Pueo, be sure and tell your girls how ugly it is when it turns to slush, mixed in with soot and road muck!
Snow makes a beautiful painting though:)
pueo, where?
pueo, it is beautiful, though. We complain about the cold, but it's not that bad (most of the time). Now the wind has died down. I went out into the back yard with the pooch, and the skies are clear, the wind's died down and with the full moon and the stars, my back yard looks like fairyland with a zillion tiny sparkling lights.
Did I have haggis in Edingburgh or Dublin? Can't remember. c.i.
it snows on mauna kea on the island of hawaii and occasionally on haleakala maui.
c.i., my guess? Edingburgh.
Right now it is so hot and humid that it requires a considerable amount of energy just to breathe.
I feel for ya, Wilso. That'll be us in about five months.
Atta girl, Phoenix.....keep not complainin!
Currently.....48 degrees, a few clouds in the sky and just enough of an ocean breeze to make ya grit yer teeth.
Phoenix -- go ahead, don't complain, we don't mind.
I did not realize Florida would be so chilly. We're at 39F this morning, but it is expected to get to 50 or so. Clear and sunny but a few high clouds.
Pueo -- Yay. No Hurricane Today!
Looks like overcast for us in Northern California today.

It's cold, but my Rae just left in shorts, I couldn't believe it!
High: 54° F
Low: 35° F
UV Index: 5 (Moderate)
Today: Sun along with patchy clouds. High 54F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
Tonight: Generally clear. Low around 35F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.
Crunchy cold snow.
Windchill - Minus 30 Celsius. As i recall, minus 32 is where celsius and fahrenheit meet.
Alternately overcast and blindingly sunny.
Too cold to walk the dogs. Had to carry Bailey home from the walk last night - his paws were just frozen. Poor pupster.
Margo, that must have been a horrible experience. Didn't your friends turn the a/c on? I don't know how people can live without it.
Hope you have some relief since then:)
Oh my Margo, those poor people without a/c, so sad.
I'm just curious, but why don't rental houses have a/c? Just about every house and condo is air conditioned in Florida, otherwise nobody could stand it.
Margo, I guess you're right.
Florida didn't always have a/c either, but when it became popular, that's when the place started to boom.
Mostly, it was when they built causeways from beachside to the mainland, that really got the place going.