Yesterday, I went to Home Depot, which is huge, also, the doors are all open because for those who don't know, Home Depot is a building supply store, people are transporting loads of wood and panels and what not, so the place doesn't have a chance to cool down.
For the first time in many moons, I felt nauseated by the heat. I finally gave up looking and left ... it was awful!
An odd sweltery calm blew across the moldy, damp Southland. Wot? No storm today?
It was the talk of the town.
In yesterday's storm, the lights went out in Wal Mart. Hub and daughter stood around in the blackness of the electronics department, listening to looting.
Oh my Sofia ......... what rot!
Stormed again today, high of about 85 - tomorrow high 88. Mighty fine, thank you sweet Lord
I have to wonder at times about meteorologists! Last night, our local met man, said after 9 pm, there will be lots of rain, for the next two days. It rained a little bit this morning, that was it! It has been sunny most of today.
Thunderboomer was back today. But fifteen minutes late. Appreciated being able to pick up my daughter from school in non-monsoon weather.
Storm arrived at 3:15PM. I'm calling the Guinness World Book of Records. My doggies need Prozac.
Is this global warming-- all these weird weather events? What explains all these humidity and heat? Why all the boomers?
Some people call it global warming, but I prefer to think of it as nothing other than weather recycling.
It's not the end of the world, it's not doomsday, it's not anything like that, it's how the earth evolves, and the weather, like history, repeats itself.
'Weather recycling' sounds distinctly better than the end of the world. :wink:
Thanks Sofia, a woman after my own heart!
The heat has left central Europe as of now, the weather is still nice though, around 27°C, or low 80's for our 'murican friends. Expecting rain for the weekend.
Even some of our supermarkets have air curtains at the open doors. I suppose this is beyond Home Depot.
It's the end of the world as we know it
And i feel fine . . .
Possumcat, don't they call it Botany Bay no more? Too many bad associations?
After much rain here this spring and in early August, it is very, very hot here, and humid, and there has been no rain for quite a while. Poor air quality too. I work outside in the early morning hours and when the sweat gets in my eyes, I'm done for the day. Would love some decent thunderstorms, but a tropical depression would be nice too.
We've had an unusually good summer here. Now we're into a stretch of temps topping out at 90, deep blue sky, scudding small clouds, lots of sun, breeze. Humidity (after some thunderstorms this week) is lifting. Can't complain.
scudding clouds....always liked those words, and the imagery it brings with it.
Got home laaaate this night, wanted to get wasted, but didn't manage, too little time... awww ****, wrong thread, ok, it's raining here first time since 6 weeks, if I remember correctly!
BD: There's always the weekend to get wasted!
We've had an extremely hot summer, lots of thunderstorms, flooding {not in our area}, and for once we're over our quota on water retention.
We've learned, have an umbrella in the car, in the house, and at your desk:)
Hi, my favorite mistigirl! Well, the weekend's not really here, but why should I wait?
The rain stopped, BTW!