wow. There is a dirty secret in these inversion gizmos, saddling up!
My wife put hers next to one of the big vertical barn beams so one can use the beam and the pegs that support a built in ladder, and use this as a mounting brace. I think that a small kitchen ladder would also work nicely.
We were all ready for another bout of multi day power outage from "Winter STorm PAX" (I gotta get with the Weather Channel about these Eucharistic sounding storms that kill 25 people). Anyway, we had buckets and a large reinforced molasses tank filled with water for stock watering and buckets in the bath tub to use for flushing the toilet in the one bathroom. (in storms we consolidate all our functions to one dedicated comfort room). Anyway, we were spared those regional power outages . We lost power for only about 10 minutes and it was restored (probably remotely), after a bit of flickering.
Actually, in last weeks ice storm, the rural areas were actually faring better because we have mostly open fields where most of the wires are whereas in suburban areas there were trees after trees downed over wires and the breaks were multiple and complex requiring days of tree chopping by these Asplundh -like contractors
Nurserys will have lots of business this spring as hoeowners seek to replace their precious specimen trees.
I hope we enact ordinnces to forbid planting really brittle or weak core trees in and around ervice poles. (Trees like Bradford pears, hybrid poplars, Black and Virginia PINES,)