Misti, pueo strikes me as a person who knows how to "wheel and deal" with the best of them. He uses the Hawaiian mafia if people don't agree with him - by offering them something they can't refuse. I understand some poor guys have found poi in their bed.....

c.i., I get that feeling too! Blackmail will get you everywhere <you get the idea>
blackmail is such an ugly word. i prefer forcefull persuasion a much better term.
my son in kuwait loves it there, except for not being able to see his girlfriend. it's the first time he's been out of the u.s.
cicerone imposter wrote:Misti, pueo strikes me as a person who knows how to "wheel and deal" with the best of them. He uses the Hawaiian mafia if people don't agree with him - by offering them something they can't refuse. I understand some poor guys have found poi in their bed.....

yeah, and the ones who really piss me off get kalua pig too!
Haggis -- I don't know... I haven't delved to closely into it, but I think that's fairly accurate, Diane. However it is sheep... sheep all the way down. I think the sheep stomach is not eaten so much as used to hold this sort of gizzard bread stuffing together. Except instead of turkey gizzards it is sheep's uhh, internal parts and instead of bread it is oatmeal.
Have never eaten it, opting for vegetarian haggis instead! Imagine an oatmeal savory with onions and such... not bad, not great. The recipe I found and posted on the Robert Burns topic has lentils and mushrooms which seem to give it better body. I DO plan to make that next weekend! Why not???
oooohhhhhhh lentils.
i love lentil soup. damn, now i'm making myself hungry again.
pueo, Don't you think "friendly persuasion" is much better?

yeah, but doesn't that mean you have to be friendly?
Oh, no. It's only a term that has meaning beyond the surface grin. c.i.
oh, ok, that will work for me then......
Pueo, friendly persuasion works too, as well as friendly fire does:)
misti, you got a point there.
It snowed lightly all day today, but by the time we went out to do some grocery shopping early this evening, we had white-out conditions with the blowing snow. Slippery as heck, and both my kids are out.
Haggis, sorry, but yuk, piffka. I sampled an authentic haggis once, and just knowing what was in it was enough!
McKenzie, your statement about the snow is bringing back horrific memories of trying to get home from work in a white-out condition, windshield wipers heavy laden with ice/snow, traffic moving at 10 mph, sliding all over the road........yikes!
my girls want to see snow, i keep telling them that snow is highly overated. cold and wet, yuck!
i don't think many people know, but it snows in hawaii.