does it say 'kick me'?
nah..that we certainly help you with
It says something like "..ck me"
ahahahaha....I could fill in those blanks a few ways...it would be interesting..perhaps we need to make an extra one in case that one falls off
do you think it'll help my dating scene?
You guys gotta rename this forum, "The Never-Ending Boston Gathering."

Sounds like a good idea to me...we are always gathering here..there..somewhere..it works
Little K, it may open a whole new world of opportunities for your dating situation.
Just a hunch.
hmmmm... but, do I wanna go there?
Just keep hanging around on Tremont St. with that sign and see what happens. Better yet, take a walk through Chinatown. It may improve your dating AND your finances.
Just remember: Slappy git' 40%
Dammit, girl. You needs a pimp to protect yo' corner, so when the other bitchez try to step, I'll cold smack em.
Now shut yo lip and back to work makin me ma' cash.
gosh..I could make cash on the k vs slap thing I think
Oh slappy, that's sick.
Q - How much do I get?