our summer in eastern ontario has been quite reasonable. no extreme heat, no 30 plus celsius temperatures so far. locally we were a bit short on rain. so this morning i did a bit of watering of the flowers and the vegetable garden. we are only allowed to water every other day, even though we are right next to lake ontario. the problem is with the pumping stations (our water comes from lake ontario), since the city has added quite a few subdivisions but has neglected to add sufficient pumping capacity, we are somewhat short on the supply side. anyway, within about 1/2 an hour of finishing the watering, we had quite a nice cloudburst; watering the garden seems to do it every time, just water the garden and it will rain for sure ! we are glad we did not get the rain that fell on the city of peterborough, which lies roughly halfway between us and toronto. flooded streets and basements, and several million dollars of flood-damage. you can read the story and see the pix here >>>