after all those wonderful fall days it's turned cool and wet today : 4 C and drizzle - yuk ! (12 more days - san diego and hawaii, here we come !).
Ham, isn't it great you have that to look forward to? By the time you return home it will be that much closer to Spring!
rain stopped this morning. the sun started to peek through the clouds and it is still mild - 10 C. had a nice walk along the lakefront and watched the gulls swooping in. (spring doesn't usually arrive before april; a few crocus may come up in march, but tulips often don't start to bloom until may - but may last well into june). hbg
Just returned from Las Vegas where the weather was low 50's, sunny, blue skies, it was beautiful!
Back here in Florida,
Mostly Cloudy Feels Like
UV Index: 0 Low
Dew Point: 36°F
Humidity: 76%
Visibility: 6.2 miles
Pressure: 29.83 inches and steady
Wind: From the South at 13 mph
Fantastic weather, I love it!
I'm in Brussels, Belgium, today and it looks like the day will not start. Cold and grey outside. I will fly home tonight and the weather forecast is for quiet cold weather, might be foggy where we live...
Welcome back, Misti!

Lovely to see you again!
Melbourne, Oz: 20c today. A very wet spring so far (by recent drought standards) but now we're doing the typical 30c+ day or so day/s, followed by high teens & early 20s. We are now working toward 32c on Sunday ... which will be followed by a cool change. Never a dull or predicable moment!
Nature's airconditioner arrives
If Tuesday was a false alarm, then yesterday was painfully real for city workers as the temperature hit 40, but by late afternoon a southerly buster swirled over the suburban sprawl.
Photo: Wade Laube
A wonderful photograph, I thought. A bit of relief for Sydney, after some hideously hot days ...
Thank you msolga, lovely to see you too!
Beautiful day today ... 73F at the moment, at 9:52 pm ...I can live with that:)
See ya'all next week, I'm off to North Carolina to visit the grandies and my youngest little gal!
I hear it's 52F in N.C.
Beaufiul picture msolga!
Does this woman ever stand still?

msolga, Very nice picture of the Sydney bridge with a shadow of the Opera House. Nice...
Thank you, c.i. I wish I'd taken it!
Here's one I took while cruising the Atlantic last month.
Ah, an end to a perfect day!
It just stopped raining after pouring down for quite a while. I hope it does not freeze over. Dangerous!
And now I am eating a mango dreaming of summer...
After a dull start, it was a beautiful afternoon - and now a bitter-cold evening/night.
I do hope, we don't get fog here tomorrow ... or in Manchester.
(Would muck things about, if my flight would be scheduled, late, redirected ... :wink: )
It's a winterwonderland in the South of Germany.
I'm feeling all Christmassy!
Sunshine and +4° C here, sunshine and snow only 10 miles away. (Just back from our 'crafts and arty' Christmas market, so I feel a bit "overcrowded" now.)
Is there snow in the St. Louis area now? How much?
in one word : MISERABLE ! snow, icerain, rain, more snow for tomorrow and thereafter plunging temperatures ! why, oh why didn't we stay in hawaii, where a few days ago we had just perfect christmas weather - sunshine, sunshine and more sunshine, and the sand made up for the lack of snow ! hbg
Ah, hamburger! Hawaii sounds wonderful! Really - why did you go back...
We are experiencing a severe weather change at the moment. From really really low temperatures and lots of snow to above freezing and rain. So much for white Christmas...