I swear, if I have to put up with Phoenix and Roger for one more day, I'm gonna lose my cookies.
They are just so nice. Yuck.
Yeah, well.....you know what I mean.....
I don't lie good.
They are fabulous people and I'm going to miss them bunches. Luckily, Letty and Phoenix are in FL.....Whenever I get homesick for 'The Gathering', I'll go visit them!
<tap, tap, tap.....>
We don't have many, but I'm waiting patiently for Mom to post some pictures.....
<tap, tap, tap.....>
Still more to come, Ms. Olga! Phoenix goes home tomorrow, but Roger is here for another night. Urs and bigdice have three more nights.
More? Oh good!
This has been fun!
Thanks a lot, Rae & Misti .... I felt just like being there with you.
Oh, & a big smooch for that gorgeous beastie, Lacey! (I'll bet you & Urs have swapped a cat story or 17, Rae!

If you're not all sick of looking at pictures, there's a few more posted now!
Msolga, what about Paddy? His feelings are hurt now, he reads all these posts yah know?
Aww, Paddy, sorry! Just didn't see you in the pics!
Here's a few smooches for you: <kiss/kiss/kiss!>
Ahem.....Lovely shot of my double chin. Thanks, Ma.
Thanks, Ma. Doesn't make me feel any better, but thanks.
Well, isn't that the most regal cat you have ever seen?
Where's pueo?
You stunningly gorgeous creature! What a spendid orange coat! What stylish attitude! Wow!
I'm sure the king of the castle feels much better now, Ms. Olga!
Night night everyone! Sweet dreams..... :wink:
WOW!!! Still in a daze after meeting so many incredible people and deepening friendships already formed on a2k.
First, Rae and Misti are two of the most gracious and hospitable women I've ever met! They have a way of making you feel wonderful just being in their company. They're also very funny and just a little mischievous.
Letty and I arrived a few hours late because I locked my keys in the car and had to wait for AAA to come and unlock the car for me; then, on the drive Indian Harbor, Letty and I talked nonstop, yakking away to the point where we missed the exit. We only drove about 20 miles out of the way, but proceeded to get lost again on the way to the motel. What can I say? It's difficult to talk, pay attention to what is being said and pay attention to the road (much more fun to pay attention to what Letty has to say).
Rae met us at the registration desk with hugs and big smiles. She had to get back to work, so Letty and I went to our respective rooms to freshen up. Big Dice and Urs had driven to the airport to pick up Mapleleaf and when they got back to the motel, there were more hugs and kisses.
Urs and BigD are adorable!! They are full of life and fun and very much in love with each other. How I wish they didn't live so far away. When they get back to the States, I will do everything possible to get to see them again.
Mapleleaf is just as he has been described; very quiet, kind and gentle. He is a wonderful conversationalist, with intersting observations, insights and ideas.
When we heard that Phoenix had arrived, we knocked on the door to her room and heard a "coming." The door opened and there she was! A very little woman bubbling over with personality, enthusiasm, wit and intelligence, and a wild sense of humor. She is absolutely irresistible!
We went to Misti and Rae's house for the BBQ and the conversation became a continuous round of topics, comparisons and easy friendship. We already knew each other! My theory is that most of the writing on a2k is so honest that there aren't really any surprises upon meeting in person--our conversations were simply continuations of our conversations on a2k, with the same personality and wit found in the posts, except moreso.
Roger's appearance was really quite miraculous, arriving as he did flying in wearing his propeller beanie. His cap is a work of art, a masterpiece of creativity, a classic to be envied by anyone who has ever wanted a custom made beanie! The hat I brought for him paled in comparison, although he looked wonderfully handsome in a Florence of Arabia kind of way.
Roger has a dry wit and a way of talking that makes you listen very carefully. His quiet comments can be hilariously funny, catching you by surprise as the meaning comes clear and you realize that his take on a subject was wickedly funny, given with a perfectly straight-face.
(Don't ask about the tickling, as I will never tell)!! Hee, hee, hee.
On the drive home, Letty and I continued talking, somehow getting onto the road to Orlando, going west instead of north. What can I say? We talk, and talk, and talk. I would rather talk with Letty than stay on the right road any day of the week. The fact that niether one of us has any sense of direction doesn't help. I also have to admit this has happened to me before. If I'm with someone whose company I enjoy, I tend to forget where I am. I'm sure that Letty and I will continue getting lost because we will never run out of things to talk about! She is remarkable, a lovely lady with an amazing range of interests and experiences.
I have had the pleasure of meeting quite a few a2kers and each time has been an experience I will always treasure. This is one of the best groups of people imaginable.
Thanks again, Misti and Rae, you are wonderful.
Cheers to a2k and many more gatherings.
That's just soooo cool!!!
Thank you Diane that was a wonderful picture of the Florida Gathering.