked me and went on to find someone else to get directions from. Sigh. But, still, it's somerville not me right?
Little K....I'm a little disappointed.
You weren't supposed to say, "um, not sure, it's uh..that street there, Deiter." You should have said, "heck. I'm on my way there myself, do you mind if I hop in with you guys, or would you rather follow me?"
Harpoon Fest coming up May 30th & 31st. And one of my favorite local bands,
Clutch Grabwell will be playing - on Saturday I think.
Just a thought for the locals. I know it's a bit far in advance. I don't even know if I'm going to be around for it...
DAMMIT! I've never been to Harpoon Fest, and want to go...but I'm going white water rafting that weekend.
This is when Grabwell is playing. How are they? What kind of music exactly?
Saturday, May 31st, 2003 6:00 PM
Harpoon Brewstock
Harpoon Brewery
Boston, MA
Oh yeah. Here we go again ...
Here's a link of their songs. 'How Ya Gonna Be' is a good example of their original stuff.
They have a great horn section. One draw for me is the personality of the band. John's as funny as hell. I usually see them at the Beachcomber in Quincy - one of the worst places to see a band. It's too small, too loud, and the floor is so slanted you can't put your beer on the table until you take a big swig or it will spill. They play a great show there though. They know all the locals and they just seem to have great energy when they play there.
I also like them at Harpers Ferry. They play in Worcester a lot too, but I've never been out there to see them.
i like what i hear. a bit Presidents of the USA-like, but luckily more varied and harder. i like, i like. hope i will be around to see them!
Ah..Clutch Grabwell...and the pit of all time.
Clutch however..excellent band.
Harpoon Fest....again?
Free food and sodas...Im good with that.
k the vortex takes whatever shape it would like to assume..thats what makes it a vortex
littlek wrote: a minivan full of cute young German men pulled up and asked for directions to the house of blues.
Don't wonder, when something like this

is to be found in front of the house tomorrow morning!
wow - little k getting down with the Germans!
I did a pretty phenomenal "You Got the Right Stuff" by New Kids Karoke session at the Beachcomber in Quincy one Wednesday night.
Tore the place up.
Ahhh, Walter, the good ole may (is that what you call them in English?) I need to educate the local men about those, we got 3 single wimin in the house, and not a one may!!!!! I have a right to one!!! It must be a basic human right, no?
It certainly is, dagmar! (It's the article next to the "ius prima nocte" :wink: .)
I thought so! So which of the bosonites will spontanneously volunteer to build us a may (we are modest, we can share one with littlek). slappy? fishin? jerryR? who else is around here?
"Volunteer to build us a may?"
And you'll volunteer to...
My, Slappy, I think you misunderstand. I am a lady, I am not expected to reciprocate. But I can, um, gaze at you with admiration while you're at work lifting the lumber to erect the may in front of the house?