Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you guys!
Give me an Oz Christmas, any day! I couldn't cope with yours at all!
Olga, you don't know how much I envy you.........
last night we had a lot of freezing rain, snow and topped off by a driving rainstorm; minus 12 C overnight, minus 6 c this afternoon. the dogs (bailey and cleo) insisted on being taken for a walk; they had a fine lunch of fresh grilled salmon with theiir kibble and they are raring to go. overnight we expect minus 22 C but by tuesday the forecast calls for plus 6 C - crazy weather. hbg
There's a chill in the air, but I don't think we're going to see snow round these parts.

One of the warmest Chritsmas Eve's I can remember.
Merry Christmas to all! (Especially the Hamburgers :wink: )
We had short-lived and very tiny snow flurries today. Freakish weather for here.
I wasn't quite sure, only that the cathedral in Cologne is next to the river. I was doubtful, because I thought the cathedral in Cologne had twin spires.
weather or not
and a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all ! (walter, thanks for the hamburg christmas card ! ). it's a white christmas and sunny and cold - about minus 10 C, with the windchill about minus 15-20 C. ebeth is visiting with set and bailey and cleo. cleo and bailey have been running around the garden a few times already and want to go over to the schoolyard to jump around in the snow - right now they are occupying the choicest spots on the sofa and the easy-chair; it's a dog's life ! have to get out and clear the snow off the car. hbg
it's overcast here in southern ontario, and cold -13 celsius, and lots of snow
merry christmas all
It's raining in the south of Germany and it's supposed to start snowing during the night...
That's sad you folks! Very sunny day in Paris and mild temperatures (7-10 C°).
It'll be 53 degrees F in our neck of the woods for Christmas Day. We're "hot" compared to most of you! LOL
After about two weeks of 40's/50's degrees in Florida, we are now enjoying 80'ish with air conditioning turned on.
I will never complain about heat again!
It's been in the teens, 22 right now, and we've suffered through a terrible ice storm, which has left thousands without power, and caused a couple deaths in my city so far. Most trees suffered damage with falling limbs. Worst ice storm I can remember. We have power now, after 2 days without. Tomorrow, the forecast is for a high of 44, and 57 on Sunday.
Stay warm, Tico. Where are you? When we lived in Tulsa we would get these tremedous doses of ice, no snow, just solid ice. You couldn't drive unless you have studded tires. Very bad.
It'sa chilly night here in New York..... just a bit of icy rain....clearing and cold tomorrow.