Welcome back RJB, glad to see you resolved your computer problems.
I hear the earthquake last week also hit the Atlanta area ... man, scary things!
I've never seen a tornado, but I've seen the aftermath, the devastation, and the effects. It was around 1979 or 1980, a tornado blew past Cocoa Beach, hit one of the Holiday Inns, there were electrical wires down, glass everywhere, water leaks, it was terrible. Most people get hurt from the electrical wires and broken glass, flying debree, etc.
Glad we don't get them too often!
Partly Cloudy
From the South Southeast at 10 mph
Precip: 0 %
Max. Humidity: 63 %
UV Index: 10+ Extreme
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, summer is upon us! And the forecast is in the 90's all week!
Fair Feels Like
UV Index: N/A N/A
Dew Point: 71°F
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: Unlimited
Pressure: 30.04 inches and falling
Wind: From the South at 10 mph
Extremely hot today, the 77F you see above is current temps at 1:00 a.m., it must have been 94F between noon and 5 pm. No kidding!
If anyone out there is living in the tornado ravaged areas, please come by and tell us you are okay! We're worried about you!
I really would be glad, if we had some thunder and rain - every day in the 90°s since a fortnight, getting up to 108° in Southern Germany.
Will get cool by mid-week, the weather report says: 78°, which actually is about normal for this part of the world at this time.
Heat wave has Europe hoping for a vintage year for wine
Tell me you're kidding, Walter. Didn't you just get done with the worst floods in history, and now you're wishing for thunderstorms.
Well, we really needed some rain, roger, and cooling down.
But it's true: exactly one year ago nearly half of the states of Saxony, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and .... were flooded.
Temp in middle to upper 80's and predicted for the next week - over two inches of rain in the last 2 weeks. A blessed change from 105 degree temps and no rain in 6 weeks. And August is our 100+ degree month with no rain

Praying for the best in change for everyone
I think this is a particularly bizarre summer on all four corners of the earth!
Here in Florida it's hotter than usual, with thunderstorms and lightning I haven't seen the like of in years.
My brother in Dublin tells me they are dying with the heat, totally unusual for Dublin.
Friends in England, same thing!
I feel sorry for all who are unaccustomed to this type of weather, because it sure is no fun when you do not have air conditioning, as Viv pointed out.
Hell's Bells.
The weather is freaky.
Violent lightning strikes and dog-frightening thunder at three o'clock EVERY DAY! Humidity so thick, it's like walking out the door into a wall of plasma. A Star Trek nightmare! What the heck!
Weather or not.....it is definitely weather!
Very hot here, too. Yesterday we had a big storm come up very suddenly...middle of the afternoon. Sky was almost black...the streetlights came on. Torrential rain and high winds. I heard a loud crack and saw two huge limbs on a 40' maple tree across the street crash to the ground. About 1/3 of the whole tree. I just HATE it when the storms damage the trees! Grrrrrr. We've been picking up leaves & twigs all day today.
I almost fainted in the train on my way home yesterday. It is really really hot - I cant even sleep at night !!
Eva, I feel the same way about damaged trees! I hate to see builders pluck them from the ground without a nod. We have a new law in Florida which is when houses are built the builders HAVE to plant 5 trees. I love it!
Gautam, I feel for yah! It's awful when you can't sleep.
Please be careful! We have been watching horrible news about Europe's heat wave and related deaths.
I hope you are hydrating!!! I've slept with a floor fan pointed at me since I was little. Hope you find a way to stay cool. It is awful that you're too hot to sleep. Thinking of you.
Well, having been last week in England - it has really been very hot there, but it has been warmer in continental Europe, more fires here and less difficulties (=none) with tubes and trains (6am today: 29°C = 85°F; yesterday the hottest ever recorded day in our state: 106°F = 41°C).
Yeah, I carry a bottle of water with me at all times - I think it was that which prevented me from fainting....
It is a bit cooler today......