Current weather condition:
Cloudy 5°C/41°F
Westerly Wind (12mph)
Relative Humidity (%): 83,
Pressure (mB): 1015, Steady
Probably coming up --rain.
Pretty cold there my friend ... so keep warm and thinking thoughts of spring!
Now it is raining.
Well, actually every season is appreciated here.
Now comes November skies
full of leadshot
blown across our bows
Leaden skies today in New York
with a high about numbingly cold with wetness.
Tomorrow, just cold.
eastern lake ontario : sunshine all day ! lake ontario is a rich deep BLUE - the BLUE DANUBE is no match for it. hbg
Today, we're back to having air conditioning on, it was 82F, no breeze, but lots of sun and blue skies.
Nobody in the pool though, the water is too cold from all the rain!
Cloudy 4°C
North Westerly Wind (10mph)
Relative Humidity (%): 73,
Pressure (mB): 1024, Steady
Thok, you need a trip to sunny Florida ... huh? Think about it?
eastern lake ontario : another beautiful day ! 10 C and sunshine. went for an hour-long walk in the conservation area (it's on a piece of land that juts out into lake ontario) and lots of people were out taking advantage of the nice weathher. quite a few people had their dogs along, and the dogs seemed to enjoy the fine weather and being able to run through the leaves. hope it stays nice for a while before the snow starts to fly (had the snowtires mounted on friday). hbg
Wow had a "temblor" here in Cali last night. My first though I guess it's routine for folks in California, US.
Pitter wrote:Wow had a "temblor" here in Cali last night. My first though I guess it's routine for folks in California, US.
Well, actually that has nothing to do with Weather.
However, in California it is routine especially near the San Andreas Fault.
How heavy was the earthquake, e.g Richter magnitude scale ?
eastern lake ontario : continuing sunny and mild - 10 C . nova scotia got hit with a major snowstorm - 20 - 40 cm of snow, 100,000 plus homes without power. hbg
Thok wrote:However, in California it is routine especially near the San Andreas Fault.
How heavy was the earthquake, e.g Richter magnitude scale ?
An earthquake with a magnitude of 3.0 struck in a remote area of San Bernardino County on Sunday, a magnitude 4.2 earthquake the Big Bear area on Saturday.
Or Weather Underground? No that would be "politics" well anyway it was 6.7 according to the paper and there was some damage to buildings in the south end of Cali.
First snow even here in the lowlands (= my place) tonight.
Will be a nice winter sports weekend in the nearby mountain region.
There was a heavy storm yesterday - up to 120 km/h.
cloudy 10°C
Westerly Wind (17 Knots)
Relative Humidity (%): 54,
Pressure (mB): 1003, Steady,
eastern lake ontario : unseasonably mild, today : 12 C, blue skies, blue lake, sunny ! the ducks and canada geese are having a good time swimming and diving in lake ontario, i understand they are postponing their migration to the south. some wildlowers are still blooming, a lonely butterfly was cruising along the lakefront.
Beautiful days here and cool nights ... 70's/low 80's to 60's!
Great walking weather, and sleeping weather ... most of day the air conditioning is off, but we still put it on at night.
While the snow melted (mostly) in the lowlands, we have icy roads this morning.
But still about 20 cm in the mountain region ... until Monday, when it will get warmer tomorrow again. :wink: