Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 65%
Wind: SE at 9 MPH
Barometer: 30.03 in.
Dewpoint: 61°F
Visibility: 7 Mile(s)
Woo Hoo, 3 more weeks we'll be into hurricane season again!!!
Very hot today, in the 80's with no breeze. It was quite chilling to see the snow storm in Utah (?) ... and quite unexpected by those people who think summer will never get there!
Here in New York
Mostly sunny...then becoming partly cloudy late this afternoon. Highs around 60. Northeast winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming southeast this afternoon.
My part of England is experiencing some of the mildest weather ever known. And in Britain, surely the spiritual home of mild weather, that is truely something...
Good gardening weather here.
Dublin, Ireland
Partly Cloudy
46° at
4:00 am IST
Apparent 46°
Dew Point 39°
Humidity 76%
Wind ENE/19 mph
Visibility 6 mi
Barometer 30.21 in
Misti26 wrote:Dublin, Ireland
Well, that dates are from the middle of the night 3 am local time. (it's warmer by now there :wink: )
eastern lake ontario : yesterday was an absolutely wonderful day. sunshine all day, a light breeze, high of about 15 C. went for a long walk in a little forest right next to the lake and the wildflowers were stunning : wild orchids have started to open up, a carpet of white trilliums as far as one could see, jack-in-pulpit, mayapples popping up, wild apple trees in blooms. the birds were having a great time, even saw a flock of about six or seven woodpeckers. gulls, ducks and lots of cormorants flying along the shoreline.
today it's a bit misty, but went for a walk anyway, the sun started to come out and we had to take our jackets off. spring seems to have arrived. hbg
Rain, rain, rain....
Of course it is raining - Monday is a holiday, it's a long weekend...
Cold, but no rain. (Got all that last weekend
V cold so far this weekend but much more sun today - i am in the garden of England!!
Boo xx
Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 74%
Wind: SSE at 14 MPH
Barometer: 29.85 in.
Dewpoint: 68°F
Heat Index: 79°F
Visibility: 7 Mile(s)
Summer is here, yesssssssssssssssssssssss!
Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 83%
Wind: NE at 8 MPH
Barometer: 29.83 in.
Dewpoint: 70°F
Visibility: 7 Mile(s)
The NorthEast US (Boston area) is stuck on the back side of a low pressure area just off shore which is bringing in wave after wave of cool ocean air which is saturated with moisture. It's like living in a NorthEast rain forrest. Spring in the NorthEast is usually pretty wet and cool, but this amount is very abnormal. There must be something unusual happening with the jet stream right now. Just our luck, when the rain breaks, it'll rocket up to some unbearable temperature and then we'll be stuck in a steam bath.
Everyone talks about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it
Very sunny and warm today:
32° Celsius (90° F)
I was sitting outside drinking iced coffee and reading until 8 pm. Then I got hungry and had to go home and eat. I just hope this isn't all the summer we are getting this year...
Oh, who cares, I'll enjoy it now! :-)
Sunshine after much drizzle and drip. I'm a more pleasant person in the sunshine.
21°C = 70°F at 6 o'clock in the morning here: seems to become another hot day.
We had a cool and windy week- unseasonably cold. Then suddenly yesterday, it changed to very muggy, and very warm. It wasn't like typical british weather at all- more like a summer's day in central Europe, it was so humid.
Yesterday in London was the hottest day in any summer since 1953- and we're only in May.
Truly, the weather is behaving very strangely.