cicerone imposter wrote:It felt like summer today. I think it was in the mid-seventies, but it felt like 80's.

Gee, we were shivering in a very cold wind. I was out-of-doors a lot, yesterday.
The daffodills and some other flowers are out, but the temperature's dropped to near freezing again. We have had quite marked temperature fluctuations already this year.
Hey McTag - good to see ya mate !!
Its freezing here in London as well, and yesterday morning we had a snow fall - lasted for abt 10 mins...
Dude, where's my spring ?
damn, when's summer gonna end?
It's snowing and snowing and snowing...
Moondoggy, what exactly is summer? ;-) I know we had it once - can't seem to remember now...
summer's when you have sex to cool down
Just learned that it "was" in the eighties yesterday! The forecast was wrong! It really felt like summer.
We've had a gorgeous week here in Florida, high 60's and into the mid 40's at night ... ideal!
I see the buds on the trees, the dogwoods are starting to flower, and spring has sprung!
Cocoa Beach, FL
Current Conditions:
Partly Cloudy
Temperature: 66°F
Feels Like: 66°F
Dew Point: 61°F
Humidity: 83%
Wind: 5 mph
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 30.28 inches and steady
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Sunrise: 6:32 AM
Sunset: 6:30 PM
Ah, thanks, Moondoggy - that's what it is...
We had a very nice day today - started out pretty cloudy but now it's nice and mild. It is supposed to be really like spring in the coming week. Which is perfect timing since Stefan's mother is coming to visit us from Thursday to Tuesday. And she does need some sun!
Misti - just one more month to go! I am watching the Cocoa Beach weather forecast :-)
EASTERN LAKE ONTARIO : still just around freezing and some flurries in the air. went for a walk along lake ontario and we were glad we had warm, hooded jackets on. the ice is still solid between the canadian and u.s. side of the lake at the eastern end. the icebreaker has left prescott (the easterly end of the st. lawrence seaway) and we hope it'll reach kingston in a day or two. it'll have a lot of work to do to open up a path for ships to pass through the eastern end of the seaway. some daffodils are poking their heads out, but refuse to come up further - i can't blame them ! hbg
Urs, we've had two gorgeous weeks ... dry, high 70's, clear and mild. I hope the weather will be like this when you get here.
We're so looking forward to seeing you both ... it seems like years since we saw you!
Today was the hottest March day within living memory:
25° Celsius (77°F)!!!
WOW Walter, you must be burning up:)
Nearly - got used to these temperatures last summer
However, forecasts says that it will be 'normal' from tomorrow onwards: much cooler, rain, some sun ...
We got about 15-16 cm of snow in Boston overnight (that's about six-to-seven inches for my fellow Yanks). It;s still flurrying and not expected to stop anytime soon. Might get an inch or two more.
Gosh Walter that's amazing.
Yesterday here was a nice spring day, sunny, breezy, cool.
Today is overcast, bewolkt, rather dull and not warm. From the window I can see daffodills and a yellow-flowering forsythia bush. Yellow seems to be the dominant colour of spring (primroses, crocuses).
Hello to everybody around the world.
Aaah! I spent my lunch break outside sitting in the sun and reading. How wonderful!
Of course, the weather forecast for next week is for snow...
But April is getting closer and so is our trip to Florida!
Misti, same here! :-)
Cocoa Beach, FL
Current Conditions:
Partly Cloudy
Temperature: 70°F
Feels Like: 70°F
Dew Point: 55°F
Humidity: 60%
Wind: 10 mph
Visibility: 7.0 miles
Barometer: 30.22 inches and rising
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Sunrise: 6:27 AM
Sunset: 6:33 PM
Here in Cali , Colombia it's always hot but of late it's even worse, upper eighties even at night.